Author Topic: 2021 Farm Log  (Read 51124 times)


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2021, 11:03:25 AM »
I now have a picture in my mind of you and the Knight dancing with your butts out, Skep :)  Lol xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2021, 01:43:24 PM »

Famous Jimmy Buffett line:

"If we couldn't laugh, we'd all go insane." It really hurts no one or anything, to take a "silly break" - and just be silly together a little bit. People are (in general, everywhere) taking themselves waaaaaaaayyyy too seriously lately.

And then wondering why nothing is fun anymore.

:rolling my eyes so hard, I'm looking out my dancing butt:

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2021, 10:12:23 AM »
I'm doing some things differently right now. Shifting some daily schedule stuff around; managing things a little differently. I guess just a re-balancing of physical work, mental work, and how I'm addressing emotional/energetic waves. It's all just tiny little things - but it all contributes to a change of mindset for me, and how I'm dealing with my "mental to-do list" around here - worry - and changing real life circumstances I can't possibly control.

We are literally in the part of the year where projects are difficult. The weather presents challenges it's not worth confronting; today it's ice. So yesterday, I didn't think about it - I just moved all the pieces for my grow lights and seed starting supplies to a cat-free, controlled environment space. I have to assemble these - clean off a table - fill pots & flats; get a couple more watering cans... and while I'm in the garage perhaps spend some time "making order from chaos" again in the disaster of tools that weren't dealt with by those who used them. I still have several places to do this around the house & studio. I have a month to get ready to start seeds; planting before Memorial Day (for most things) is dicey.

Hol has begun the process of preparing two rolls of giant wool roving for a couple more hand-knit blankets. And we've been brainstorming some farm production projects for income. I need to use up some of the baking supplies I over-bought at Christmas. I got tired of being in the kitchen all the time.  ;)

The USPS disaster is affecting so many things. I've been told the only guaranteed delivery dates are for express mail; and the price for that has gone way up. And it's affected my bill-paying routine. I still get paper bills - except in one case, I didn't receive one at ALL for 2 months; some don't arrive here until the payment is due. Yes, paying online is an option -- until my internet access is down -- THEN WHAT DO I DO? Anyway, this is nationwide and is another indirect change from the virus... and also decades of mismanagement. I knew something was up already when I mailed my quarterly taxes - certified - and the one to my state, took over a MONTH to be delivered; a full week after they due, Jan 15. I mailed 'em on Dec 5th to make SURE there was enough time to be delivered before the due date. Right.

Things are getting so bad, Hol's union wrote to the White House, offering set production workers to build vaccine centers. They WANT and NEED to work. Most of those people have already gone through the union protocols for working on set - including getting the vaccine, if available. But it's not like film/tv is considered "essential". Sales are not exactly improving at the business either. So, I have to stay on top of that too.

Both Hol & I are sensitive to the negativity levels online; so we're avoiding them. Lately, that's meant more time together again for us. I have to occasionally list the things that are now in an advanced state of entropy... so that I can continue adapting/adjusting/coming up with creative ways to deal with it. She sees other things I need to be aware of too. And both of us are given to the technique "when things get tough, the tough get silly" as an antidote. It's taking more antidote these days.

My hair cut - new stylist - repeated some techniques that everyone does the first time they cut my hair. As a consequence, I now have more of the things I was hoping to change when it was long - it falls in my face constantly and the frizziness is worse with the layers she added. She used a curling iron to put soft texture in the layers... but I gave away my curling iron some years ago. I don't have curlers anymore either. So, now waiting for it to grow back out again. Hol has an old friend who has cut hair for years; she's currently not working either - but still comes out time to time. And for that matter, Hol & I can cut each other's hair if I can order & get delivered the scissors for what our hair requires.

Mouse's experience with that class at school, has kind of upset me. For one thing, I can certainly sympathize with her response. And I don't think she's a pushover; so this must've been a confrontational presentation of the material. Yes, sometimes prof's will use that approach to get student's attention. And I really don't know enough yet about the details of that class or the material. But her sense that the students are being used in an experiment w/o consent bothers me to no end. Those rules are incredibly strict in the health professions and should be even more explicitly explained prior to consent in the psychological or social realms.

