Author Topic: What do you think  (Read 2754 times)

In College Forever

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What do you think
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:59:11 AM »
What do you think about the idea of being in college forever?  That is never the goal correct.  You take a number of courses with the idea of graduating.  Certain classes you take because you need the credits.  If you fail a certain required course, you get stuck and need to keep taking it so you can pass.  Sometimes, it becomes so impossible, people change their majors, deciding the degree they're pursuing is not for them.

That is what life is like.  We get stuck taking certain courses over and over again because we haven't made the right grade.

Certain people who make the grade are gracious enough to share what they know with the others who are still learning.  Like different professors, some have great teaching styles, others suck.

Like the old cliche goes, those who can, do (learn, move on, grow, that is) and those who cannot, teach (get stuck, teaching that is).  They're not moving on to the other lessons of their own life because they're stuck teaching lessons to others.  I don't think it's always altruistic.

This site is a necessary venue.  People come here as a necessary step in healing to have their feelings validated, to learn that they are not to blame for their victimization, et cetera, et cetera.

Those who stay to help others are having a need met as well.  If you've been here for a while, introspection might prompt you to ask yourself what needs of yours are being meant by continuing to stay on here and counsel others?

Is it that you're afraid to move on to the next class, where you will lose your role as Mentor, and instead become student?

It is a question that needs to be asked.  Especially if you, as mentor, are sometimes hurtful or callous, or closed minded.

The thread that was written, Resolutions Anyone, fell to the bottom without much response.  I think it was because it was too threatening and challenging for the members here.  That is another twist on why some comments are ignored.  Bunny mentioned some great reasons.  There are others.  Like if a nerve is hit, if it hits home and many are not ready to deal with it.

Many of you who have been here for a while need to ask yourself, why are you here, especially those who do not have Narcisists in their lives on a daily basis.  I wonder, what are they doing here?  What need is being fulfilled?

Someone mentioned the idea that their might be Narcissists posting here looking for supply.  Gasp and outrage, oh My God, ensued.  The idea!!!!

I always find when you get such a shocking response that it is because there might be some truth to the idea.

We are all doing what we do because it satisfies some need in us.

What is your motivation?

Why are you here?


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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2005, 09:07:07 AM »
who are you?


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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2005, 09:08:44 AM »
why are you here?


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« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2005, 10:57:36 AM »
The only purposes of this post (that I can see) are to foment argument, make people feel bad about participating on this group, create dissention, devalue, mock, and insult the group and its members. I hope Dr G notices the destructive quality of this post.

And my feeling is that it's "In Friendship" posting under another name. All the issues are the same.



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« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2005, 11:17:04 AM »
Ditto Bunny.

I ask questions, try and relate - why? All those words, waste of time. Head-brickwall. I give up. Not my 'job'. Not my problem. I chucked up the 4 agreements again, mainly for me. Remind myself. Yeah! Have a good weekend bunny, hugs, Portia

Physician, Heal thy self

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« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2005, 02:38:26 PM »
It is disheartening to know that after all of this time, many are still unwilling to self-reflect.  Alas, the mind truly cannot see what it cannot comprehend.  The priest looks at a man and only sees his soul; the thief looks at a man and see's only his pockets.
Such a shame.   You may have your forum and keep it exactly as it is.   Those who can heal and grow WILL move on.  Others will stay, and take root.


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« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2005, 04:39:47 PM »
Y'know. I'm going to take another risk and chime in here. I happen to think that the three aliases -- in friendship; in college forever and physician heal thyself -- are one in the same. And while I originally stood up for freedom of expression -- stating that on a couple of occasions I had felt ignored; which in hindsight may have been a pretty ego-driven statement -- I am now rethinking this.

You, with the three aliases, are not offering hope, strength or experience. Your posts are coming off as pretentious pontification and judgemental negativity. I, for one, DO NOT support this and am making my last post on the subject.

One last thing: If the three of you find this board to lack insight or input that you can relate to, then why hang around? Be off with you to the land of the well-adjusted. We'll wave to you from time to time, over here, among those of us who still might struggle or be learning to grow.



