Ain't it the truth -- others don't know and they never will. It's a no-win situation to try to explain, demand understanding, and seek alliance. It is just not possible unless the other person has walked in your shoes or had a personal involvement with someone like you (i.e., your husband) and then it's still not the same. Anyhow, Erin, you have 2 and only 2 choices -- (1) maintain a superficial, cordial and phony acquaintanceship with your own parents or (2) cut them off entirely. You know the answer. The sooner the better, it will never improve and if left long enough the abcess will fester and it will totally destroy you -- those canibals will eat you alive. I know I am not stupid, but it took me so very very very long to figure this out. I cherish my children and we have a great relationship and they are my number one love, always and forever and they have my total and eternal devotion. If anyone were to hurt them, they would have to get through me first. But yet, I must have subconsciously thought there was something wrong with me that I did not receive that "normal" love from my parents, particularly my Queen Nmother. It's so utterly complicated and unbelievable to those who don't know about these parasites who feed off others but yet look like model parents and fine humans. Ahhhh,, bitterness, she is ugly and makes you old before your time. Dump the jerks -- maybe there is a slim to none chance that they cannot help themselves, but, you are too close and too vulnerable (as is your child and husband) to be able to help them. Save yourself. Take that baby and nurture it -- let the natural feelings emerge. That little angel will bring you such joy you cannot imagine.