As a non-conformist, in many cases auto-didact, and free thinker... I learned a long time ago that there were situations where it was much wiser to keep my mouth shut and simply avoid in the future, the kinds of people who would make my life a living hell trying to convert me, or change my perspective to theirs - "for my own good". Very few people have it in them to listen to other's points of view, consider them, and discuss them without criticism of the POV holder, or even so far as condemnation, othering, and shunning. (Yeah, that old username has significance for me. You simply don't exist, when shunned.) I sure hope that's an isolated, one-off situation and not an educational trend. I tried fighting that kinda crap once because it's a calling of mine. I retired. I don't want to get back into it again - but I stand by my opinion about how wrong it is. And it's part of how/why people get into the us vs them mentality - if in an educational setting, discussion of ideas turns into personal "evaluations", "assessments", and personalization of arbitrary categories from those ideas as applied to people.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2021, 08:47:05 AM »
I love the idea of flats of seedlings and grow lights, Amber. What a wonderful feeling to do that during winter...

I have the tiniest corner of a table where my few houseplants are reminding me of nature's show to come. A cyclamen in bloom, an old knarly geranium with nice red blooms, a spider plant going nuts and a huge peace lily. Saved a couple egg cartons to start some veggie seeds too. I'm holding off until next month, around the middle, but I do hope to get some going. I have only two straight southern-exposure windows (with skinny crappy sills, alas) but I could make the most of those with a shelf in the middle and bottom of each. Trying to find out what kind of shelves to order. One of these years I'd like to go to the Habitat store when it's safe and get an old window to top a cold frame out on the patio.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2021, 04:10:04 PM »
Well, our plan is to - eventually - be able to feed ourselves from what the farm produces. I have a fair to middling recollection of how much I used to plant for this purpose. But Hol & S will also plant this year, so being their first year, it probably won't be much.

I do the usual broccoli, tomatos, onions & garlic, beans, carrots, some years potatoes, almost never mess with corn - it's pretty labor intensive.

There have been a couple of ducks eaten; extra males in the last batch of ducklings that were causing problems. Once they figure out the plans to move the geese & ducks... I have another location I want to set up for chickens and the field will be available for some other kinds of critters. Just not sure what yet or whether I want to take on that commitment.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #35 on: January 30, 2021, 06:25:57 AM »
I empathise with your concerns regarding education, Skep.  There are concerns here that, instead of teaching students critical theories and how to apply them, along with plenty of tuition regarding questioning and evaluating content (is it fact based/is it a reliable source/is it contextualised etc), students are just being spoon fed whatever makes the grades look good, regardless of how it affects them or whether it might be useful to them in the future.  There have been instances of universities no platforming certain speakers and I think it's important that people make their own choices - surely better to have someone coming in to speak and students can read up on them beforehand and decide to go along either to listen or debate with them, or choose not to go if they don't want to hear things they may find upsetting.  But there does seem to be a creep towards other people making decisions on their behalf - fine for five year olds, but not for teenagers or adults, I feel.  Equally we all have our own battles to deal with so there's a limit to how much we can get involved in other people's battles, albeit that they may affect us indirectly at some stage.

And curling irons!  Lol, I did chuckle, I've just put my hairdryer on the pile for the charity shop because I can't remember the last time I used it.  When I think of the hours I used to spend doing my hair with all sorts of products and gadgets - now I wash it and that's it.  I guess hairdryers need to act like they earn their money, hence the fancy do :)  But so few of us can keep it up at home.

I hope the rescheduling helps.  The postal delays must be a nightmare to deal with.  We've been pretty lucky in that regard - some delays but nothing terrible.  It does cause problems when you don't know how long something will take to arrive.  I hope that starts to get back to normal soon xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #36 on: January 30, 2021, 10:06:11 AM »
That was an eyeopener, Amber, thinking about how your location means it ain't exactly fiber-optic cable in your parts. I hadn't thought about how spotty internet in the mountains would also mean mail is even more critical.

I'm sorry you have that worry. With almost every single bill automated and electronic, I barely have to open what mail I do get. It's hard to imagine what business and a complex farm operation would be impacted when internet goes down for days.

I hope there's something (a satellite the size of a cow?) that one day might make that problem go away.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2021, 11:39:12 AM »
Well - we got a weekend full of snow of coming our way - hence, things to do out in the cold. I need to check the oil in the ranger, adapt the hitch and take the wood splitter down to the Hut. S has gotten into some wood he can't split easily with an axe.