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« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2005, 06:09:54 PM »
<What do you think about the idea of being in college forever? That is never the goal correct.>

I got this far before I disagreed.  :lol:   Life is learning, and to me we do not graduate into real knowledge until we enter eternity.  Before then, we are all learning, and all growing, day by day and little by little.  There is nothing wrong with staying in college forever.  Many academics do it very happily, and contribute greatly to the sum of human knowledge thereby.

Those who prefer not to learn stay away from situations and places where they can encounter growth - such as this place.  Those who prefer to challenge themselves and to grow will actively seek out places such as this, and enter them with a real desire to learn from others and to share experiences.

Funny thing is, that we can only learn from those willing themselves to learn, imo.  A person who apparently knows it all, and takes a superior, guru-like stance towards lesser mortals, can teach nothing.  They have nothing worth us taking the trouble to learn.  Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


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« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2005, 10:32:00 PM »
We only see what we can comprehend.  We see conspiracy, negativity, bad intentions because that is all we know and are prepared to accept.  That is the real tragedy.  You cannot and will not accept what is being said on face value because you must see subterfuge and conspiracy behind it.

Could it be, just possibly, that there are good intentions behind this message.  Could it be, just possibly that you are mistaken?  What would that mean to you.  Are you so hung up on being "right" that you cannot learn, even when your motives are being challenged?


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« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2005, 10:59:52 PM »
Deleted due to taunt

Richard Grossman


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« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2005, 11:17:44 PM »
The user College Forever posted:

The thread that was written, Resolutions Anyone, fell to the bottom without much response. I think it was because it was too threatening and challenging for the members here. That is another twist on why some comments are ignored. Bunny mentioned some great reasons. There are others. Like if a nerve is hit, if it hits home and many are not ready to deal with it. <<<<<Quote

Question  as there were 0 responses


You must not be a member here because of course this would not apply to you. or maybe it does apply but your not a member???

I think some people do resolutions and some don't.


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« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2005, 11:49:49 PM »
The thread that was written, Resolutions Anyone, fell to the bottom without much response. I think it was because it was too threatening and challenging for the members here. That is another twist on why some comments are ignored Like if a nerve is hit, if it hits home and many are not ready to deal with it.

As of now there are 8 replies-not bad.  Sometimes it takes longer for replies to come in. What I can say with certainty is that what you describe wasn’t near the reason I personally didn’t reply to it . Perhaps this was your message and you are feeling ignored and hurt over it (?)  

Is it that you're afraid to move on to the next class, where you will lose your role as Mentor, and instead become student? It is a question that needs to be asked. Especially if you, as mentor, are sometimes hurtful or callous, or closed minded.  

To focus on this the way that you are (degree & specific wording), something more definite and deeper is very obviously bothering you about the board. Maybe you feel slighted by, and resentful toward, specifically someone you feel acts like a mentor here in your eyes, for something you perceive happened, or didn’t with you.      

Many of you who have been here for a while need to ask yourself, why are you here, especially those who do not have Narcisists in their lives on a daily basis. I wonder, what are they doing here?

The answer is really a no-brainer.  Getting involved with a narcissist, remaining with them for years, and having a near breakdown when the horrible relationship ends (when one should have happily ran for dear life years prior) is only a symptom of the already existing troubled state of the self.   There is a whole slew of inner issues that  former long-time partner’s of narcissists need to discover and deal with.  Pre-existing deep rooted issues that caused them get in, and to remain in that type of abusive relationship in the first place.   Issues of voicelessness, anxiety, depression, low sense of self esteem/worth, etc can all be part of our make-up that contributed to our time with an N, and many times it may only be when N is gone that these issues are even being recognized.   So there is a lot, if not much more to look at and to talk about after N is gone.  

If it is an N parent, child or sibling that someone has cut off all contact with (i.e. N is no longer in their lives daily) it is the same thing.  There are so many lifelong peripheral issues that need addressing and healing, from having had a parent, child or sibling as a narcissist.  

And from what I understand, this board is not only about how to deal with and how to leave a narcissist for those who have them in their lives currently, but as Dr. Grossman already pointed out, many other inner issues that tie in with voicelessness.

What need is being fulfilled?

I can only speak for myself as to when I write a message attempting to be supportive to someone.  I am often so very touched by and in sync. with empathy in people’s struggles and pain, and I feel the want (I wouldn't use “need") to try to offer any ideas that come to mind, or just say a few words of encouragement.  It is the want of at least trying to help, born out of knowing all too well the feelings of pain, hopelessness, helplessness, deepest despair, etc., versus remaining silent to someone’s outreach.

