Hi Jondo:
I did some of these things in childhood; pulling out clumps of hair (never thought of these together until right now, by my mother used to violently pull my hair...hmmmm.), overeating to the point of pain (no bulimia). Later some cutting type stuff, though ony briefly. Suicide attempts, a couple, and lots of running away and risky behavior with men as a teenager, not to mention a yen for sexual masochism (cured now for many years - I outlasted its function so it no longer appeals). Same animal all.
I overcame all these overt self-destructive behaviors years ago (though I may drink a bit much on occasion, when I feel really anxious), and even live, for the most part, a very happy and functional life (with periods of dismal and difficult stuff). However, I am realizing how much of my childhood stays with me, lurking just underneath it all, coloring much of what I do with at least the tiniest of shadows.
I think that even denying a relaionship and cutting all ties with abusive parents is not enough (may be enough for an adult relationship gone bad). I think only extensive examination of the way you carry it all forward like a big ugly monkey, just out of sight on your back, can help you truly get out from under it.
As adults, we often dispense with childish expressions os discontent, but if we don't adress that disontent, we risk merely replacing those outgrown behaviors with some more subtle but still-deforming patterns.
This is where I am. I though for a long time that I was "past" all that, but after a really bad period in my marriage a few years ago, I realized that it ain't necessarily so. There's more here than meets the eye, back there over my shoulder.