Author Topic: I will deal with it -  (Read 1443 times)


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I will deal with it -
« on: January 26, 2021, 02:54:47 AM »
What is going on.

The people who develop content for my class are using terms like identity revision and hostage negotiation. What the hell is going on. I'm not in the military.

Why does this sound familiar?? Fuck what kind of mind fuck is this???   

I'm having some kind of weird psychological distress. I can't do this. I didn't sign up for identity revision. I literally feel afraid. This is weird.

I need help.

Okay i am calmed down again.

This book is not part of my class, it's just something random but apparently it is about the sinister part of writing including brainwashing.

I don't want brain washing to happen in schools. I'm very upset.,7135.aspx

« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 08:24:53 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: I need help - I am having a crisis
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2021, 04:17:25 AM »
It does all sound very problematic, Posh.  Can you change classes or drop this one and pick up the points somewhere else?  Is there a tutor or college advisor or someone like that to help with other options or swapping things around?


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Re: I need help - I am having a crisis
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2021, 06:11:35 AM »
Yep I'm going to do it this week. Switch classes, also I am unsettled that it's even happening.

Covert knowledge revision, identity revision, this stuff is complete bullshit and I want to fight it.


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Re: I need help - I am having a crisis
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2021, 08:16:24 AM »
Yeah; drop that class like a hot potato Mouse.

I can appreciate your triggered reaction. There's nothing wrong with you; there's a lot wrong with any people who think anything gives them the right to tell anyone what to think and feel. And THEY'RE the ones who need help, IMO.

It's one thing to ponder and discuss IDEAS, it's quite another to put another person through that experience. And I'm guessing your English class was listed as some form of writing class? Yeah, I wouldn't want to write about that content either. It's bad enough knowing it exists.
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Re: I will deal with it -
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2021, 08:38:53 AM »
yeah I will deal with it all somehow, I had two hysterical crying breakdowns today that's not normal for me at all

when I started all this I had no idea writing would have so much politic in it, but it makes sense, the combination of rhetoric, politics and psychology is like a tool/weapon

it makes a person question reality, everything happening in life and what's really behind it that we don't know about

this instructor acts domineering, shames, outs people of nothing, talks about himself like he is THE expert, the ideas are not based on any well founded or well known ideas, and now I'm feeling afraid but hey I am not physically there whooo so it's not like it's that bad, but can you imagine students who are physically there and that kind of pressure 

it's also amazing how many people just go along with it, that scares me

you know I start thinking about stuff like Hitler, I mean I see how this stuff happens now


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Re: I will deal with it -
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2021, 07:18:47 AM »
My favorite word for things like this is insidious.

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Re: I will deal with it -
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2021, 08:58:46 AM »
I got the right word finally it's Menticide.

Sums it up, there it is.


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Re: I will deal with it -
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2021, 03:56:23 PM »
Good one !
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Re: I will deal with it -
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2021, 04:08:02 PM »
Yeah but if you look up the history of the word, it's not a joke. Decades of hostile government authoritarian take overs, POWS etc.