Then come back up here and get a table for my seedling flats moved back indoors. And clean up more of the mess S left outside my garage.  :rolleyes:

Then I'll be back and settled in waiting for the first flakes to fall.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2021, 01:09:34 PM »
Well, we didn't get all that much snow yesterday; a little while ago, it looked like it MIGHT drop the rest of the foot that was forecast - but it's stopped again. I started cleaning the porch off but I'll leave the steps alone; it's easier & not as slippery, when snow covered. Freddy's been out & in & out & in patrolling around the decks and taking care o' kitty business outside. Stinker is interested, but he's been so busy living up to his name inside I don't want to have to try to chase him in the snow.

I've been lazy; eating - funny how cold & snow whets the appetite; and talking to B all throughout the day and night. More infection issues again - this time affecting his skin - and he won't take a chance on spreading it, so while he's also trying to pick another time to come up with another load to move and stay and visit... that all depends on the infection. Still no antibiotics at the level he needs; just oral doxycycline which doesn't do much more than just keep the infection from being totally unrestrained. So, I've gotten more specific on herbal tinctures for him that are synergistic with antibiotics... and he's started wearing compression socks too... and this is helping. The IV antibiotics are being held up in the VA again; no approval - despite several doctors prescribing it as necessary, life-saving treatment. Someone in a cubicle without a medical degree disagrees with the docs.

I could be angry for him, but that's not helping anything. When he gets angry, I let him vent and then try to calm him down because the stress aggravates the skin problems.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2021, 04:07:21 AM »
Oy, that sounds like a serious infection.

I've got no idea what is going on.

I can't keep up with everything.

Related to diabetes?


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2021, 07:13:49 AM »
Unbelievable that antibiotics aren't on offer for B.
I'm really sorry.

I hope herbs can help, even in a subtle way. Ashwaghanda's amazed me.
Not a "believer" in one form over another but if something is evidence-based and works, then it's convincing for me.

B is lucky his mountain woman values old and new knowledge. That's a wide mind.

Tangent: M just told me there's a new season of Outlander.

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2021, 09:26:36 AM »
Yeah, Outlander season 6 probably won't be released until 2022 due to filming delays and covid protocols.

Antibiotics are clearly faster & more effective than even the strongest herbal substitutes. But when you're denied them, you do what you can with what you can get. He says it's helping; but his oral doxycyline Rx is going to run out this week. The herbs by themselves will barely touch this infection; but they work well to boost the effectiveness of the antibiotic. The three I got for him, are specifically to tackle staph infections.

Mouse - one of his surgeries, he was infected at the hospital with a drug-resistant staph infection. But he was active military up until August; he has gotten all his retirement paperwork - EXCEPT for the VA ID card. He has submitted paperwork for that 3 times - because everything has to be "just so", and one time it was rejected because he forgot to include his middle initial, while initialling a certain section and when he checked on it last week - the 6 month long processing was blamed on Covid, and no ETA on when he could expect to receive it either. That simple card means he's cleared to seek treatment elsewhere - and doesn't require VA approval for it either. You would think they'd try to save money by getting him well sooner (the infection has gone on at least a couple years) or letting him go from their system. It sure doesn't look that way.

That whole system is such a mess, I think it took me a year and a half to understand it well enough to explain what was going on and I'm still not 100% sure I know how it works; or why it's NOT working in any rational form.


Well, I wrote the above too soon. B has an appt for Friday for another spinal flouroscope (looking for pockets of infection near his spinal cage) and also with infectious disease to draw/test serous fluid looking for infection. These tests are required by VA, prior to approcing the picc line for IV antibiotics. Even though he had the same a month ago - and there is no change, except worsening since then.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2021, 03:10:16 PM by sKePTiKal »
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« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2021, 12:29:33 AM »
Hum, I'm probably not much help.

The only thing that comes to my mind is pro-biotics. The war of bacteria. Probiotics seem to help my bladder irritations from too much coffee.

Also sorry about this but I used to use probiotics when I had rare yeast infections when I was younger. It works, sorta slowly but it does work. That is all I can think of for non-hard core meds.

There are so many strains of probiotics. I have a Nordic Naturals brand but it only has one kind of "good" bacteria in there.

