Author Topic: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward  (Read 2661 times)


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I went to the local Goodwill yesterday.... tues so.... 25% off for over 55yo.... I thinnk that's it. I qualify, so woo hoo.

I picked out a couple amazing old antique dolls...... just in time for Halloween.  They were like.... 2.00. Back home they'd want 20.00 or so for each, so crazy happy find.  I've been "curating" old baby dolls, painting posessed clown faces on them and adding to the Halloween porch project.  Last year DD19 and I had huge fun with it.  She dressed up from head to toe and scared people/little kids with me....... I'm not defending this. Just saying.... we DO it.  It's joyful.  Not everyone's thing, but it's OUR thing. We aren't ashamed to be THOSE PEOPLE in the hood.  We have competition, or other THOSE PEOPLE..... they're big thing is a front yard grave yard that's very well done.  We;re more interactive monsters mixed in with fake's a preference thing.

I also found 3 great brand new pillows, with zippers, for 2.00 each.... linen. Just lovely.  Pier One gives them a lot of things,but some high end place must do it too, bc some of the pillows they have are super special. 

Moving along.... a fly starts attacking my freshly shampooed head and shoulders IN the store... actually driving me to the check out line.  I think.... must be time to go, and that fly stopped slamming itse;f into my head and just sat on my back WHILE i got through the line. 

Part of me says... the grass is green, the sky is blue, there are bugs that enjoy the smell of your DD's shampoo and it happens everywhere.

Part of me was like..... maybe one of those dolls is haunted.  I laugh after thinking that, but.....

I get home with DD21.  We have a car full of groceries and meal plans for peach galettes, Rissoto, lovely baby arugula.... cod for a beer battered fry including mushrooms..... ham..... lots of veggies and we're cooking and putting away and doing laundry and I'm playing sous chef and we're bopping in the kitchen after finishing our lovely fried cod when I over commit to cleaning out the freezer of freezer packs and evrything stops..... a gallon bag of frozen ice slams into the big toe largest join on left foot and I hobble to the sofa reassuring DD it's not broken, BUT I

She cleans up a tad, but not all the way, brings me ice and we continue having a nice time in the living room when I wake up at 11:00, notice I'm alone and hobble to the bedroom.

Now, my foot wasn't hurting when I got up.

By the time I get to the bed it is friggin ON FIRE.

I elevate it in bed, trying not to moan loud enough to wake DD up.  The pug leaves my uneasy side and chooses DD21.

This goes on for an hour or so and I'm noticing....... someone COULD have a hot skewer INSIDE that join..... wiggling it around.... while applying heat to it.  I feel as though I'm being tortured and I remember I have back meds..... naproxen IN the bedroom just 8 or so feet away.

I stand up on my right foot and can't bear any weight on the left..... IT WOULD HARM ME TO HOP unsteadily on my ACL replacement knee, so I drop to the floor and notice how pointy and hard y knees are..... end up scooting on my bum bum to the bathoom where I pop up to standing on the right leg without a struggle... good for me.

I take 2 naproxen while mumbling....:The liver's going to have to take a hit" and think about the conversation with Hops on the board about "Western" meds.  I would have taken ANYTHING at that point, btw. ANYTHING. 

I hop back to the bed and elevate again.  I 'd get more ice but the idea of covering myself with renovation dust WHILE pulling that many muscles going that distance stops me....... the pain keeps bringing ice up as a good idea, over and over and over.  I on and off considered going to the ER to have them put whatever bones were snapped, and obviously jabbing into soft tissue without let up, back together, but I really didn't think it was a direct blow. Just a glancing blow.  I felt, at the time it heppened and I was icing it earlier, that the joint took a hit, would swell and be unhappy, but heal without a doc visit.  It kept me from crawling/scooting to the car.

As the pain begins peeling off in tiny layers, and I took a third Naproxen after another scooting trip to the bathroom, I can think again.......
If I had access to my medicine cabinet at home I would have take astaxanthin and had wraps and icy packs to keep the ice going. I have a crutch and access to elderly neighbors with all sorts of helpful devices..... one of those knee scooters is sounding pretty good about now.  This is another difficult layer of traveling for me, plus I forget what I have where.  Sometimes I have 5 of something in one place and zero in others, bc I can't remember everything.  It's frustrating.

I guess the pain receeded enough for sleep about 7am which meant  I slept through the contractor's time here.  He left a list of  doors and sizes we need NOW.   He's been painting the last 2 days. 

My brother's dd22 showed up with her new bf to check out hunting gear and get stuff to hunt.  She was so pleased to see all the horse trophies and horse and riding things....... tooled leather purses, etc.... and talked about it happily.  My brother wants her to have it all, but she doesn't really have a place to put it.... which is the same with all the things here. The kids will likely want a lot of it, but none have their own places to keep it.... so we keep it here or at our homes. My garage is half full of things I've carted away from here, to keep it safe, for someday when the kids are old enough to select things and take them.

I'll put it here, bc it's problematic, more problematic with the foot issues......but DD21 and I took everything out of the cabinets to replace the plastic shelf pins that are failing.... and every single falt area is covered with kitchen stuff we're going through.  So, when niece was talking about loving farm house things and she wants her home to someday be full of these things it's partiularly happy for me to have that conversation with her.  I tell her to remind her father THIS is why we aren't throwing everything into the dumpster.  THIS is why we're living in so much stuff during a renovation, which is DIFFICULT and sometimes crazy making, even for me, but it's why we're doing it. 

