I find this thread very timely, informative and enlightening. Though NPD is a new discovery to me, it like the missing puzzle piece that fits in several relationships; particularly with my N-alcoholic-Dad and my ex-fiance.
It was my behavior that was keeping the dance going....you know, they'd put me down or express disapproval and I try even harder to please and accomodate. When I stopped doing that, distanced myself from them but remained polite they eventually came around and treated me like a human being again.
Your statement was particularly helpful, Guest, as it very much applies to a couple of friendships that are now under further examination. During the breakup with my ex-N, I reached out to friends for support. Being mindful that others have lives, and the universe doesn't revolve around me, I tried not to take it personally when days went by without a return phone call or e-mail. Sometimes my attempts to contact these two particular friends would be outnumbered 2 to 1. I even prefaced calls or e-mails by saying "sorry if I'm an emotional barnacle right now," or "I'm feeling quite needy." In other words, I tried to own my feelings while reaching out without being demanding.
The upshot is after several months of feeling ignored (or at the very least tolerated) I approached one particular friend and asked if we could talk about it; that perhaps in the midst of my grieving, I was being hypersensitive or over-analyzing. Approaching her was also in anticipation of a Christmas Eve get together at her house which required travel and pet care arrangements. Again, she didn't respond for several days. When she did e-mail yesterday, she conveyed she didn't have the time/energy/or desire to deal with me during the past few days but, if I wanted to talk, perhaps we could that evening or the following day.
(Sorry this is getting lengthy). I was already feeling pretty raw and vulnerable as the holidays were approaching. This hasn't helped. Frankly, I don't feel very welcome in her life right now, much less on Christmas Eve. So I've opted not to hurry up, rush around, and make 11th-hour arrangements in order to go there and pretend. It means spending Christmas Eve by myself but this appeals to me more than a contrived situation where I already feel uneasy.
I think this is progress for me and along the lines of:
These were the kind of people that would always leave me thinking things like "Gee, they are so nice to so and so...why are they so mean to me? What's wrong with me? Why don't they value me?" I'm thankful that by changing my ways I still have these people in my life but with mutual respect now.
So, Guest, thank you for helping me be okay with the adage "To thine own self be true."
Merry Christmas everyone.