Hi everybody,
I hope you guys are well. I've been hard at work trying to get to the nub of 'why my life is such a mess' and it has been hard going at times! I've tried to keep up a regular routine of yoga, healthy food, plenty of water and early bedtimes, along with trying to limit internet use (or pointless internet use, to be more specific). I cancelled all the TV packages and we've gone back to watching DVDs which has completely changed my 'sit mindlessly in front of the TV for hours' problem as well.
I've been doing this thing called 'The Daily Practice' which I got off a self help channel on YouTube. It's based on a technique used by AA programme followers, apparently, and it simply consists of writing down all your fears and resentments, twice a day, and then meditating afterwards. I've not managed to do it twice a day very often and I quite often don't meditate afterwards either, but despite that it has been very revealing to me when trying to get to the bottom of the two main issues in my life, which seem to be (a) my deathly talent for procrastination and (b) the unhelpful patterns that seem to repeat endlessly no matter how hard I try to change my external circumstances or my own behaviour. What has become apparent over the last few months is that fear is at the bottom of every situation in my life. I discovered that I'm just as afraid of succeeding as I am at failing which I hadn't realised before, and I realised that, whatever I do, there is a criticism that accompanies it. If I don't cut the grass I'm lazy, if I do cut it it's because I've got an easy life and I've got time, if I don't cook from scratch it's because I'm lazy, if I do it's because I'm at home all day and I've got nothing better to do, and so on. I was aware of that aspect of myself but it's something I've found very difficult to stop.
The last few days have been very revealing because i realised that what I've actually always been terrified of is making my mother angry. I have no conscious memory of ever thinking this, or feeling it. I think this must have bedded in very young, pre-language, and has been there all along without ever being really obvious to me. I realised the problem we had growing up was that we had to be good enough not to cause her any problems or embarrassment (or create any extra work for her) but we couldn't be good at anything in real terms, like cooking, gardening, relationships, school, work, parenting or anything else. She's so destructive that any sign we had talent in any area we were mocked and put down, or it was presented back to us as being snobby, up ourselves, thinking we were 'it' and all manner of other nonsense. I have always been aware she did that but I don't think I ever realised just how deeply entrenched that was in me. Almost a reality of being seen and not heard. What kind of person feels so threatened by an eight year old getting ten out of ten in a spelling test that they have to say something nasty instead of saying 'well done'? It beggars belief.
The result of that is that I've had a few days of feeling like I've stepped out of some sort of parallel universe. Everything feels very real and like I'm seeing it for the first time. It's an odd sensation, because I also feel like a woman who's been battling every minute of the last fifty years and I really just want to lie on a deserted beach in the sunshine with a friendly waiter bringing drinks and snacks every couple of hours. Preferably for the next ten years

There's a life ahead of me now but I've genuinely no idea what I should do with it. It feels exciting and scary at the same time. Tired more than anything! But wondering what the future holds.
The upshot of all of that is that i got a call from my sister to say my mum had phoned, saying she has cancer. My first question to my sister was "do you think she's telling the truth this time?" and my sister's reply was that she doesn't know. We were trying to work it out and we think this is the fourth time she's claimed she has cancer. On previous occasions she's implied cancer is present and she's had to have surgery and other treatment. Then she's denied she ever said it and when we've gone through what she's said she's been able to, quite correctly, say "well I didn't actually use the word cancer, did I? You've assumed that". And this ridiculous merry dance has repeated itself with regard to other situations and health problems as well. So whether she is ill this time or not we don't know. The gathering of other relatives has already started; my sister had a call from my aunt, who herself had received a call from a cousin. Fortunately no-one has my number. I asked my sister if she's going to go down there and she said no because she knows the sort of abuse she'll get from my step-dad. Truthfully I'm suspicious of the timing; the lovely father of a childhood friend of mine passed away recently and we went down for the funeral. My sister got the call from my mum on the day of the funeral, and given the way gossip spreads down there I'd lay money she knew we'd gone down for it. This is another pattern of hers; attention is being given elsewhere so she has to draw it back to herself. I could be wrong and it might just be coincidence but it's those repeating patterns again. She followed up a couple of days later with another call to my sister, saying she'd received flowers without a card and were they from her? She does this every time as well, there's always an anonymous delivery to wish her well.
I've been waiting to see how I feel about it all; given her age now if she really does have cancer then the treatment is very gruelling and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy (which is probably what she is). I'm not looking forward to being older and having those thoughts about whether each health scare is a sign my number's up and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, either. But knowing her as I do, she won't be reaching out for support at a time like this, she'll be looking for a whipping boy, someone she can criticise, jerk around, manipulate and generally have some control over. She's run out of contenders, really, none of her children, grandchildren or great grandchildren have any contact with her and the few people she still has in her life have only ever seen her 'wonderful' side, so she won't be able to unleash reality on them. I thought back to all the times since I've had my son that I've been ill and how awful she was when he was little, what horrible games she played when my mental health was so precarious and all the crisis situations I've had to go through since then alone because I was too scared of her finding out that I was in a weakened state and coming after me again. Even with private therapists I was never fully transparent because I knew my records could be subpoenaed and there were things I didn't want getting dragged through a court.
I thought about the fact she hasn't contacted me directly, when she's always found herself perfectly capable of doing so to harass, threaten or intimidate us and I wondered about the relevance of that. I know there will be (normal!) people who will say I should contact her because I'll regret it if I don't speak to her before she dies and I thought about that a lot. Truthfully, my only regret is that I didn't pack a bag when I was seventeen and never look back. It wouldn't have repaired the childhood damage but it would stopped a lot of the adult stuff from happening.
I'm quite surprised to find I don't really feel anything. Not in a numb kind of way, but I think I really, truly am done, not just with her but with the family drama altogether. My sister started to talk about her ridiculous ex partner's behaviour and I cut her off and said I was just on my way out. I haven't contacted any of my other siblings because I don't want to get dragged back in to the drama party. I'm making good progress on myself - I don't know what the next step is but it feels like it will be a step forward, not a step toward the spider's web. I saw both my sister and my brother last time we went down, separately, and came away not wanting to see either of them again. I'm just done with it all. The feelings of guilt, responsibility, what about the kids, all of that seems to have gone. Whether it's just tiredness or whether it's really behind me I don't know, but it isn't there so I'm focusing on that for now.
So that's where I'm at

I hope all of you are well and getting some spring weather. We've had nothing but rain for months now; I feel like a swamp donkey