Niece asks where the clothes are she selected from her Grandmother's Cowgirl collection and I tell her likely in the downstairs back closet, away from all the construction dust.  She doesn't go there and check it or get it.  She wants it to always BE her for her.  She doesn't really have a place for it and I know this. 

Now, here's a habit I have from the past.... and I'm working on examining it and perhaps distancing it.....

Whatever my niece curates from here.... I worry her mother will throw it out....not bc it's stuff from our family, but bc that's the way she lives.....keep nothing from the past.... it makes room for the things she values, which is NEW stuff..... in uncluttered spaces, which has it's up side, for sure.

So....I'm going to look for an Ace bandage to add compression and get myself home and back to whatever boot, knee scooter and maybe transport wheel chair for selecting doors....though I may have to put that off for a bit or order on line and have sent to the lake house or picked up by contractor. 

Hops.... when I read your text about H Ida my foot was tormenting me for hours without a seconds relief. Just.... so very humbling and it's ironic I made comments about medications then NEEDED them, myself. 

Going to do the lean with the dolls.  Maybe I carried a curse home with one of them OR maybe the grass is green and the sky is blue and bad luck happens to everyone every once in a while. The take away, really, is to not pick up things when my hands are already full, me'thinks.



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 08:44:09 PM »

I'm so sorry, Lighter. Hope you DO go see a doc of whatever sort to get it sorted!

Well, shit. Events like this....

....have no meaning usually, imo.

They just happen. Spit happens.

Or if they're due to distraction/over-racing, whatever?
Lessons learned (in my case, repeatedly....).

Now it's just get into patience and quiet healing mode....

hugs and ... uhhh .... willow bark?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2021, 01:43:34 PM »
Some days you eat the bear.  Some days the bear eats you, yup yup yup



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2021, 08:22:55 AM »
Well Lighter... can I interest you in shares of Extra Strength Ben-Gay? Aspercreme with Lidocaine? Arthritis creme (which soaks in for relief a little than just sitting on the surface)?

LOLOL. This crap comes with the territory when you're constantly trying to pack more stuff into the available time and you're getting older.

Heat & ice; very light movement and lots of resting the foot.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2021, 08:04:25 PM »
My Step father always said not to pick anything up if your hands weren't empty.

He was SOOOOOOOOO right, daarnit.

The doors were delivered today and I was opening door and moving fast.... when my foot/toe pinged twice with what felt like an electric shock.  Not sure what that was about,but I've had no pain since that first night of torture.

The rest of the day was kind scuffed bc youngest dd wanted to go home home home home home, then, in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen with DD21, some rich guy wants to rent our cottage at the last minute and for ONLY two nights. The minimum is 3 nights.

We agree on 2 nights at the regular price....Ithought about tacking on a smalll fee for the reduced booking,but didn't.

I send the special offer and the guy just doesn't take it. Instead, my "renter" goes and collects him from the marina and brings him to the cottage without the reservation going through. 

I get this call from the renter';s phone..... this guy Roman on the Airbnb site says his name is Harry... same as the renter's name, AND he's talking fast about having a 7K sf home in Fort Lauderdale, a place in Aspen and he says he lives in Ft Lderdale THEN says he's in a house sharing I want to stay at one of his places for Christmas and I say I'm drviing intiot he mountains, he needs to accept the reservation if he wants to stay at MY place on the island before my signal goes out.  My renter isn't going to give him the keys until he hits ACCEPT.

He then wants me to come down to half the agreed price and I say it's what it is..... take it or leave it..... he says he wants to stay, for sure, will take it.

I sit for an hour on the side of the road waiting for him to figure this thing out.... he tries to get awAy with dropping price by 35.00 and], God forgive me(and dd19) it began sounding like a very good idea to have their things chucked out the door with them locked out and left to look for another place to stay.There must be many many many this time of year, honestly.... didn't feel bad about t,bc they didn't want to rent till an hour before.

After the guy said the reservationn wouldn't go though i SENT A NEW one, THEN IT SAID aiRBNB WAS WAITING FOR HIS ID TO GO THROUGH..... honestly it became something of a game to see what would go wrong next so the guy, with a big expensive boat, wouldn't have to pay for the cottage rental.... is how it felt.

Ifinally just got ont he road and the payment went through some time during the 2 hour drive.

The fact I had to stop readying to get out the door, to make that reservation...... stop driving... to deal with the bologna the guy was trying on me after he was already settling into the cottage.... all created stress an upset for the girsl and for me.....between us.

I realize...... I don't have unlimited patience. I'msure Inever did,but I have to say....... I'm a frigging Amazon Goddess to have gotten through allI have with 2 young children through high school to now. 

I also felt compassion for people like the crazy contactor, bc he has a tiny window of resilience.  Abot the time my wondow had cloed today....I realized how lucky I am every day of my life to not be the contractor.  Every single day of his life sucks, somehow, in some way, IMO.

I hope everyone this side of the pond is enjoying a nice Labor Day weekend.The weather here sure is beautiful.



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2021, 10:17:08 PM »
I hope the foot is done shocking you but if it gets worse, maybe an xray and a boot or cast will be wise....

Sorry about the entitled renter.

I was always amazed how M with his millions would dicker and dime and even coupon. While I never do that at ALL. I'm frugal and conservative but save $5 or even $50 here or there doesn't drive my choices. NOT buying does. So weird.

Have to admit since the pandemic started I've ordered more "stuff" than I used to though. All things I needed but still, Amazon's too easy. I don't have the extra without things getting risky by end of month. But I'm still saving a good chunk each month, which is good since my whole patio has to be redone since the power wash. (My lawn guy who built it used the easiest brush-in-then-water kind of grout powder and it wasn't designed for an irregular, gappy kind of design. Grrr. Will cost me almost as much to have it repaired as it did to build it. Wish he had not taken the easy shortcut in the first place.)

