Author Topic: wishing she was dead  (Read 4448 times)


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wishing she was dead
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2005, 12:03:03 PM »
Hello All:  I have read with amusment the various manipulations of mothers, mother-in laws, Southern Belle types and otherwise.........the lengths people go to be the center of attention never cease to amaze  me.  My now deceased mother-in-law can top all of yours and then some.  I remember one Thanksgiving no one was giving in to her guilt trip manipulations (oh whoa is me ya know.....LOL) at any rate she decided she was not going to go to any of the Thanksgiving Dinner.  So she calls my husband's cousin, stating if no one could pick up her up,  she would not be able to come (she could drive).  So the cousin told her ok she could stay at home and if she changed her mind, she would be welcomed.  Needless to say this WAS not the response she was looking for! LOL  So everyone just let her stew.  Next thing we know she called while we were in the middle of dinner stating that she decided she was just going to heat her turkey TV dinner up and she was going to have that.  What a trip!  No one gave in and we all had a great time.  Everyone in her family knew what she was like and they really enjoyed seeing me really stick it to her.  It was their only way to get back at her!  LOL.    She was really a 6 year old in a 65 year old body.  Patz


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wishing she was dead
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2005, 01:38:03 PM »
Ah do, ah think ah might jes' DAH of she-uh happinees if we 'jes staht us up a lil' chaptuh of DACN - Dawtuhs of Confedrat NAh-cissists.

Of course, we have to find middle names - "Guest-Anne", "Pinecone Lee", Liberation Jean" if we want to do it up right.

I hate to (LIE) poke such fun at the whole sterotype, but still...hurtful as they can be, ya gotta admit that for sheer entertainment value you can't beat it.

You're right, though, Patz - can we include you mother-in-law as an Honorary Southern Belle? Can we call you "Patzy Sue"?



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wishing she was dead
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2005, 06:02:04 PM »
Guest!  Shure nuf Patz Sue is ok!  LOL.  Yeah my ex mother-in-law was a real trip.  Totally self absorbed individual.  Approximately 20 years of that kind of thing in my life.  Trying to deal with her........half the time I just ignored her.  The only thing that can be said is my ex significant other also could not stand her.  It is really horrible when your significant other can't see the forest for the trees and agrees with these harpies. They can and will suck the very life out of you. Patz


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wishing she was dead
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2005, 12:00:29 PM »
True - but you can suck it right back by enjoying the caricature!

When it gets bad, just imagine MIL/mother in hoop skirts, fainting on the veranda while slyly looking out of the corner of her eye to see who's noticing, and imagine poor enlisted SO as Foghorn Leghorn, in a futile struggle to outwit the chickenhawk.

That oughta give you some useful perspective, or at least a giggle, and help you get through the moment