Hi Bloopsy
I read here or somewhere else that that not allowing someone to cry is the worst kind of abuse I did/do that to myself. I think that my body has become a well of tears and rage and guess what that is okay today. I treated me the way that I was used to being treated by my parents and my mom's boyfriend
I was a cryer as a child and would cry if my father got mad at me and would likely cry now if I thought I dissapointed him. They would often remind me you just look at her and she crys.
I didn't get along with my mother, I look back now and know she has somekind of P-Disorder.
I was going out with a friend and just didn't want to go back home I was tired of her being so mean to me.
I stayed with a friend that night and I kept telling myself I will not cry
a few days later my head was aching and I felt physically Ill.
To this day I believe if you need to cry your body will expect it, I'm not sure about what your body goes thru but I finaly cried and it was days until my head felt better.
I never want to have that pain again.
So from 1 frying pan to the other I'm married to an N and he hates it when I would cry.
For him I have no more tears. I never cry anymore and my body doesn't react anymore. (n-numb)
I think if you have tears for someone you should cry.
I try not to remember the mean things my own mother would say to me and know that it's a battle in the mind to keep away the words and actions of hurtful people. You trust your parents, what they say must be true.
our parents and all humans, they will always dissapoint.
Keep your trust in God and expect people as well as yourself to dissapoint.
Maybe if you can except this, letting go of the hurt to yourself can be forgiven, your only Human.