I'm using an excellent professional company for the repair, though. Worth it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2021, 11:06:51 AM »

I've had a boot on since I did a run home for meds and.... boot. 

Feeeeeling a bit scattered at the moment.

I'm also elevating and icing regularly.

Taking Napoxen regularly.
Sorry liver.

This morning I stretched, had a wonderful cup of coffee, answered questions for someone brave enough to consider travel to the island in December and iced my foot while eating the correct ratio of protein and complex carbs, supplements and good fats..... ghee with the sausages and sauteed spinach..... flax oil in my coffee.  I'm focused on healing this foot as quickly as I can while rocking this bood as long as necessary. 

If I went in for an x ray, do you believe the treatment plan would change any? I'm asking bc I never went to the doc when I injured the top of my feet/and or toes in martial arts..... at first it was quite often and the little bones are easy to break.  Something I did not know until I was injured.

I've decided to have Viking braids istalled...not sure what people say when having their hair done.  Installed feels less fussy.  I'm not a fussy gal......but I NEEEEEED to do something with my hair and it might as well be attractive while keeping one big dreadlock from setting up shop.  Wearing it in a knot on top of my head creates matting at the scalp and if I didn't hair is as fine as cotton candy. With all the moving about I do, it just matts...... quickly and without remorse.   Wearing it down creates matting at the nape of the neck and crown....... almost as bad BUT I have all that hair blowing about and getting in my way.

Cutting it isn't an option, bc I won't ever never ever DO my hair every day with a brush and blow drying and whatever else is necessary.  I just had a chill remembering curling iron burns on my forehead, sweating and wanting to throw myself off a bridge when I cut my hair that one time, OMG.  How do people who can't put their hair in a knot or ponytail DO IT? my mother did it.  In front of a mirror, at a little make up table with a tv nearby.  Maybe it's the set up I've had wrong.

::thinking about it::.

Could be, likely not, IME.

Now the Airbnb guest is installed, money cleared...... I feel like I did BEFORE that debacle began.  Like I'm ready to begin something afresh and new.... even if it'sthe same old chores..... I feel I'll see them differently and enjoy them more, bc I really paid attention during this last COW (crisis of the week) rolled over me.  I think it's bc the girls witnessed me dealing with incredibly difficult people while trying to keep all our wheels from coming off, even as our wheels started coming off.....

and here's the kicker.

DD19 began saying things like..... THIS MAKES me never want to come here to the lake again!  I said nothing so she escalated into...
Ya... ya....that's it. I'm going to stop seeing the Nutritionist.

Still, no response from me, so she escalated into something blowing my mind apart and I said......
So don't see the Nutritionist again, it's up to you.  You're an adult now.  I said this as I was going outside to pitch something disgusting off the porch, bc I was doing fry pans with fish frying oil and fried green tomato oil...... cooked on..... lots of little burned bits and struggling with the Airbnb cheap guy.......
and DD19 was standing at the sink when I came back into the house..... struggling....... I asked if she was OK and she broke down into tears and I walked toward her..... could tell she didn't want a hug so I veered off, to her surprise, closed the dishwasher and began doing dishes again.

I think DD was surprised again and I dont' know what she did next, but her attitude got better.

Had I administered comfort, I believe she would have escalated what was beginning to feeeeeel like emotional terrorism in those moments.  I was paying pretty close attention and catching myself before doing what I usually do...... try to fix everything for everyone.

At one point I said...
"I can't make everything perfect anywere.. Not here...not at home...not at the cottage or when we travel to see Aunts and Uncles, I just can't." 

It felt like someone had stepped up and stopped a very destructive cycle (I created and perpetuated) so there was no blame.

The wheels began coming off when I was trying to DO MATH, which feeeeels the same as taking a left in Atlanta traffic..... super stressful for me, and the girls were talking loudly.  Well.... one of them was so when I finally lifted my head to let them know they were  SLOWING OUR DEPARTURE DOWN, not up with their words.....
oldest dd became over stimulated and youngest dd felt unjustly accused and I thought.....

WTF?  HELPING me would help get us out the door and youngest DID help, while oldest dd went to the car while leaving her pug under our feet, yapping, bc her mom wasn't IN the house.

At one point Icould see youngest dd hand the pug off to oldest dd, and there were words going back and forth attached to quite a bit of frustration.  I guess I'd usually try to calm the situation, but I just went back to what i had to do.

Attached to that topic is youngest dd complaining I don't fix things between them....I let oldest dd get away things and her too.... I failed as a parent, I suck......I failed as a parent to raise decent human beings which, quite frankly, used to TOUCH MY STUFF.

I'd react, get busy trying to fix things..... maybe snap at them, but this time I just ignored it all.

I remember reminding them they're adults now....... then going back to my stuff.... when they were bugging me.


Remember when I read that article about fears and anxiety.... how the worst things are things that come in mutiples...... fears stacked on top of fears....... not just ONE fear standing alone in one's face?

Well..... I experienced that yesterday.... just many things coming at me at once. Trying to get things sorted for the contractor so I could sort out the kitchen, which oldest dd and I WERE dealing with happily and with traction as youngest, who'd been beside herself with anxiety over moving us OUT the door with economy of motion, slept on the sofa to our relief. 

Then the text from that damned Airbnb guy came.

I have to say...... as we sat on the side of the road, held hostage to the guy's jerking me around, the girls came together.... they offered to help...they DID help.....but most importantly.....they stopped behaving like 2 year olds jerking ME around, which was AMAZING.

