Hello, Abby and welcome,
My views are a little more radical, at least they have become that way since I have found out about Narcissism and it's impact on my life and that of my family.
Remember it is always a question of degree. You must assess to what degree your mom's narcissism affected you. To what degree is she not responsible for her rages? Do you have the impression she is reacting like a truly destructive N, completely self-absorbed to the point of not knowing she doesn't know what she is doing. How much shame are you carrying around? How does it affect your day to day life? How enmeshed are you with your mother? It's all very complicated at first until you sit down and begin connecting the dots. What are the patterns?
Simon46 wrote something here a few months ago, encouraging us to really feel the anger in the beginning, and I must agree with him. When I finally admitted to myself that my two N parents scored very high on the N scale I felt horrible. I remember thinking, " I have been subjected to continued, unrelenting, destructive abuse for forty years!!!" Serial abuse even..I felt duped, used, deceived as I reviewed my life with my parents. I felt like I had been an accessory to them, like the cars, the big house, the country house, the pool, the vacations and the schooling. Like I was there to make them look good and that they lived their lives through me. Therein lay the enmeshment, I was being micromanaged, forced to mind read and anticipate their needs continuously, blamed for everything that went wrong, bribed and manipulated continually and shamed at their convenience.
This left me thinking "where is me?", " who is me?" and " why don't I count?" to then conclude that there was no me- to them- who I was didn't matter- to them- and I never counted for them, or maybe I pseudo-counted for them as long as they used my voice and my God-given resources to better extract the living they were afraid to find in themselves.
And so, after much research, I concluded I was the son of narcissists, with no voice, appreciated and enjoyed by people outside my family and never nurtured by my parents. I spent years trying to make them better parents, fell into the trap of parenting them..I was the adult in the family.
It came to me recently that my parents have never changed. I sat myself down and pressed rewind. As far back as I could go/remember it dawned on me that this is how they were. Again, I reckoned that they were still that way, and ultimately with the help of the literature concluded and agreed that they would never change. Only I could change.
And so I am changing, little by little and from glory to glory.
I get nostalgic sometimes, eventhough my parents are being very very very nasty to me since I have discovered and acted on their destructive narcissistic parenting.
I'm still not completely convinced they are totally ignorant about how they are. The literature supports the idea that Ns completely ignore their condition, but i'm not convinced they have no idea and are not cognisant of their actions. After all, they do not distribute pain in their sleep, they are fully awake when they rage and tell me i'm the worst thing that ever happened to them, that i'm an ingrate, and that no matter what they do they will never be able to please me. And let's not forget a favourite of theirs, " you're fine, but the minute we don't agree with you..blah blah blah"
I have navigated through the house of mirrors long enough. I cannot handle N projections any longer. I'm satiated with it, in fact super saturated after years of manoevering through N behaviour just to survive. Consequently, I have decided to end my relationship with my adoptive N parents and I am pursuing my True self.
Some have expressed that getting away from N parents is harder than escaping a religious sect. I couldn't agree more and I've said so in the past.
My parents are elderly as well, 76 and 80. I've considered the guilty feelings i've had about never relating to them again. Now I am ready to say that I feel no guilt about leaving them. I told my lawyer the other day that although they are elderly he must remember that Nazi war criminals are still being pursued by the Wiesenthal center and they are now elderly too.
I would caution you to assess first. Get validation from others. You must think this through and experiment. Shame and guilt will surface often but you must remember, ultimately you have to live with yourself. You must not consider it a privilege to enjoy your life. Joy and peace don't only belong to others, you can have them too!
The longer I have been away from my N parents the better I've been. Sometimes I can go an entire hour and not think of them, or some experience involving them. That is a big step for me.
N parents have programmed you to think about them first, I was stunned this very week how that conditionning runs deep. Anticipating their needs, which is what I did before, has turned into anticipating their reactions to such and such and worse, decoding some of their behaviours.
For instance, today was their wedding anniversary..although my parents are in the process of moving from our commonly owned property, they are still living next door. My mom left her outside front door lights on this evening..something she never does unless someone is coming OR to shed light on herself as in, today she was celebrating her wedding anniversary. Even though we absolutely no longer get along, I couldn't help decoding that leaving the lights on was a message to me exclusively, to let me know she was " celebrating". I felt spooked by the level/degree of enmeshment there is between us.
The child in me however said goodbye to her way of communicating , and I have decided to become more attuned to the enmeshment ( i didn't think it was that bad!) and to conscioulsy change my behaviour.
It's quite deep isn't it?! But the only way out for me is to completely relinquish the relationship and my mom is the one who desperately ( she is acting like the spited lover--which brings in an emotional incest dimension that is horribly distasteful to face but necessary ) trying to hang on to me. To her I'm the projection of her ideal self and the reflection of the love she cannot find for herself within herself.
It's a horrible destructive pattern. I empathize with her and my dad,but it's just not normal. And so I'm taking the risk of leaving them and they are lashing out at me and my wife. Together we have ruined their plan for our life. That is just not acceptable.
If I were to sit them down and make them read what I have just written to you, they'd look at me and say, " You're crazy Nic, you're pale, you must be tired, you should rest or go on a holiday..you've always been a dreamer and so serious" and on and on and on it would go.. It's about them.. always, and never about me. When they start to rant at me like that, i'd like to pull out a giant sliding mirror and let them talk to themselves ad nauseam.
That, as well as what everybody else has said is what N parents do. That is what my parents do and that is no longer acceptable or liveable for me, hence my putting an end to our "relationship"
I've really had to look at MY reactions to them, and the consequences I've had to live with as a result of sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously staying in that relationship.
It goes against the grain, leaving your parents. I would never encourage anybody to do it as THE solution..but it is THE ULTIMATE AND ONLY solution to my problem. It's that toxic.
As hard as this is for you to read, I'm not convinced your mother doesn't know how she's treating you. Ns will do/attempt anything , it's about getting away with it, consult the readin list for confirmation.
My mom had her uterus removed two years ago..her sugeon told me it was a successful operation and that if left untouched it could have become cancerous. it wasn't in her case, yet she went around capitalizing on the fact she had cancer. When my wife and I more or less ignored her, two months later she casually informed us that there had been a mix up in the pathology slides ( yeah right!) and that she didn't have cancer after all and " aren't you happy I don't have anything Nic? I'm in perfect health!" Sadly, I wasn't able to hide my disappointment..she read my facial expression right that time..of course she did..
I shudder to think what she would have done had she really had cancer!
Be that as it may, i'm sorry your mom is ill,however it's not your fault and contrary to what she may think, It doesn't give her special rights and privileges.
I wish you much peace and joy whatever you decide during your recovery,
Kind regards, Nic.