Author Topic: Nothing much really  (Read 235 times)


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Nothing much really
« on: March 03, 2025, 12:06:16 AM »
So at the moment I have this state health insurance and I've not used it very much because I'm unmotivated, am not in a big city so there aren't very many health care providers anyways, and the insurance website is clunky and awkward and none of it is organized it's all these various listings some of them out of business and some of them not taking new patients. I thought I might try to just SEE if I can locate a therapist via this health insurance.

The first one I landed on I called the phone number it's disconnected. The second one appears to be a drag queen in their personal time and wants people to follow their drag shows on instagram. Left a message for a mysterious other office in case they might call me back during the week. Now I am looking at people who are a long drive away and are stating all this political wokery crap on their websites about gender.

This is why I don't bother in the first place it takes hours and hours of my time just to locate someone and even at that the schools in my state are far politically left which means they put all the gender crap on their professional webpages. At this point if I were to see a therapist I only want to see an old woman. Somebody with a real vagina that has always had a vagina. Not a neovagina not any of that weird shit.

I just don't think it's worth it to try to see a therapist. And yet here I am slogging through this crap but again if you're rich you live in a big city and you go see some specialist in the area that is relevant to whatever it is you are seeing a therapist for I figure. I imagine these people read some text books at a university they just got by on their tests by reciting whatever is in the books. I don't know what I am doing tonight am I going to continue to spend another hour scrolling down these offices which are like an hour each way to drive to. I'm not sure. There is teledoc but I really don't think I want to do that.

Maybe I really should move back to the city. Or not. I don't know. I suppose I could ATTEMPT a teledoc counseling appointment. I don't want to be on a video camera talking about personal stuff. I don't care how they market it that's just not appealing to me. It's not. I already wasted my day doing this so I might as well keep looking since I am in their dumb database of providers.

You see if you have some kind of good health network you call and can get something set up in 20-30 minutes at the most and make an appointment but this is honestly I'm just shaking my head and complaining per usual. I have to complain my way through everything it is the only way I get anything done.

Here is the other thing like for example on one website it says this (Fees Psychotherapy, 50 min: $140)

I am low class so I usually get paid $20 an hour at the MAX. So if I were to pay for this out of pocket it would be like an entire days pay for me practically once they take taxes out of it.

The question is well is it really worth it and what am I meant to get out of therapy?

« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 12:27:43 AM by Meh »


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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2025, 09:42:36 AM »
Hey, Meh.

My thought in answer is: peace. Just some peace.

And maybe an understanding of where/how you belong in this world.

I hope you could consider one Telehealth session, to give it a chance. And/or tell a potential therapist right up front that your beliefs are right-wing, and do they feel comfortable helping someone who's socially conservative? Any decent therapist should answer that honestly.

Good luck, and it sounds good to me that you're making this effort.

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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2025, 11:56:37 AM »
Finding ANY healthcare within a "local" driving distance is getting harder & harder, Meh. And Godz forbid, you need a specialist. Our last visit was a 2 hr drive into the city. Hol drove, coz the traffic makes me a nervous wreck.

I think, if you're gonna try "teledoc" maybe you ought to draft a reasonably short email explaining your goal that you can send BEFORE a session. And you can ask about the ideology differences maybe getting in the way. That way, you session time isn't wasted.

There is always a dice roll, trying to find someone that YOU can work with. They may be highly praised by other people, but if y'all don't see eye to eye or can't communicate smoothly, then they're not for you. I get what you're saying about their qualifications. It's like they're following a script and a "one size fits all" formula before they even get to know you. IMO, there are really good people doing this work but they are few and far between and VERY expensive. There really need to be more people who are really CALLED to this work - and don't simply see it as job they can virtue signal about.
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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2025, 11:59:21 PM »
Mine is covered by Medicare, are you on any kind of insurance, Meh?

Hope you won't start out believing in obstacles you haven't found proof of yet.
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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2025, 04:22:55 AM »
Hi Hops and Skeptikal,

I've thought about asking counselors up front but I would be lucky to find any near me at all. I do not consider myself right-wing I'm actually old, low class and sort of not into either political parties that much. I don't qualify as a conservative Christian or whatever doesn't matter I just come here to complain in fact everything annoys me these days. Like every little task annoys me. I am glad for getting stuff DONE if I FORCE myself to do it but my brain revolts. I just five minutes ago forced myself to find some clothes in a box and some part of my brain spontaneously shows me this image of me just having the meeting naked. Honestly this is not something I want to do but some recess of my mind seems to think everything is just more effort than it's worth. Wow, the value of one's time and effort huh. Anyhow I didn't get any usable responses to the emails I had sent to the counselors all I asked was are they taking new patients under the health coverage I have that is it.