We sat on the side of the road, then in the shade of a gas station for an hour, till I just said FI and started rolling again without the problem resolving. 

I knew 5'7" "renter" would handle thowing the Airbnb folks out and their stuff, withut problem, bc he assured me he was aware of the mission and that was enough to shift me back to MY mission, which was getting us safely home through the moutnains on a holiday weekend with many police and much traffic.

THEN the mission was getting to White Duck Taco for Thai Shrimp tacos, Pork Belly tacos and Indian spice tacos, whatever they call them....the shrimp with their lovely cream sauce is the best, btw.

Once we walked in the door I could see the money cleared the Airbnb App and all was well.  Had I sat by the side of the road waiting it would have been an excercise in hold....hold....hold.....while the girls behaved like adults for more extended period of time.  They'd done well and I drove on FOR ME and not to shut them up, which honestly..... seemed the priority yesterday afternoon.  I honestly believe it was.

When we got home we ate take away tacos...... I went to bed with ice and the girls put away the travel coolers of food without zero complaint, only sticking their heads in after knocking politely to enquire if I had a preference for this or that cold item going to the fridge or freezer.  I was happy to answer.They withdrew quickly and politely after each encouter. 

IT FELT F'ing AMAZING and all it takes is my STOPPING to notice what's going on, exploiting the couple seconds of choice I've managed to cultivate and making those choices.

I will  say this about that.....

I intend to manage a bit more emotional distance as I navigate this new and strange land....... I KNOW my eyes go wide....I know my voice gets a bit snarky by the time I've been pushed beyond my ability to cope, which absolutely happened yesterday.

I know I'm reactive around things reminding me of my twin yapping and yapping at me till I say things like "What the fuck do I have to do to shut you  up?" which is not my inner's how I've defended myself after my ability to cope is exhausted.

It reminds me of being jerked around by people getting paid to DO the opposite.

It's just a trigger in many directions, SO.....
onward and upward, shall we?

Yes, Hops.... the Royal we; )



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2021, 12:15:19 PM »
Indeed We Shall.
We Decree It!

(Odd timing to read this...just now finished The Crown. What misery they lived with. No amount of luxury could replace the basic freedom to love who you love and be who you are.)

Great job on the self-boundary-setting. You controlled that controlling impulse. You sat with the discomfort, let your adult children figure out how to get back to an adult baseline, and kept yourself calm. I'm impressed!

No idea whether an xray would change treatment, but it'd clarify the damage. Since feet are so important, in your shoes (boot) if it were me, I'd want to know. But that's me. I have a faint idea that just in case the fracture's in an odd spot (electric bolt?) perhaps they'd want to consider if not surgery, a custom cast that leaves it in JUST the right position? Or maybe a tiny foot bone can heal in the right position without anything more than da boot. I genuinely don't know the answers but I'm good at knowing what I don't know--and always prefer more information than less. I wouldn't want to wind up with deep arthritis in a foot or something like that. Old age is hard enough. But you'll make the choice that's right for you. It'll likely work out just fine.

Hang in there, Lighter.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2021, 02:14:19 PM »
I remained reasonably calm, Hops, lol. I SO very badly want to remain truly deeply and utterly calm, inside and out. Not just outside, kwim?

About the foot.

I have to think nothing is broken and out of alignment... just shifted from the swellin a bit and healing.

IF something was broken, wouldn't it be painful..... bc it's not, with the exception of my walking about on it without antinflammatories that first night.  There's been zero pain..... and I've had fractures in my feet.....
::wiggling wounded toe around::...

Nuthin.  No pain at all.

I will go IF there;s any pain at all.... promise: )

Everythng you said made absolute sense to me.



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2021, 01:33:26 AM »

I planned to be at the lake next week on my own.  The girls are glad to have the house to themselves. DD19 just built her computer and is working on her bedroom...mostly clearing out all the furniture and things. Paring down.  Editing.

The girls spent time on their own when I was renovating the cottage.  DD21 spent a lot of time on her own over the past 4 or so months and DD19 enjoyed 2 weeks on her own....I think it was 2 weeks recently.  She said she enjoyed having the house to herself.  I believe her.

Youngest is recovering from anorexia, so..... we were spending time at the lake weekly, bc renovation and it was a good midway point for our weekly appointments in Atla with the Nutritionist. DD19 said she believes those appointments saved her life.  I don't know if that's the case, but she couldn't eat or go to the bathroom when she asked for help, so..... it was serious and very scary.

The emotional terrorism is something I'm done with.  Trying to remain sane...doing my best to stay sane in the face of it.... just a choice I'm learning to navigate away from. I can't believe how many years I've spent doing it....... I have to be done or turn into someone else.

It's interesting to notice what's going on around me.... when I have the ability.  I haven;t always had the ability.  For years it was oldest dd who "tormented" me. Her word. Not mine, btw.  Youngest dd was reaaalllly angry about that too.  Our lives were impacted.

Now I'm getting along with both, so youngest is threatened and kicking rocks... eating bologna samiches...... wants to be validated as the "good" child..... wants to remind me how she's always been the easy child, the helpful child.... is STILL more helpful. It's really very sad.

I can tell she's struggling.  It's like she's regressed to a younger age.... I'm a little surprised.  I didn't expect it. 

Oldest dd21 is looking for a part time job so she can make her car payment and have pocked money while researching careers and schools after that. She has a path plotted out.... to plot a path, I guess.  I want her to find something she really likes to do, or doesn't mind doing..... and get after it. 

