My apologies to all for a bit of ranting in this thread. I'm done, promise.
I read an article that smacked me in the soul, and it jangled me up.
Got a grip, now. It'll need renewing. Whew.
Facebook censorship doesn't quite jive with a free thinking society. whacky singing Nina put an emphasis on voting.
Nina Jankowicz: "and not support their lies with our wallet voice or VOTE"
Twitter's ex CEO Parang said: "Why should I differentiate between whites and racists."
Parang's Twitter had been meeting with the FBI already.
A group connected with a recent beheading is still on Twitter that was never taken down by the Agrawal team.
"But there is a potentially easy fix. Regulate social media, and in particular the algorithms that disproportionately push the more incendiary, extreme, threatening and fear-inducing information into people’s feeds."
Is censorship easy? National Victims of Communism Day is on November 7th.
Watched the Sialkot lynching live on Twitter. It was a blasphemy killing people acting in barbaric ways and recording it with their technology smart phones. They have a ritualized way of killing people that ends with burning the body. I think the US just agreed to send more money there for "climate reparations."
People say there is a civil war looming though don't you think the govt would step in and stop something like that. The military certainly can.
Iran has already set up systems to ration food with biometrics and are also using it to monitor Sharia Law hair criminals, you know women who don't have their scarfs on are breaking the law. Hair censorship.
There is certainly a cognitive war. What do they call us now 'neural infrastructure' I believe.
When things really go to hell they can use the white people as scapegoats for everything. They have already amplifed that particular narrative.
Testosterone is on the decline so the civil war will be a cyber war? many issues. Anything could happen. More mid-level violence and stochastic terrorism.
Meh. I can't help myself. I have to respond to the constant narrative of white supremacism I'm tired of hearing it.
And last but not least.... What is a woman? Nobody knows.
People with vulvas.
Chest Feeders.
Front Holes.
And if a person doesn't like those terms it means one is a 'Nazi' apparently. Yep, if you think people with vulvas are women you might be a white supremacist.
Okay, Yawn. Enough about the collapse of civilization I'm gonna sleep. Everybody just has to find their affinity groups, allies, tribes and klans and religions, cults etc.