Only child of an Nmom.
Nmom's idiom was rage, fear, headgames, control, and guilt. Whee.
Humorously enough, she was literally always in the freakin' mirror. Real vain.
Needless to say, it wasn't too difficult for me as a layman to fathom which specific disorder marked her maladaptive personality. LOL.
I, wisely, avoided living with her as often as possible. As a result, my interpersonal relationships have been generally positive. I think I vowed as a youth to never let anyone treat me like my mother did.
I'm still a little dysfunctional, mind you. I've been in college for ten years, for instance, to avoid the stress of the real world. I smoke too much pot. I escape into books and research articles a little too intensely. PTSD reactionary. Cyclic depression.
Recently, I met a very sexy, charming man. Dark, Jack Nicholson meets Val Kilmer with a touch of Ron Jeremy thrown in low, if you know what I mean.
Love and talk of marriage <i>the first night!</i>
Two weeks later and the jealous accusations began.
Followed closely by a lovely expression of delusional paranoia and self-inflated worth.
At the same time, this dude was insulting an aspect of my personality that I KNOW I don't possess. I'm extraordinarily intro/extrospective. I'm not a Psychology major (nMom was), but I know projection when I hear it.
And then I fixed his computer which he crashed by being an porn-horny idiot and not using an anti-virus program. Then he got another virus and blamed me, and demanded I fix his computer because I owed him. Wha?? Then he screamed at me for not putting the screws back in the case, because I didn't do my job. I had NEVER encountered this sort of behavior before.
About a week later, or two weeks ago, which ever way you wanna look at it, I had a PTSD breakdown, I only have breakdowns when I'm being abused. I stopped communicating with him. He responded with 70 phone calls a day, screaming vile names and hanging up.
Honestly, I've never seen anything like this in my whole life. Christ, the man is 45 years old! Luckily, he's good looking enough to scoop up available "supply" elsewhere and has ceased calling me.
Something in me doesn't tolerate abuse. I probably should be as co-dependent as they come, but I'm not.
Now, what is it that I've learned that some other N abused chillin' haven't internalized?
Or maybe I'm a psychopath. LOL
(I'm not. I'm avoidant, BTW)
Hi. Bye.