Traffic makes me nervous too and I've been driving on side roads for the entire time that I've had my car. Only went on the freeway once. Actually eventually that is something I should get used to again maybe but then again I don't think traffic is worth it. I live outside the Seattle area and I think it's rated one of the worst places in the nation traffic wise and I am a bad driver and I can't afford to fix anything so yeah. F that.

I don't like teledoc for therapy. I get it that it works for some things but I think it's just another way human consciousness is getting sucked into the etheric neverland.

Agreed Skeptical I do think there are some people that are into what they are doing and they have an area of specialty and they are likely good and yes it's the "top-tier" type of healthcare. I've got the drive-through gas station version of healthcare though at best. Oi, I shouldn't think about it too much I have a lot to do in the next 12 hours.

No there really ARE obstacles Hops. I do have bad health insurance but also I don't live in the city right now and I haven't been into the city for a very long time. And I am not going to drive to a park and ride, catch a bus and another bus maybe in the rain... go to an appointment with a rando stranger counselor and then do a whole slog of a commute back.

Look I know that part of what I do is my brain hates everything. I actually am noticing that EVERYTHING seems hard. But the thing is I doubt it's worth it. I am going to lose my health insurance anyhow so I don't know why I was even bothering to look. There is someone I think does therapy out of their house nearby but it doesn't seem very legit to me. Then again they probably need the money and I think the insurance pays for it. Can't recall. I don't want to think about it anymore.

It's 1:20 am here. I am very wide awake but I need for force myself to wind down soonish. Maybe I should clean and make garlic bread and get off of the internet but also I was trying not to eat past 8 pm and I seem to be not sticking to that rule this week. Oh well.


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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2025, 05:21:39 AM »

Thinking about it. Yesterday I was procrastinating by looking for a therapist I am not kidding I think that task is something I should not have been doing because now I can think of other things TIME SENSITIVE ones which I should have been doing which were more urgent. Then again sometimes everything feels urgent and sometimes everything does need to get done ASAP of course that is also a consequence of being a procrastinator. Something yesterday had me feeling sad and stressed out and I guess that is what prompted me to look but I am going to most likely not have that insurance for long so reflecting on it now IT really does not make sense. I'm just wondering if I wasn't adding 2+2 yesterday. Maybe not thinking clearly then again one doesn't always know when one is not thinking clearly.

I really wonder how much procrastination is linked to anxiety and GAD.

- I WAS procrastinating.
- I think I also had a sad feeling night and that was probably motivating me also.

It's kind of both. Things CAN be both.


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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2025, 08:47:02 AM »
Things can definitely be a combination of feelings Meh! Trying to separate them, to simplify sorting them out, is work that can be worth "it".

There is no "should" about driving on the highway, IMO. No one judging you or me, due to our dislike or anxiety about it. No report card; no grades. If you LIKE the slower pace of backroads vs highway, go for it! ENJOY it! There is always so much more to discover and appreciate on the backroads (once upon a time, the "highways" of the past).

We all have a list of "shoulds" in our brains - whether it's just chores, self-care, things to do for others, pets, whatever. When that list gets overwhelming, it helps me to start from what I WANT, which could be the smallest, easiest thing on the list or a major project, with unexpected difficulties we can't foresee.

Shoulds are some kind of societal pressure tyranny, the way I see it, most of the time; unless it's something like you shouldn't stick your hand in the fire coz you'll burn yourself. We "should" conform to fashion; we "should" be model thin (and consequently weak); we "should" workout & exercise; we "should" always only eat healthy food (WHAT?! NO CAKE????) should-should-should-should-should...

I'm really not interested at all in the shoulds that get pushed at people. I ignore them (at my own risk, of course) to an extent that allows ME comfort in my own skin, and respect for my autonomy; freedom as a person. So, I don't let myself go to either extreme on that scale of "shoulds", but would fall where I can handle it, as a life-long non-conformist. And I don't judge other people where they fall on the scale either. Everyone gets their own choice.
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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2025, 12:45:44 PM »
Hear, hear. Botha youse.

