Thinking about you guys and processing childhood trauma while having coffee with the hummingbirds and a hungry little finch....and REM popped into my head.
I wonder if, when you catch it, the moments of feeling bad/not good enough....
you recognize them, ask (hummingbird chirping just now) ask them to notice with you while practicing REM......if that shifts anything.
My T would use her fingers about 18" away from my face, moving faster than I could follow with my eyes. It was overwhelming to try. She suggested I choose 2 spots on the wall.....either side of a doorway maybe, at edges of peripheral vision,vto practice alone.
Of all the things she's given me......that's popped up this morning and is doable. My eyes feel a bit dizzy, but I'll continue shifting reactivity around family till coffee is done.
I hear the hawks hunting in the yard. So many distractions....fishermen sound so close ... like they're on the porch.
Back to REM for at least 2 more rounds. Do you have a light you use, Tupp or was that your T's? focus is so sharp. I can spot the 2 separate hummingbirds and a little squirrel sitting in the trees. Something sounds like it's crying.... it's a few trees back. Can't spot it yet, but I see the branch the hawk likes to sit on.
: uncrossing legs:: REM.... I chatter my teeth back and forth..... they're trying to help my eyes keep up, I think, lol.
The crying noise is coming from a squirrel. Sometimes that noise goes on into the night. Assuming a nest was pillaged by an owl....they hunt at night.
:: uncrossing legs again:: Remembering to breath and commence REM again......stretch and.....I see stars and the lovely maternal spirits I've recently hosted at the lake pop up for me. The house has never been so clean or cared for.
Kayakers, not fishermen, float gently by and that's my sign to attempt smart TV set up, sans oldest DD's help, darnit 🪺
We're here, waiting for you, ((Tupp.))