So, B's plans to head back for another load were delayed a week - due to an unannounced appt scheduled with the surgeon. It was a nothing appt. The usual checkup questions, the same confusion over paperwork (and insurance personnel being on vacation)... nada, nothing but ongoing frustration... and of course a fee to the insurance company.
I think I need to start looking for different docs. And possibly a different KIND of doc. I'm going to think on that and dig around.
And last eye appt, the doc is back on the cataract surgery kick. Last time, I was told I didn't have them. So WTH? Might be time for a different opinion on this, too, before committing to surgery. I NEED my eyes more than almost any other sense.
Studio progress is slow. B took over the sink installation and he is over-engineering things. Hol gets in a rush and that drives Mr. OCD very crazy... and she doesn't always do a thorough job. They've both pushed me out of doing lots of things for myself... which is beginning to be a problem for me. Once I have my solitude back, in some measure, I'll unpack that puzzle and look for a different tack.
The garden is a disaster again this year. As I mentioned on Tupp's thread, I simply can't work in the heat & buggy season. I merely harvested some feverfew for tea (for B) and had 4-5 huge welts. Long sleeves/pants don't help. I can't wear bug spray - unless it's a short time and I shower soon after. I need to rethink the garden too.
B's stumbling along pretty good. There was another occurance of this recurring "meningitis" crap - and the last was 6-9 months ago, so the repetition is spacing out. It's not a true meningitis - just the symptoms are very similar. No doc has figured out the actual cause and then treated it... which apparently isn't something the medical profession does anymore. He did fall, and that might've had something to do with this occurance. I put him back on his antibiotic tinctures for a couple days and it did resolve. For now.
Hol's new guy is definitely keeping her entertained and he is definitely the opposite of S. He talks so much I wonder how much of it is really true. But, he is likeable... and has normal behavior patterns socially. He has a lot on his plate with a house he's going to rehab... so they do spend some time together; days at a time. But then, they're on their own again. And of course, he works as a programmer for software that helps non-verbal autistic kids communicate. And she is still letting S come out for a couple days. Last time, they didn't do a thing together and he didn't really talk. And her anger-button was pushed again. I can't get her to see that this behavior is always going to push her button - it's part of her natural personality. She doesn't do that kind of inconsiderate people gracefully.
But I'm not spending a lot of time on it. I figure, she'll soon come to the fact she is never going to get what she wants from S and will stop trying or having time for him.
Her projects are starting to get squared away. And she's already collecting logs to cut wood. My racks are full, and there's another pile out by the barn and more to come down yet. C'mon cool weather!!