Oh, Boy. What an ordeal. You just married/got involved with the wrong person, that's all. To me it looks fairly simple (though the effects are complicated, I know). You seem like a nice guy. (and yes, nice guys do get girls). She seemed like a nice person. She was not.
Honestly, you sound like my fiance. The nicest guy on the planet. He also had attracted women who did not turn out to be what they "presented" to him. Not honest. He is. He deserves honesty... and in that way, you seem alike.
Here is a (hopefully hopeful) story. Twenty four years ago, this nice man and I were engaged to be married. Because of my own poor self image (realized that much later), I left him (far too nice, not enough "sparks", he was Jewish, I was Catholic....and a hundred other lame reasons). I dumped him horribly, moved 2000 miles away. Made a consious effort to forget him (never quite managed as my recurring dreams for a good 15 years were of him, not acknowledging me..... we don't need Freud for that one).
I married a selfish, abusive baby/bully. Had two kids with him. He treated me horribly. I divorced him, married another, less overtly abusive, but nonetheless Narcissistic man. Evidence and semi-horror stories of both men's "labels" could fill a book, but that's not the point of this abreviated life tale. I woke up....divorced wrong man #2 and set out to take care of myself, find out what was driving my choices...lots of work and well worth it.
A few years ago, I was "reintroduced" to this nice man. Thinking he would never have forgiven me, I was reluctant. But for him, there was nothing to forgive. I simply had to take that path away from him. He was and is, not only "nice" to others (sometimes to a fault of believing in someone's goodness even if it is not real evident....we share that trait at times) but secure enough in himself to allow people he loves to be where they are and to do what they need to do... Not at all a control freak....(funny how I married two of them).
He had married and become a father, divorced, got into another not so great relationship, etc. Long story short, we are "together" again. Even though we are not living on the same coast (my first ex has prevented me from moving back home with my kids so far), we couldn't ever see ourselves with any other partners.
I now, finally, truly love myself enough to see in me what he always saw. My life has come full circle. If he and I are not evidence of miracles and reasons to keep faith, I'm not sure what is.
Now, how could this tale apply to you?
If you are a kind, feeling, sensitive man, as you appear to be, please do not feel this is a fault. You may have to wait a while to find a sensitive, caring woman who is secure enough about herself, who loves herself enough to accept such genuine love from another. That's all. Give yourself a break. I know it looks like women are looking for the "dangerous" guys.....a lot of them are, I know I was. But I was a self hating mess, looking for someone(s) to validate my self hatred (it's not like I knew it at the time, mind you).
The world needs kind, sensitive men. So you wear your heart on your sleeve? So you are offended by porn (ug, what a horrible Christmas!)....? So what? Be who you are. You sound awesome to me!
And perhaps after you process your pain over your losses, you could truly divorce your ex, as in emotionally. Really, what kind of cold heart do you have to have to: A) tell anyone how they should feel about thier father dying and B) have anything at all to say about HOW someone died? (Is homophobia another one of her endearing traits?)
See, sometimes anger is ok.....it's telling us something. Staying angry or making a habit out of us just makes life suck.
Your feelings around her certainly tell you something. Dump her again and again in your head and heart. Best to you.