"Very few clinical data were found on the interactions between probiotics and MRSA, but the few identified clinical cases pointed to the feasibility of elimination or reduction of MRSA colonisation with probiotic use."  "As summarised below, many strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria isolated from a variety of sources inhibited the growth of S. aureus and clinical isolates of MRSA in vitro. The most active strains were Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Propionibacterium freudenreichii, Propionibacterium acnes, Lactobacillus paracasei, L. acidophilus, L. casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactococcus lactis. Their effects were mediated both by direct cell competitive exclusion as well as production of acids or bacteriocin-like inhibitors. L. acidophilus also inhibited S. aureus biofilm formation and lipase production."

Probiotics and a low sugar diet is all I can think of. When I don't eat sugar for a couple months my skin gets clearer, the bacteria seem to like sugar.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 12:43:37 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2021, 08:01:48 AM »
I was given milk kefir grains by a local biologist and followed her instructions. Easy! Kept it going for quite a while and really enjoyed multiplying them. It was delicious. My favorite version was just to add a tablespoon of maple syrup....drool.

Only quit because of calories, but I'm tempted to start again. So much yummier than over-sweet store versions with their thickeners. It's so much more powerful than yoghurt and a great way to take in a wide varity of probiotics w/o pills.

I wonder if home-brewed kefir might help B with the infection? No glad to hear there's some progress on the VA front, btw!

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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2021, 08:29:41 AM »
Thanks for that suggestion Mouse! I'll look into it more. You might be on to something here. Yeah, sugar is one of the modern evils, huh? I never did get everything baked for Christmas that I had on my list. I just got tired of it.

We ended up getting about 10 inches of snow. And now it's blowing & drifing - and it'll be warm enough to make icicles off the gutters. I may have to put in some time shoveling. Hol slid off the driveway the other night and put Helga into a tree, on the curve down to the hut. No one hurt - her or Knuckles - but both were frozen snowballs after walking the rest of the way to the hut. It will be awhile before we can deal with that. Looks like mostly sheetmetal damage; maybe radiator; battery. Even when it's dry, no one drives over 20 mph on the driveway. Just not feasible, altho I've gotten the ranger up to 25 sometimes.

In yesterday's mail, I got the power bill that is due - yesterday. (Already pd online; but now I have to go check.) Heard VA's senators are inquiring into the matter; I know it's affecting the whole country - people complaining online about this.

Last year at this time, we dealt with winter - and the first warnings about the virus, which no one knew anything about at that time. We were already OVER it; and this year, it's beginning to show up in signs of frayed wild hairs & acting out & doom/gloom... and the usual escapism. Both Hol & I are trying to fight it - everyone's looking for something to do. S is keeping up with the firewood needs; she hasn't been using her furnace - hasn't needed it - to conserve propane for the power backup. S has also become the "Bobcat Master" - pulling trees out of the piles, from when they cleared for the hut and plowing snow.

But the other thing we've noticed - is the concept of "saving" little tasks to do later, in an attempt to spread work out over the unknown continuing stretch of time we're trying to fill. Hol's been painting baseboard, etc a little at a time. I'm catching up with all kinds of house organization stuff.

Along the same lines, I think out of sheer boredom, and in our own ways - Hol & I are working on how we've attached ourselves to negativity - kinda the opposite of "rose colored glasses" we tend to view things: interpersonal interactions or the lack thereof, emotions, and even our ability to tackle certain ongoing projects around here... from such a "bleh" place... that we're falling into that "this is normal" perception. Both of us are trying to find ways NOT to do that. She's investigating gym equipment; I'm just trying to finish up so many project loose ends - things I started or got supplies for, but for one reason or another - got interrupted, detoured, and never finished.

And we BOTH realize that we need this kind conversation - actual people talking back & forth with each other over a range of topics - which simply doesn't happen much online. People throw out a statement, or a meme which is generally pre-verbal ideas... hope for "likes" as a substitute for connection... and don't talk TO or WITH other people. It bothers me more sometimes, than others and it's bothering me now.

Back when people wrote letters, the BEST ones were the ones that were like sitting right there talking to the person. I've been writing B letters sporadically. He keeps the latest one in his wallet.  :D

I guess I'll remind Hol about the wool she needs to felt for blankets today. Both colors have been "resting" for a week now.
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