Thought a thread might help for this.
Like most, I'm terribly attuned to war in Europe, the danger, the suffering of so many innocents that's about to march before our horrified eyes, etc.
Talked about it with my elders' discussion group earlier and we took comfort from sharing our feelings. Interesting group with a Nam vet, deep and brilliant pacifist, and motley others, a former marine, another soldier, a brilliant 96 y/o. And a woman younger than I. Overall, a really nice diverse group of smart, caring people.
Hearing others express their own distress (after feeling guilt for bringing up the darkness) made me feel better, because I often push back against the unspoken agenda to "be positive."
I can't be, about this. I'm not freaking out, am taking in the news and sitting with it as spiritually as I can. But I do not, or cannot, compartmentalize as though it has no impact on me because I can still feed my crows, enjoy my friends, and afford groceries or gas.
Just a thread for sharing whatever anyone might need to, with war begun in Europe.
NO POLITICS INTENDED. Ain't about that. This is just ... humanity. Dealing with that.