Author Topic: Narcissism Pt 2 or The Screwtape Letters?  (Read 1809 times)

Thanking C S Lewis

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Narcissism Pt 2 or The Screwtape Letters?
« on: January 27, 2005, 06:46:39 PM »
Has anyone here ever read the Screwtape Letters?

The Narcissim Pt 2 thread's focus on not labelling N's seems to be running on a parallel to that book and the demon characters in those letters whose whole position as demons was protected and enlarged by deceiving humanity into believing that they didn't exist.

It seems odd that so many of us here were finally able to progress and make greater sense of our worlds that we lived in when we discovered the information on and label of narcissism to apply to situations. This understanding and ability to affix a label and eal with accordingly has bought strength and empowerment to manyy lives here, by my reading anyway.

Then, hello? Along comes someone who is basically saying it's wrong to label N's as N's. How odd? Or is it?

Thanking CS Lewis


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Narcissism Pt 2 or The Screwtape Letters?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 06:54:38 PM »
I'm sorry, but this is getting just plain juvenile and stupid and silly. [/b]This is the second post established initally dedicated solely to bashing me. Why? That's just plain nuts! Don;t you have something better to do? Don't read the damn thread if you don't like what's in it - it's certainly no loss to me, and probably not a loss to you either.

Thank you GFN, for the power of those words.



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Narcissism Pt 2 or The Screwtape Letters?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2005, 08:33:00 PM »
Along comes someone who is basically saying it's wrong to label N's as N's.

I'm wondering if you've interpreted what T is saying correctly?

I read T pointing out some of the disadvantages of labelling.. in that it sort of confines our perspective of the person to a simple set of behaviours/traits (N behaviours/traits if we label the person N) and that we may think of ourselves more as victims, sometimes, by only seeing the villan.

I read that it is a choice to label or not to and that T found it helpful not to.

I didn't read that it's wrong to label, as T has written.

I did write that it is wrong to label unfairly and especially without adequate information (and to be honest, I think we all do it sometimes.  We judge quickly...sometimes correctly, sometimes...not).

If it is important to you to apply a label, for whatever reason(s), it is your choice.  If you see an advantage to understanding behaviour/traits without necessarily labelling the whole person, then that is another way of looking at it.   Which is right or wrong?


Dr. Richard Grossman

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Locked thread
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2005, 10:31:20 PM »
I am locking this thread.  These issues should be discussed on the original thread:  Narcissism--Part 2.
