pearl, I am sorry to hear about your loss. I am really hurting inside because I worked so hard to let my experience with my dad go. My ex is a nurse practitioner in geriatrics and all she really talked about was diseases and illnesses she seen. It was like she was obsessed about becasue as she said she is interested in elderly diseases. After a few months of talking about it, I had to let her know that it was wearing on me because it was opening the wound I worked hard to heal from. My dad died in my arms at a young age. I requested that she tone down the extreme talk about diseases because I feel for these people and it was getting depressing. Her response is when are you getting over your dad dying, I dont want to tip toe around his death. Its been seven years, its time to move on. I am over the trama of the event, but you never get over losing somebody you love and care for. When I asked her how she could be so empathic to her patients but not me, her exact words were "I am empathetic to their diseases, I dont listen to their personal stories" I am convinced that my ex is in the business to make money and have the patients worship her because of her knowledge. She used to come home every night and tell me how 80 year old men told her she looked 21. She is 37. I tried to be understanding, but I couldnt believe how shallow she was being. When she left me, she said she wants to be with a man who will be making at least what she makes and that she would enjoy eating breakfast at a country club on the weekends. She just freaked on me. I have a hard time with this because she really made me feel like we were real. She threw a birthday party for me, but what was weird was that she didnt invite anybody she knew to the party. Not even my neighbor who introduced us. I talked to my neighbor and she said she was told that she was no longer welcome to join us with my friends. aFter two years, I only met two people that my ex knew. The signs were there, I just really wanted to beleive her because I thought she loved me. She doesnt love anybody but herself. I dont know if I can ever trust again. I hate her for using me, I hate me for being so gullible. The worst part is I miss the illusion she gave me. I really loved the facade because it was a mirror of who I was and what I was looking for. In the end, she told me she doesnt date guys like me. I am apparently the only guy she ever felt comfortable letting her hair down with. Not sure why that is a problem. I thought life was a journey of fun and excitement for people to share. Thanks pearl. Again I am sorry for your loss. Its hard not being able to talk to somebody you care about. I miss my dad alot. I wish he was here to help me with my life. I grew up without knowing what to do, and I am truly confused how my ex could be so cruel.