I wonder if there's a Village within a half hour of you, Meh?
The #1 volunteer service ours does for people is drive them to appointments.

Transportation's a huge obstacle, even to access crappy care. I believe you about how real the obstacles are. And how frustrating. has info.

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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2025, 03:32:46 PM »
I'm gonna add....
My T helped me identify a toxic worry worry worry coping strategy, I didn't realize I depended robbed me of joy.

It was exhausting and didn't change outcomes, though I believed it was the thing saving me, bc that's how I'd survived.... worrying my way through everything.

T pointed out an alternative strategy.
Do what I could, then put the story on the shelf.... meaning, once I'd done every possible thing, I could do, to resolve my problem....I could choose to stop thinking about it, and turn toward the joy in front of me....
be present in the moment, opposed to worrying into the future, which drained my batteries, kept me in fight or flight reactive mode, which shut down my frontal cortex processes of reasoning and creative problem solving. I really needed access to reason and creative problem solving skills!!!  That required calming my brain and Nervous System, which brought my entire brain back online.  Fight or flight shuts down access to frontal cortex....think of maybe seeing a tiger.  Amygdala fight or flight brain acts to evade and survive that tiger.  Higher brain wonders if it really sees a tiger, or is it just shadows and a truck if the light, kwim?

With some emotional distance, it made sense and improved my response and ability to respond by expanding choice and ability to bring about the best possible outcomes, IME.  It restored choice, I guess is more accurate.

I think that was as important as the rest, but everything was layered and somehow built a solid foundation. 

I'll say felt like a lot of moving parts, at felt overwhelming.  I beat myself up for forgetting things I knew, but forgot when upset, bc old defaults needed to be reset.  I got better at being kind to myself, which speeds everything up, IME.

Once concepts and new habits became less alien ....they morphed into familiar tools.  sometimes chose those tools.  That felt amazing and I wish I'd not worried about internalizing them, bc it took up space I could have used more productively.

Having said that.....the way I  processed was the way I needed to process.  The "setbacks" weren't bad or good, even though I judged them so.  Noticing judgement was part of changing it into curiosity.  It wasn't a switch I could flip and turned out to be exactly like early days in martial arts, but without a stern instructor bringing my focus back to the present moment, again and again, bc I did notice doing things wrong and despised it.  It hijacked my brain for a while.....only frustrating me and slowing progress.

Curiosity was the cure.  Tweaking mistakes, instead of judging and catastrophising, was revelation and joy.  Beating myself up was detrimental to learning BUT provided clues to my inner world, not that I understood, at that time.

Looking back, I notice how hard I was on myself. 


I'm gonna say something about what I received, from therapy, but didn't know was possible or something I'd find helpful.

The number one thing, that helped, was observing trauma/past/present with enough distance.....I experienced it without fighting/flight/freeze/fawn brain taking over. I could observe it with my entire brain online, helping me process it.  This was huge.

Second....the choice to focus on joyful things, while refusing to drain my batteries on rumination, sadness, regret and fear became something I could choose or not choose.

Not that there aren't ups and downs.  There are.

Not that the injustices are ok.  They aren't.

What's apparent is .....I don't have to give my energy to things I can't change.  I admit to spending most of my time, trying to change things, I couldn't make peace with in my past.  It was painful and I have compassion for myself.  I choose better for myself, as I can.

Sometimes I choose to spin my wheels ruminating, but understand I gave up better things to do that.

My first productive therapy session began with a list:
1.  Embrace self compassion over and over till it became familiar.
2.  Replace judgement with curiosity. All judgement gets dropped here.
3.  Embrace radical acceptance.
4.  Release outcome.

That's how I answer your question about expectations of therapy and a therapist.

The thing is, a therapist you connect with will likely not be someone else, on the board, connects with.

Your experience will be your own, boat. Likely, you'll be surprised at how things unfold, and that can be perfectly ok, IME.

If you research different types of therapies...some will make more sense than others.  Making your preferences clear, in communication with possible therapists, can help dial in matches, I'd think.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 10:09:47 AM by lighter »


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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2025, 06:02:04 PM »
Lighter, I'm vicariously appreciating this descriptive explanation you offer Meh.

It's distilled so well it's clear. Thank you, and kudos.


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Re: Nothing much really
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2025, 09:55:05 PM »
Thanks, Hops🐦