Youngest will likely work part time soon as well. Her provisional driver's license expired when she turned 18yo so she stopped driving.  She needs to get her driver's license and there's still a waiting list of many weeks to do that, but will happen.

I do think jobs will be good for their mental health.  Social interaction....... being with peers and away from me and each other so much.  The Covid months have been closed in, closed up...... shut down...... months..... for youngest dd19, particularly, who depended on her friends and social activity more than dd21 and I did.

She's going on a picnic at the botanical gardens with her friend group tomorrow.  This is the second picnic there with this group and there have been a few other gatherings, but it's not easy. There's fear and one of the friends is the gal who had Covid while spending the night with DD19.  There's fear and real risk and the desire to ignore it and regret and wishing things were different then needing social interaction again. 

It's a cycle for DD19 and I'm happy to just work.  Work at the lake, at the cottage, at the house and in the yard.... and dd19 wants me to drive her an hour to visit the friend who had Covid so they can go boating with her mother and the mom's bf.  it sounds sketchy to me, but she's an adult now, right?

BTW, this friend has had an eating disorder similar to dd19's.....not quite so severe...... she didn't lose the weight dd did and could always eat, but dd19 has shared with me..... she feels competitiveness with anyone her size or smaller than she is.  DD19's skinny little boy ex bf was a bit thinner than her and that drove her kind of mad....... fueled the weight obsession and losing more nad more and more. Something kicks in and her brain just starts spinning..... OCD like..... to lose weight, stop eating...... lose, stoplosestoplosestop. 

I'm not sure how she's doing, really, with that, but trust she's in good hands with her Ts.  She has to do the work.I can't do it for her. She said she recently weighed herself for the first time in months, bc she couldn't stand to see the scale go up as she gained.  She seemed OK...... but she's struggling.

Yes, I'm talking myself through this.... again. 

The girls will be alone at the house for a week or so.  In the meantime we're cooking together..... oldest dd21 made lovely peach tarts this evening.  DD19 and I made sausage and sauteed spinach for breakfast together.  I fried fish with oldest dd21..... I realize they still have this thing where one feels obligated to oppose what the other wants to do.... particularly with food and me.  It's been that way since they were very young and it continues.  It's been exhausting to deal with...... it kills the joy in cooking, bc someone won't eat the food I work to make. 

The only thing I can change is myself and my response or unwillingness to respond to it..... dropping the rope, I guess.

I don't think I'm afraid they'll strike out in the world and get their noses bloodied.. That's what young people DO.  It's what I did and my sibs did.  Learning the hard way...... getting out there and meeting people..... building lives.  Lessons learned.
Yup yup yup.

I guess I'll be happy when I can take off and visit friends..... just go and do and know the girls will be OK. 

Thanks for your input, CB.  It's good to have.



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2021, 12:46:11 PM »
I'm liking this new term: emotional terrorism. It's a little dramatic, but ya know, when it's happening it certainly FEELS dramatic.

I "think", as I'm still continuing to traverse this path with Hol... that some of this, is a mistaken belief that if "mom" doesn't step in and fix everything (including their own emotional discomfort) that it equates to abandonment. You can almost see thought bubbles over her head - hey, wait, what?! Mom is letting me sit & spin in this emotional cyclone? WTF?? Where's my mommy? I WANT MY MOMMY...

Part of having a relationship with adult kids is slowly educating them to the fact that we are more than that maternal role. That we have our own needs, lives to live, connections to maintain - and growth & exploration to do too. And there is a lot of flailing on both sides, while we figure out how to communicate about these things... where boundaries need to go... who "owns" what emotions & responsibilities within the relationship. Accepting that while we often mirror each other (in both kinds of ways - good & bad) we each "own" our unique differences can help. I try to compliment and validate Hol's strengths that are different than mine. She kinda gravitates toward pointing out my weaknesses instead... but that's because of an idea in her head, that she's always been told she needs to be "different" than what she is. (Wasn't me doing that.) She's worked through a lot of that - on her own, and with friends and me sometimes; not as often anymore.

Even though Hol has the capacity (some days) to take in the whole enchilada of that change and discuss it objectively (sorta)... what works better, is breaking the process down into bite-sized chunks to process, one thing at a time. Remember, I've also been through her trying to "parent" me... when I didn't need or want it. And she piled on from there, with the "you suck as a mom" stuff... you're so repressed... and you're this; you're that... and why don't you do things the way "I" do things? And at the time, it sure felt like emotional terrorism.

But we took things one at a time, talked openly about them, reiterated to each other that our bond, the basic emotional one, isn't the same thing as the fleeting things we feel having to deal with each other as we're "doing" things around the farm - or when she goes to work, etc. And we've always been able to get mad at each other, without it becoming destructive to the fundamental relationship. We forgive (sometimes) and definitely get past things pretty quickly.

You and your girls are starting to figure this out too Lighter. Your way; the way that works for you. It's most definitely WORTH IT.
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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2021, 02:32:35 PM »
Lighter and CB,
I'm quite moved by your inspired navigations around and beside your kids' struggles.

For me, emotional terrorism ended in loss, my personal 9/11. It won over love.

I have so many wishes and regrets, but at base I've accepted that she was entitled to make her own choices no matter her condition/s, and even though I'm agnostic, I pray every day that she has found stability and support and kind people and adequate mental health care. That's what I care about.

The one thing I've given up (mostly) is worry. It was eating me alive (barely alive, at one point) and so fruitless that I finally took the acceptance process all the way inward. I send her love and then release the outcome, so to speak.

I'm really glad your wisdom, deep commitments and courage have led to where you are. It's good to see.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2021, 06:19:51 PM »
I have such gratitude for the shared maternal experiences.
CB, Hops and Amber.....

