I feel moved b/c I see your numerous posts as a reflection of your internal fights to let go your pain coming from the behavior of an Nwoman who happened to be in a relationship w/ you during one year.
We basically have responded to you : "detach, move on, stop focusing on her and rather focus on your own self, she is an N, you cannot do anything about that". You have read/learnt about N (and I am sure you have understood the dynamics of N behavior). Here are a few things that may help you validate the fact that she is an abuser and an N:
1. The facts that logically demonstrate she is an NIt took a lot of time for me to accept that people close to me were N, and I understand that it may take time for you. However since your last post (on a previous thread from you) I think I may able to demonstrate to you that, accordng to her actions/words,
1. She did not show any compassion/empathy towards a dying person
2. The dying process was long, and difficult b/c of the physical pain. Still she did not show empathy.
3. This dying person happened to be one of the closest person to you, i.e. your father. Still she did not show any empathy.
4. She was your gf at the time. Still, no feelings from her. She did not show feelings for you as any healthy gf would.
5. She tried to make you feel worst, by implying being gay was not a good thing. (according to your previous thread, she said sthg like "maybe you are
a bit like your father").
6. She tried to define you (as abusers do) according to HER view, as s.o "a bit gay", (implied : therefore a bit bad)
7. She showed sadistic tendencies: at the time of your highest vulnerability, she tried to put you even more down, i.e giving you even more pain.
8. Finally, as a result of this, she tried to challenge your sense of your own sexual identity (impliying you were 'a bit homosexual'), i.e she challenged you own IDENTITY.
How do I call this behavior? Attempt of psychic murder.
How do I call the author of such a behavior? An N, maybe a future psychopath.
No wonder you felt shattered and ashamed, anybody would have in your situation. No wonder you feel angry. You have the right so.
2. How to detachYou need to let it go, and if you do not do this, know that you are inflicting your own suffering upon yourself, of your own free will. The good news is that you can stop anytime you want to!
I know, easier said than done, but here are a few hints that may help:
-depersonalize the situation (even if artificial at the beginning): do not talk about her as “your xgf” or as “her”, but as "a Woman who Displays Strong and Malignant N Behavior" (you can use WDSMNB acronym for example).
And more important, focus on the behavior rather than on the person.
-talk/think the least possible about her (when you feel a thought about her that is coming up, try to say to yourself "no I will not tyhink about this person").
With the internet / google:
-learn about emotional abuse (if you need books to read I can provide you w/ a few good titles). This will help you overcome your fear of having such a horrible thing happening again.
-learn about letting go techniques (like 12 steps, meditation/zen/yoga stuff..).
-learn about the Stockholm syndrome thing (why victims miss their abusers)
3. Focus your energy about the real issueDo you think if you let go of this that the pain of what happened with your father will replace it and it will be time to face that, so hanging on to this could in a way be a protective thing staving off having to deal with the feelings related to your dad?
This is, imo, the CORE ISSUE.
I was wondering, if you could try to start expressing your feelings about your father in general throughout your life, and your relationships w/ your mother/siblings/family.
That could be a good start, and much more helpful than tlaking about the WDSMNB
Again, Brian, b/c of the tenacity you showed in your postings, I am sure that you will start moving on at some point in time.
But, if I may say, please try not to let this tenacity get focused on the wrong person...
I would be really interested in your opinion about each of these 3 points. I hope I did not sound too directive nor impersonal

(I did not talk about my own stuff here b/c the post would have been way too long..), but I am trying to appeal to your logic and to help you (as the other posters) see your situation from a different angle...
Take good care of yourself and I send you lots of hugs again..
-Maybe you could explore more the issue of sexual identity, and the identifying role of a Father for a Son.
Every human being has a feminine part and a masculine part.
-It is not b/c you had feelings about the death of your father that you are "weak" or "gay"!! You have them b/c you are a healthy human being!!!
-Maybe WDSMNB had a problem with her own sexual identity, and she was 'reminded' of it by the fact that your father was gay.
She would not recognize her own feminine part and project her angry feelings onto you and your father. Just a thought...
(Even if it were the case, that is IN NO WAY any excuse for her behavior).