Excitement energy has returned.

5 days to B.
Whatever the last 2 months were - I needed it. Seasonal adaptation, not wanting to let him go back, just a "time-out" to just enjoy being ME, in whatever mode I was.... what I didn't need, was having to explain myself to Hol. She insists she just wants to deepen & improve our relationship.... sigh.
But I DID my therapy already; I don't need to rehash it again - and especially with her. I don't think it serves any useful purpose for her. I've managed so far, to stand up my boundaries about it. Present her with a couple things to chew on that are true for me. And to get her to go focus on HER ISSUES; let me be. I don't understand the need to overshare so much about myself, from various systems, philosophies, or "truths" that I end up not knowing who the hell I am again.
It's not a hostile situation between us. She's a little frustrated because she's not accepting that my answers are valid. She's looking for something deeper, more solid, or maybe her own in that. I'm just living my life, doing what and as much as I want... and I don't have to explain myself to her. Jeez.
She's flailing a bit with the not working. But she has a commission for the holidays to start work on. Cutting out patterns today while the last bits of construction get completed on Hut & garage today & tomorrow. She's helping prep for a friend's birthday party this weekend in the city, so that gets her gone the day B arrives. S is working, but should be home to pick up the dog before B gets here. (There is some typical male ego crap going on between those two and Hol and I have decided THEY can work it out among themselves.) S & I have been interacting just fine as we needed to while Hol was working, so I'm not worried about it. And I've already set boundaries with B.
Got some warmer fall weather coming in and I think Hol & I are gonna tackle yard duties again. The house is pretty well squared away; still have a few things on the to-do list. Then I think I'll get the little bit of Christmas shopping I'll do, done. And look for patterns - I've been looking at a lot of historical fashion lately. It's not something I would actually wear - but exploring it (for now; for me) to see what idea is percolating.