Such gratitude.

This afternoon, Oldest dd drove youngest to the botanical garden after helping her get dressed........the gathering is a Goth themed affair, complete with black Demonias.  They're a creative, happy bunch.   Both girls seem relaxed and happy right now. I've got my head down, working on paint plan for trim, doors and walls.... what colors, where to begin and end..... adding trim to the front door and perhaps the master bedroom french doors so we don't waste any steps.  I always go back to.....
how do we get the biggest bang for the buck AND limit the amount of work.  There have to be limits and that helps a lot. 

i have some reservations around NOT spending more time DOING holiday type things with the girls,but they've been reveling in playing games since DD19 built her new computer. I hear joyful laughter and don't interrupt it. I'm happy doing what I'm doing.  They seem very happy doing what they're doing.  Sometimes I think they SAY they're upset at the lake...with the renovation, but are using that to express a general unhappiness and specific unrest around our shifting relationships and the stress of growining up without having set plans for themselves.  It's difficult to not KNOW what's going to happen, esp when some friends are already IN school witih plans and one cousin graduated from University this year. 

I find I have several modes of operating around them....moving slowly and calmly..... as though I'm dealing with nervous birds OR high energy GET THINGS DONE mom.....firing reasonable requests/asking politely but firmly for help and or for them to handle things I usually handle without complaint.  Sometimes it's around care for the pug..... just normal things and I have to pay attention to see if that sometimes kicks off dd19's.... well...... it does.  She sees older dd21 NOT helping for years, while creating chaos..... while dd19 did pitch in... acting as an older sib would,which also upset oldest dd who noted it with shame and upset while at therapeautic boarding school.  There's always been that tension and I'm the kind of mom who points out strengths..... to the point the girls have badly criticised me for going overboard, which isn't my reality.  I can't play the piano like a boss. Listening to them practice SOUNDS amazing to me and they get that, but still....they can be unkind while working that out, ending in acceptance I have no musical talent and honestly don't KNOW what's good playing and what's not.  Coming from a family sans care or appreciate for music lessons, I'm impressed with the discipline to practice and master ANYTHING.... be in a band.  Nuff said about that, but it's a theme with criticizing my parenting, as others have mentioned.  Repeating pattern of girls competing for attention and to be NAMED the favorite child. I remember youngest used to ask who I'd save if I could only save one in a flood.  She asked that a lot, actually.  I'd always answer the same way....the could both swim, I'd make sure they both survived and I'd make it too.  End of discussion. 

If pushed and pushed I might say one was obviously more helpful or easier to be around,bc that was the blatant truth.  The T who did a pscyh eval on me said oldest dd "didn't reinforce my parenting" whatever that meant.  It FELT like having an oppositional defiant child smacking me in the back of the head for 10 years, frankly and I don't want to get into why, bc I think it makes me sound a bit unhinged to say it without having hard proof.....


it was my MIL poisoning her emotionally..... DD would never SAY that, but she admitted to "tormenting" me without giving a reason. THAT MIL sent her home to me defiant and oppositional, proclaiming she didn't have to do anything I said,bc i was a murderer, a thief and a criminal..... IMHO DID have something to do with it.  That I took her out of a school where she was acting superstar...which she mourned and lamented and continued to dissociate, which BEGAN with the visits to the In Laws...... just saying.  It happened.

Oldest DD began guilting me about youngest being my favorite years ago..... when they were 6 and 8yo I suppose.  I KNOW that impacted the way I speak to oldest dd..... my stepfather said I sounded "frightened" of her and maybe I was, bc I was fighting in 2 or 3 courtrooms at any given time, dealing with placating N attorneys and all the people who go with trial prep.....  and family members.... and school mums and teachers and people helping me get through and people saying they would but who just didn't and then I was flat footed trying to find someone to pick kids up from the bus stop, bc there was NO ONE slotted in.....I had a lot to do on very little sleep and limited coping strategies.  BIG pat on the back I'm here and doing as well as I am...
::pat pat pat::.  Yup yup yup.  Big. 

I do want to clarify....... the reason DD19 spends so much time at the Lake house (which happens to be under renovations) is bc she's seeing the Nutritionist in Atlant and the lake is a good point for traveling back and forth without wearing me out.  I have had to stop and nap, on occassion, but driving all way from home to that appointment THEN to tthe lake is just too hard, though I've done it more than once.  I don't feel safe driving while delieriously tired and i don't feel safe napping at gas stations either. 

It's not so much me forcing participation as it is multi tasking in a way that preserves my emotional and physical health and both our safety as spending the night with folks in Atlanta feels very risky and IS very risky, IME.  Me driving too tired is a risk.  I try to balance everything and I can't please everyone perfectly.  The girls likely feel pressure from me to GROW THE HECK UP when I'm busy DOING other things..... like renovating properties and that's cause for whatever uspet it causes them,but I can't save them from that. I feel perfectly reasonable asking them to pick up their own stuff and carry it, including the dog and effort in the kitchen and all that goes with it.  I've veered off of asking them to participate in the renovation, though youngst helped paint the dog pee pee sub floor to get the job done.  She's been a trooper and you know what? 

Both girls have it in them.  Both can rise and both have at different times under different circumstances.  DD21 rose at work..... she adulted, I would say, in that year so I KNOW she can do it, even if she's not practicing self care at home.... she has it in her to DO whatever she sets her mind to, as does dd19. I;ve released expectation and turned to my own stuff. I have things to tend to.  I know this. It's OK... it's just a reset.  A shift.  A new way of seeing mom, for the girls and of me seeing myself.  Like shifting sands under our feet...what used to be set in stone is now dissolving and being rebuilt in ways we're all learning about together.  Boundaries. Yes.

