those who said they finally totally got over it, and who are still here should question themselves about their motivations.
is there anyone here like that?????????????
Speak up if there is! Who is 100% well here?
Okay, who do you think is 100% well here?
Get your nominations in!
Yours was a great question as to whether or not anyone feels 100% 'well'. I would have to say "YES". I should really start a thread about this but feel I can respond as well here.
I was born in Ireland to an insanely religious Catholic Narcissistic Mother. She hated me and my siblings from the day we were born but had us owing to convention at that time. She 'blamed' us every day of our lives for her 'misfortune'. She was the ubiquitous middle-class Mother i.e. 'everything
appeared to be perfect. Behind the scenes, this was not true. She beat us, neglected us, set one of us against another, refused to speak to us for weeks on time (as tiny children).
I frequently remember being desperately ill as a small child and knowing I could not rouse my mother because 'I'd be in trouble'... I remember her beating me senseless because a 'chance encounter' with my father (with his work colleagues)
forced me to talk to him (THE ENEMY).
I was told on a daily basis (if not hourly..) that I was bad, wicked, evil and would burn in hell. She told me I had destroyed her life. In other words, she treated me like SHIT. I went through abusive relationships, an abortion, having a baby adopted. Can you imagine my pain???????
I finally got into counselling and met someone who listened to me, three times a week for nine years. One day I left that office and knew I WAS OK.
It wasn't me..........
I often listen to my Sinead O'Conner CD and two tracks really stand out:
"My Three Babies" and one that includes the lyrics: "... you cause as much trouble dead, as you did when you were alive...."
I'll end by saying I love my life, I have a wonderful husband, a fulfilling job, friends I would die for, a great sense of humour and the ability to wake up in the morning and think "I'm OK".
That's all I ever wanted.
Love Serena