Author Topic: Weather talk  (Read 1318 times)


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Weather talk
« on: August 31, 2021, 11:55:16 PM »
Tornado warning for the last 20 minutes, expires in about 10. Scary.
Lots of rumbling still. Turned off AC and fan so I could listen for the freight train sound. Not the same as thunder but I've heard too many accounts. We've had them in this area before. Took Pooch and went into bathroom for a while (only interior room).

I'm sure all will be well, just feeling a little jumpy. Nmom was raised in the plains and had a strong fear response to big storms. Can't blame her. Even here, some years back during a derecho, huge trees were crashing through roofs very near them. My own sole huge, SHALLOW-ROOTED tree is a couple feet from the back of my house. Makes me nervous every time strong wind kicks up.

Here comes rain. It's Hurricane Ida rolling right through here...the red areas in the tornado maps are right over me. But I'm thinking it's passing us by. Hope so but I'll feel better when the watch is officially over. Radar can see it, I can't.

Aaaaack. Just got another alert siren on my cell saying EXTREME so maybe I should head back into the bathroom!

Okay. Extreme "WARNING" has expired but they've extended the WATCH (less bad) until 3am. I'm going to try to sleep anyway.

I'm such a drama queen. Nice to have you guys to type at anyway. (One of the side effects of living alone and anxiety prone....)

« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 12:13:51 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 01:02:21 AM »
I hope you're ok, Hops!!

So scary!



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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2021, 09:40:36 AM »
I'm good, thanks Lighter.
Just sharing the drama I guess.
Funny feelings alone in the dark.

Not jittery this morning. All is well
and I'm happy to see rain!
Though there is so much misery,
I feel terrible for folks truly caught in
the melting/flooding/droughting....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2021, 09:47:17 AM »
Relieved you are okay!  So many extreme weather events. 


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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2021, 10:45:32 AM »
It didn't start raining here, till the wee hours Hops. Freddy-cat was in/out several times; I guess he wanted a shower but then remembered why he usually sleeps inside all day when it rains like this. It's a steady soft downpour.

Possibility of storms later in this mess, but the radar isn't indicating anything other than garden-variety summer boomers.

When a storm goes sub-tropical, like Ida has, the worst impact is the amount of rain that falls. In our neck of the woods, that translates into every wet-weather stream tumbling down hillsides and water seeking it's lowest point. I don't have to go nutz with storm-prep anymore, with the approach of a storm, like at the beach. It's just a day of midnight sun... wetness... and relief for "barometer-head" and sinuses.

I will check in with the Hut later, to see how their run-off places are fairing. Hol has only just started to address that, on the backhoe, with Rick's tutelage.

My brain is now in "storing all my nuts for winter" mode. I've got a strong pull from the sewing bug; and a couple days of work downstairs, and that should make more room for B's stuff - then I can move to the other buildings. I noticed there was no sugar on the baking aisle yesterday (probably just a stocking issue)... so I picked up brown sugar instead. I can store it till baking season really gets here. Next week, I'll look again. I'll order in coffee, paper products, spices, etc... that I use regularly... for the pantry, so if we get snowed in, it's right here. I bought a normal spice jar of ground cardamom;  SHOCK - it was $10 for that bottle!! So, yeah, I'll be making an inventory and organizing what I have to be able to spot holes easier. And I have some online bulk spice sources, to check. As long as temp stays in a tight range and humidity/light are blocked - spices & herbs will last a very long time.
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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2021, 07:32:06 PM »
A bit of rain here at the lake..... no big deal, but in the mountains wer'e still struggling with washed out roads, sinkholes and houses washed away from recent storms.

I think we're experiecing overcast weather and not much rain from what the weather reports say. 

Batten down the hatches, those of you experiecing Hurricane Ida ripples. 



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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2021, 09:16:05 PM »
Heavy heavy rain here too, ground saturating in pools, drain "popups" overflowing. One dented place on my gutter has a constant heavy stream of water pouring down on the edge of the "industrial patio" -- not good. Could undermine the concrete pad, even the foundation.

Where's my Things House Needs list? Ugh.

But ... getting off very very easy compared to folks in NOLA, etc. No more complaining from me. For now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2021, 07:44:22 AM »
It stopped raining here yesterday evening. I woke up to fall temps this morning!!!! Yippee!!!!!!
Sweaters, sweatshirts, fuzzy ugg boots (no, I don't wear socks... all year long... what are ya? MAD?)

OK, contractor called. Gotta move early this morning; he'll be here at 9 so I can pick out samples.
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Re: Weather talk
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2021, 06:56:29 PM »
I hope you're all okay, are you all getting the same thing?  I love watching tornado on the telly but I wouldn't want to deal with a real one.  I hope everyone's okay and the worst of it is over.