Both girls have some perfection issues, as do I.  It's not optimal,can be paralyzing, but it is what it is. There are pros and cons and we're getting pretty good at spotting it.  I know, depending on "the lean" more and more, is a balm to my soul moving me through my days with less angst and worry.  Food has been an issue for all of us... just the truth.  I think it's difficult for everyone, at some point, bc eventually.  It's certainly not just we three.

 Hops.... I do think about doing everything I can, releasing outcome and embracing acceptance....releasing worry wtih everything... just more moving parts and pieces with kids.  There are. It definitely is a 2 steps foward and 1 step back dance with shifting roles and responsibilities...... stuff rubbing against each other's stuff...... herky jerky movement to and fro the goal of all three having our own vibrant, independent lives, sans blame, shame and fear.  Sometimes the herk and jerk seem like the problem when I lose emotional distance.
DD19 was fine with spending time at the lake, as I've said, until her sister began traveling with us or that's how I remember it NOW. Then the jealousy and emotional tumoil became more pointed and.....more terrorist like, I admit.  DD19 broke down when I challenged her on it and refused to budge on a boundary I set, but hadn't really pushed back on till recently.  I was doing the slow, calm mom thing.... pretending I was near a nervous bird routine.  I only wish I'd held that boundary with less emotional energy, bc she could tell she'd touched my stuff,which was her goal.  I admit it. I tend to get pushed beyond my ability to cope,which is pretty far...then I get a bit snappy.  No raging.  Just wide eyes and super pointed.....absolutely I could extend compassion while holding boundaries and that's my goal. THAT is what I really find challenging..... to FEEL less reactive and stressed and worried around the girls' stress of adulting, feeeeeling fear around their uncertain futures. DD19 talks a lot about the world heading into the crapper, bc global warming and plague and our culture's fixation on greed and separating the workers from the means of production so they can't afford to work 2 jobs and keep a roof over their familie's heads or food on the table.  She feels these things very deeply and voices that.  I don't tell her she has nothing to worry about, bc she does, obviously.  I tell her I have a trauma informed T lined up.... I tell both girls this and so far neither have taken me up on it. I should forward it to both and releases expectation.  I don't need to be involved and shouldn't be involved.  That settles that.

::making all three of our dentist appointments.... and worrying DD19's "hypocrit!" criticism has some merit::.

I so want to rise above my stuff getting touched and just glide over it with buckets of sturdy cement applied to my boundaries with a fairy trowel.... effortless and second nature.... without upset.  I try not to judge myself harshly when I fail.... just remind myself gently I CAN do this....and will, with practice.  I express sorry dd19 feels difficult things...some aimed at my head and heart.  I acknowledge and validate her and I have to admit to her I wasn't perfect, never claimed to be....I did the very best I could, as a mom.  I cant go back and change anything, but honestly..... I'm shocked I did as well as I have, considering the ongoing conflict and crisis we lived in..... all those years spent sheltering them and wondering if I was doing them a disservice..... sometimes sure I was, but I honestly can't imagine NOT protecing and shielding them, so....
acceptance, Hops.

And learning not to let the kids go for my jugular when they're struggling.... or at least not letting it create reactivity FOR ME. That's IT.  It's everything.  Creating those few seconds to choose responsiveness and choice.

Doing our best, releasing outcome then moving into acceptance without tortmented rumination...... is a very good goal for all, me'thinks.

I repeat and blather incoherently a bit, I'm sure, but I'm multi tasking like mad and not proofing that response, Maybe later; )



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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2021, 09:16:45 AM »
You won't hear any criticism from this direction Lighter. It's TOUGH; been there, no it, no one's perfect -- and even when we're trying to do things differently from what we experienced in our FOO -- it still recreates puzzles for the kids  in their own lives, to solve.

But multi-tasking - even when you're good at it, as I see you are - does take it's toll. You know this. Reducing the number of things you're trying to juggle - even if it's just temporarily - would be a form of self-care. Yes, you're the responsible party for things like the Lake House work and the cottage and home...

but I wonder if you can allow more delegation of the girl's lives to THEM... and more space into your relationship with them... while maintaining more of a detached supervisory role about the practicalities of life? Driving, jobs, school... are the practicalities. Reinforcing the idea that being independent of others in those areas is a form of "safety" and "security" to survive the always existing issues of connection & romance that they are of an age to explore.

I wonder if that would give you more room to BE and rediscover your life?
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Re: Just when you have a plan and feel great and things happily moving forward
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2021, 10:36:31 AM »
Hi, Amber:

As I write this, youngest dd is in another State, with a friend who shares her eating disorder and a fake I.D.  I've been receiving very kind updates and pictures.... Chuck E Cheese pics, making apple dumplings.... but I'm pretty sure the other mother is taking them to a Speak Easy and it's hoped no one drives drunk or is assaulted. DD is very charming and draws attention from the wrong quarters.  Her friend isn't charming, but she's attractive in a way that attracts Type A men, so..... I'm just breathing through it, breathing through it, breathing through it.  Finding my way back to center if a rabbit hole starts to take me. 

Oldest dd is calm and relaxed in my presence. Not sure how it happened, but she's (mostly)making better food choices.... when we had soft toacos the other night she didn't eat the second corn tortilla on any of her tacos. I ate every one of mine, scarfed them right down, I did.  She's joining in food choices, shopping, meal prep and eating together, which was impossible this time last year when she'd done just what she said she was going to do.... eaten whatever she wanted whenever,, which was mostly ice cream and noodles.  She refused to be near me..... I guess she thought I'd criticize, shoot her a look or otherwise yuck her yum.  I had to pull back on my reigns and NOT do that, ever...... just let her figure out I was done treating her like a child.  I guess she has. 

