Hi Hangin On,
The kids end up letting the parents stay in control because they feel so indebted (is this a word?) to the parents for giving them so much. The adult children are ruled by guilt and a sense of obligation...and I argue that this exactly the N parent's intent.
I agree with you completely, but from my own experience with my Ndad, I'd also add that some adult children remain enmeshed/controlled because the Nparent(s) have systematically destroyed their self-esteem and confidence, almost from birth.
That's what happened in my life, and altho I've been an adult longer than I'd like to admit

, I still have trouble believing I'm smart/mature enough to make decisions, and doubt my own judgment constantly. Mom (who was an incredibly loving and giving woman) recently passed away, and I'm now involved in caring for Ndad, who is, of course, looking for a substitute source of supply...in addition, he's either suffering from dementia or Alzheimer's...just as I started feeling like I could take a few steps back from this destructive relationship, I find myself in the position of being his caregiver...altho fortunately, not a 24/7 caregiver.
So he needs me to be his
main source of supply now, rather than just his
additional source, and gets totally out of control and extremely verbally/emotionally abusive if I actually manage to set a boundary (I'm learning, but slowly). I've got 3 teenagers and my own house to run, plus living 45 min. away from him...naturally, he thinks I should be available almost 24 hrs/day to meet
his needs now that mom's not there any more.
Altho I've been married for 22 years, he's never acknowledged that I'm a legitimate adult, and I think that's one of the reasons I've had a hard time detaching from him - I have this masochistic fantasy that someday, if I just do enough, or do it the right way, etc., he'll validate me as a competent adult who's separate from him...I know that's unrealistic, but it's a "habit" of 40+ yrs, and I'm trying to figure out how to break the habit.
Funny thing is, now that mom's gone (she took care of
everything for him) I've suddenly become smart enough and competent enough to take care of the things he can't do himself...like keeping his bills paid on time (with him looking over my shoulder constantly and criticizing everything from my handwriting to my placement of the stamp on the envelope), but my smartness and competence disappear as soon as I'm done with whatever task he's assigned me...then he immediately goes back into "dictator mode", because if he didn't tell me how to run my life, I'd inevitably fail at everything.
Whew! Didn't mean to go on that long. Amazing how this stuff just pours out once I start. I've been reading posts at this board for a few weeks now (my introduction to "N-dom" is fairly recent) and I admire and respect those of you who are on the same journey as I am. As with many of you, for most of my life I've felt very alone and defective; I'm sorry that so many others are in similar situations, but...I'm glad for the company.