It didn't start raining here, till the wee hours Hops. Freddy-cat was in/out several times; I guess he wanted a shower but then remembered why he usually sleeps inside all day when it rains like this. It's a steady soft downpour.
Possibility of storms later in this mess, but the radar isn't indicating anything other than garden-variety summer boomers.
When a storm goes sub-tropical, like Ida has, the worst impact is the amount of rain that falls. In our neck of the woods, that translates into every wet-weather stream tumbling down hillsides and water seeking it's lowest point. I don't have to go nutz with storm-prep anymore, with the approach of a storm, like at the beach. It's just a day of midnight sun... wetness... and relief for "barometer-head" and sinuses.
I will check in with the Hut later, to see how their run-off places are fairing. Hol has only just started to address that, on the backhoe, with Rick's tutelage.
My brain is now in "storing all my nuts for winter" mode. I've got a strong pull from the sewing bug; and a couple days of work downstairs, and that should make more room for B's stuff - then I can move to the other buildings. I noticed there was no sugar on the baking aisle yesterday (probably just a stocking issue)... so I picked up brown sugar instead. I can store it till baking season really gets here. Next week, I'll look again. I'll order in coffee, paper products, spices, etc... that I use regularly... for the pantry, so if we get snowed in, it's right here. I bought a normal spice jar of ground cardamom; SHOCK - it was $10 for that bottle!! So, yeah, I'll be making an inventory and organizing what I have to be able to spot holes easier. And I have some online bulk spice sources, to check. As long as temp stays in a tight range and humidity/light are blocked - spices & herbs will last a very long time.