Besides, isn’t that what your (or someone with you whom you seem in sync. with) original message was about?  Troubled because of being ignored?  Now you seem to be asking why people are replying consistently in a helpful way?  :?    A contradiction.   It is hard to tell what is truly bothering you, specifically.  You’ve skirted around your issue and really haven’t said in detail, what you are upset about.    

Another thing that comes to mind... When I reply to a message, I have thought a lot about the issue the person is presenting.  This also always helps me so much to sort out my own issues in the same area.   So, when I reply to someone else it is often also healing to me at the same time. I guess you can call it a way I am “fulfilled”, as you say.  I am working through my own stuff as well, as things that others bring up as struggles cause me to recognize and reflect on the same things within myself, many times.  

Finishing up here, I can tell you that it would have been helpful if you just came out and said who you felt ignored you, on which thread/s, and how it made you feel.   Amends could have been made and you would have known the truth behind your assumptions that what you wrote (or what others write) didn’t matter, and  the truth behind your assumptions as to why people might remain here for what you feel for some reason, is too long a time.    



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« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2005, 11:53:25 PM »
It looks like there are similar titles New Years resolutions anyone and resolutions anyone I spotted the one from Bludie,
with 0 responses.
now I see your motive to only say something about your own thread.

The other one "resolutions anyone" which looking at the responses it appears others are not quite sure how to take what your saying.



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« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2005, 12:00:25 AM »

Touche--good point onlyrenting!!! i think what you said has the golden clue in it.i think it is because it is their own message!!behavior always give a person away sooner or later.


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« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2005, 01:41:11 AM »
We only see what we can comprehend. We see conspiracy, negativity, bad intentions because that is all we know and are prepared to accept. That is the real tragedy. You cannot and will not accept what is being said on face value because you must see subterfuge and conspiracy behind it.

Could it be, just possibly, that there are good intentions behind this message. Could it be, just possibly that you are mistaken? What would that mean to you. Are you so hung up on being "right" that you cannot learn, even when your motives are being challenged?

Your assumption, that all three guest users are the same is a false one.  I wonder what they think, reading this.

Can you see how invested you are in your perception that you absolutely refuse to step into the shoes of another and take a look at a different point of view?

To those who reply with an explanation of how what was said does not apply to them.  If it does not apply to you, then why do you respond?

Do you respond because you feel you are being accused of something?

Therein lies the problem.  If an accusation is being made, and immediately you feel those words are being directed towards you, if there is a part of you that still feels compelled to respond, even when being "falsely accused", your self-esteem is still on shakey ground, and still finds it difficult to withstand the challenges life will inevitably throw at it.  And having been hurt and abused, of course this would be an area of difficulty for you.

That is okay.  If you can recognize it, you can work on this part of you and become all the stronger.

That is the message of this post.  The ones who are being so very defensive and accusatory refuse to acknowledge that perhaps there is a shread of truth with which they can build upon and improve themselves.  

Instead, they waste precious energy throwing out accusations.  What does it matter who the poster is and what their history is?  This information is only being asked to undermine the poster and attempt to discredit what they're saying.

If you see a billboard on the side of the road, and it has a saying on it that is very truthful, do you really care who the author is?

How many times have anonymous sayings been quoted, especially on the interenet, because there is so much truth in the words that are quoted.

It deeply saddens me that the response from this forum to any call for introspection is often hostility and scorn.

If there was anything that could be said to alter and open up this forum to a broader and less restrictive way of corresponding, I am very sad to be ignorant of it.

At this time, it is clear that the voice of the masses have their minds made up.  Even though that does not affect the person I am and the truth of my motives one bit, it is unfortunate, as has been said.

However, that will never stop me from posting if I have the desire, or if I feel there is something I would like to say.  My voice is not dependent on approval from anyone at this forum, and I have every right to speak my peace as any other person who happens upon these waters, whether I choose to identify myself or not.  My identity does not disappear if it is not acknowledged as bonafide and well-meaning by the people who respond here.  Just as my motives do not change if they are misconscrued.

With that being said, whether it can be accepted or not, God Bless to you all, and I wish a healthy and prosperous New Year to everyone who may come across this message.