Lighter, THANKS. There was a lot of support gleaned from what you're calling snark.

I'm headed over the mtn today for haircut & errands so short time this morning to respond. But yes, about allowing harm, documenting it, in order to prove it. All just to STOP it.
As to TPTB, I've stopped looking for rationality or common sense in how they justify anything a long time ago. Holly's point of view is that the corporatizing of healthcare has almost obliterated the "care" aspect of repairing bodies and treating chronic illnesses. In favor of the bottomline - profit. I've stopped wondering out loud: "they can't do that, can they?" when something goes 180 to the principles of justice or law (not the same thing) that we grew up with. Change can be a very good thing - I truly believe that. But perhaps not when the baby is thrown out with the bathwater.
In life, I've not shied away from fighting the obstacles to what I want. It's not always the best way tho. Many times it's possible (and easier) to go around something than attempt to go straight thru. But lately, I've kinda settled into a more direct approach again... because the standard script from those representing the provision of what I'm seeking see the main task of their position not as facilitating everyone's needs - but as some kind of power broker who decides who is worthy or not.
My choice of strategy depends on understanding enough of how a particular system works, that I know exactly where to apply the hammer and when to grease the wheels with a little smile, compassion or connection. Sometimes to the point of educating that public contact individual with the basic concepts of customer service and demonstrating how much more pleasant their role can be by being HELPFUL, rather than seeing the public as a threat to their time. (That kinda makes me sound supercilious and arrogant; but honestly I do attempt to read people deeply enough to make that assessment and help them be better at their jobs.)
There are so many layers and personality types involved in the outside world. I used to be fluent in that world but it truly burdened me (needing a better understanding of me and how my "system" worked). I am purposefully removed from that world, live very simply & privately and I like this much better. It allows me the space to get to know the other layers of ME, that there was no room for in that world. There's a much softer, more sensitive me that is starting to peek thru. She gets to the see the light of day more now.
To refocus on solving the situation, perhaps the lawyer is pointed at the wrong entity. I'll have to gather some more information about that. In time. Right now, B is trying to recover from the effects of the shots and is sleeping at some strange times because he feels so lousy.
The people who called out my lack of patience when I was a child, have absolutely no idea how patient I can be. When it's important to have full understanding before acting.