Had another incident similar to the 'will you look after my pets' one so am now thinking about my own behaviour and what it is I do that brings this out in other people. It's not being asked a favour that I mind, it's the sort of sneaky round about way it's happening and the time it's taking me to extricate myself from it. Yesterday I had two missed calls and a text message from someone, I messaged back and said I'd have time to talk tomorrow (today now) and I'd call them then, got another message that suggested it was urgent so I rang. It wasn't urgent, she could have looked it up for herself in less time than it took her to keep contacting me, it could have been put off until we meet in person at the weekend. She also wanted directions for where we're meeting, went through it with her three times and she still wasn't sure, couldn't explain it any clearer, for some reason she doesn't use map or sat nav.
I think I get anxious at the thought of not doing what someone else wants (ie picking up the phone, answering the door, agreeing to things before I know what's wanted). But I seem to attract people who have that kind of neediness about them. They will react if they don't get what they want when they want, whereas there are other people I know who, if I said I was busy today and I'll call them tomorrow they'd say no problem and it wouldn't concern me. So I need to work out how to swich off the radar that I seem to send out that draws those sort of people in.
I think part of it with me is that I don't select people, I wait for them to select me (you're not an apple waiting to be picked, Lighter! I always think of that lol). I find rejection hard, even a soft rejection of a phone call not being returned or a text reply three weeks after a message was sent. I also feel I don't have anything to offer people so I don't feel up to inviting someone round for coffee and then, truthfully, being embarrassed by my life and the way I live. Hmm, hadn't realised that before. That's quite a big one. I suppose essentially I don't feel I'm on the same level as the kind of people I'd like to spend time with. But the neediness in me attracts the ones who then lead me to sitting here writing about angst online

Lol. So I guess I need to be less needy? And level up more so that I feel I can say to someone, come round for a coffee and not be embarrassed. Okay. I'm thinking out loud. Time to dial down my own neediness, I think.
I think I need to work on my own routine as well. The conversation with her really drained me, it threw my evening routine out and I ended up not doing what I wanted to get done and went to bed in a mood. Haven't slept well so the disruption has carried on into today and this is all because I couldn't just ignore my phone or say no, I've no time today. Need to make my routine more robust so I don't get derailed as well, I think.