I've had this really deep desire to see the girls grow into their own lives.....  Since you wrote it out..... I do look forward to exploring who I am, now. 

I'm not who I was 10, 15, 20 and more years ago, that's certain. 

I'm curious.

Ahh...I didn't come to this thread to post about me.  I came to post about Amazon T's situation.....
Just when you have a plan and feel great and things are moving forward.....
BLAM!  One right in the chops and it's not going away anytime soon.  The lady downstairs has been frightened away.....T is alone and feeling terribly threatened.... perhaps IS under threat.  I'm not sure how this got so far down the road,  but Ifeeeeeel the same way about it as I did 14 years ago when I thought my martial arts instructor might step up and DO something... or my brother..... or the police, but they didn't.  And the men who're commenting at her complex seem to be engaging in the hooliganism.

It feels like there's a missing piece in socieity...... is it men willing to stand up and do the right thing?  What IS that right thing? 

Why can't women DO that right thing?

And....... some women DO overcome situations ike this...w hy is that?

Do they feel entitled to be heard and protected by the laws and rules of society?  Do they ask in a way that can't be ignored or punished? Do they have powerful advocates? Tax paying advocates?  Connected advocates?

It seemed to me the laws weren't followed on my account, ,but my ASPD stbx received every benefit and every chance.

The charming agressor is difficult to peg, IME.

I don't know how much ignoring the problem is the cops not wanting to deal with it...... how much is them ignoring us, bc of how we present..... how much is them being overwhelmed with no time to much is the lack of zero tolerance in our culture..... it's not really a crime.... it's something all men do and someone has to be harmed in order for anythng to be done, which feels more accurate.  My second divorce attorney said all men go nuts during divorce...they all make death threats, it's no big deal.  Ummm.... WHY is it no big deal when it's happening to a vulernable woman and children trapped in a situation with a bully who just might follow throuogh on a threat? If someone threatened a cop or a Senator or a man..... someone would care... is how it seems to work, IME. 

When I was 11yo or so, my father said the KKK used to go around and thump white men who beat their wives.  A group of hooligans committing atrocities AND stepping in to stop violence against vulnerable members of society, bc.....
bc....... they knew ONE was wrong, even if they didn't understand the other was evil.

Who steps in now, if anyone? 

When I was in my twenties, a friend from grade school flew in from California to see about his sister and her husband's bad marriage. The husband was beating his sister.  When the h opened the door and saw my friend standing there.... a Jujitsu practitioner, he said "You're here to beat my ass."
My friend replied...."That's the mission" and beat his ass. End of his sister's beatings.
That same grade school friend went on to open a Jujitsu studio and train up his two daughters in Jujitsu. One competed as an adult wen she was just 13yo, I thnk it was.  She's a super badass and will take over running the studio.  There will be no overt domestic violence that family.  There just won't, IMO. 

I would have to say my martial arts instructor commiserated more with my ASPD stbx than anything, bc all he was getting was his side of the story?  Not sure..... likely not...... I think maybe he would have liked to have controlled me too and the same with my brother.... he would liked to have controlled his wife the way my ASPD was controlling or seeming to get away with controlling me.

There were no men in my realm who would stand up and tell my ASPD to stop.... except the ticked off cop who wanted to arrest my husband right off the bat....and I wanted only to file a courtesy report. I'd cut my own throat, bc the the cops were angry at me for doing what most women do in that situation.... trying to keep or restore peace with little children involved in a situation spiraling out of control.

How out of control is T's situation heading...... and why doesn't anyone care the neighbors are being driven out by this situation?  It seems like they'd care maybe IF those 2 apartments couldn't be filled and they were losing rents? Or..... if new renters were big and agressive thumpers themselvs leading to a little war? 

The sheep
The wolves
The shepherds

Fleeing is the word I'm looking for.  The down neighbor left like her hair was on fire..... why doesn't anyone DO something?
What did the people being evicted DO to get evicted, if indeed someone is being evicted?  Why and who left T's apartment?

Last night I read about a 19yo couple in my area playing loud music in their apartment, during the holiday weekend, early afternoon.  The downstairs neighbors, married, older with young children, came upstairs pounding on their door then tried to gain entrance and physically assault the 19 yos. The kids called the cops, but the only ones cited were the kids by the apartment manager for playing loud music. 

Now.... that's interesting to me..... someone stood up, but they wanted to beat up non threatening teenagers and tried... actually tried to push their way INTO the teen's apartment.  Maybe the teens were being smart arses.....not sure, only got their side of the story, but their message is to never open your door to neighbors asking you to turn down the music.  They said they would have turned it down if asked politely,. but there was no request outside the pounding and pouncing.

I'm conflicted about this. 

And looking for paint while my foot is healing..... to paint the dolls for Halloween decorations. 

I've decided I can paint the lake kitchen cabinets with the boot on....I sort of like the boot.  I feel like I'm playing a part and it's comfortable, rocks so no bones in the move...... I can wear it for 2 mor more months, no prolem. With the proper sneaker aligning height.... it's just fine.  I will heal this foot.

I've also decided I want to find someone to braid big Viking braids into my hair weekly.  Usually I swirl my hair into a quck top knot, but it;s like cotton candy and matts quickly, typically at the scalp.  I'm so tired of dealing with knots.. 
