Adding a thought......
It's familiar, I realize. From the book, The Sociopath Next Door......
Paraphrasing, but one feels it when it happens......
someone plays victim after doing egregiously harmful things TO others. So familiar. Difficult to put a finger on slippery, it is.
Consistent victim posturing, while finger pointing/shaming/accusing I'm others if doing what they're engaged in, actively, and I have to assume, many believe their narrative. Pathological. Unknown to them? Known? Doesn't matter if one doesn't need to fix it or figure it out, IME.
Familiar feelings of revulsion pop up. Repulsive and difficult to bring into focus.
We attract.... we're attracted....we repeat childhood struggle, or we don't.
Predictable, but unforseen by us, things happen when engaging with what point can one see up ahead, vs not see it coming?
Words, only, pop up here ....
Heinous fockery....
All can be true, but for a woman, stating that truth out loud, it's often, IME, met with judgement, then punishment.
And it's cultural collusion, IME. The expectation bring ...women will suck it up, always, do consistent heavy lifting, while labeled weak, emotional and less productive, bc much of the heavy lifting they do isn't valued, generally, paid well or viewed as actual work, IME.
If women are degraded, undervalued, taught they deserve less .... deserve to serve others, only....deserve less, should expect less, expect to be buddy fukked by the systems, those paid to protect and fairly adjudicate laws, those in traditional roles of "family protectors", while suggesting women just stay quiet, remain in abusive situations, and/or participate in trapping women in ",/traditional roles/powerless/at the mercy of/vulnerable/protecting children/,limited access to resources.......
lost my train if thought, but it's percolating.