Author Topic: Methamphetamine, Narcissism, HIV, and Abuse  (Read 8699 times)


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Methamphetamine, Narcissism, HIV, and Abuse
« on: February 04, 2005, 05:16:34 PM »
It is common knowledge that chronic abuse of methamphetamine is detrimental to one's physical and mental health, and many drug informational sites provide a little information on the physical, emotional and social impact of meth use.

We all know that meth users' skin breaks out, their hair and skin become dry, their teeth rot and crack. We can see the impact of this drug on our loved ones, ourselves.

It is also easy to observe the dramatic changes in the personality and social functioning of meth users. Many drug informational sites even mention amphetamine psychosis, a state of quasi-schizophrenic psychosis that includes delusional paranoia, rage disorder, and other grossly psychotic behavior.

Upon successful withdrawl of the drug, these sites posit, the psychosis burns out and the addict eventually returns to a more normal state of functioning.

What these sites fail to explain, or indeed to even explore, is the fact that methamphetamine is neurotoxic. That is, it kills neurotransmitter cells. Neurotransmitters are the brain's mood chemicals, and are linked to lymphatic and ecodrenal chemical regulators that control the body's overall functioning.

Therefore, logic dictates that the psychiatric effects of methamphetamine ARE NOT TEMPORARY. Anyone who tells you so has their head up their ass.


Rather than being the causative agent in maladaptive personalities, we discover that maladaptive personalites are prone to being drug abusers. Of course, this presents as a catch-22 in terms of amplification of maladaptivity. When a Narcissistic Personality Disorder is mixed with chronic amphetamine addiction, this is a significant liability in incidences of spousal and child abuse, and the potential for physical beatings, rape, and even homicide are significant. The partners, parents and children of such a disordered personality are put in perl by the mere proximity of the self-absorbed, cruel-natured, controlling/paranoid addict.

You can not change someone who doesn't want to help themselves. If you are in danger, being threatened, hit, robbed, raped or even verbally abused, GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN. Whether this person is your lover, your brother, your child or your mom, this person is a loser. The loser will drag you down with them for the selfish sake of feeding their meth monkey. Tough love is where it's at here. If they're unwilling to take control of their own addiction, nothing short of a prison sentence will make them stop. Keep in mind, no matter what they claim, if they don't sincerely try to quit, they're hellbent on self-destruction and they don't care if they destroy you and everyone around you on their way down.


HIV transmission rates among meth users is 3x the rate among heroin users. Given that heroin is more often injected than meth, his indicates a strong sexual component to the transmission. Meth lowers inhibition and raises limbininal urges. Plainly put, tweekers @#%$. And they @#%$ some pretty funky bag hos, too. Menage a trois, infidelity, anal sex, gang bangs, fisting, spontaneous homosexual and bisexual affairs are common expressions of this heightened sexual limbido. Condoms? Not for this group of fornicating warriors.

And if you have the misfortune to love one of these robbing, cheating, abusing, destructive liars, you too can be in danger of catching HIV! Whee.

In conclusion, narcissistic tweekers suck.

Of course, if you are a narcissistic tweeker who is reading this and you're trying to quit, the best advice I have is to quit whining about how hard quitting is and remove yourself from your dysfunctional little Jerry Springer circle of tweeker-trash friends, drink a lot of water (oh, I didn't touch down on kidney stones, did i? well, crank causes stones too.), and work on bettering yourselves, rather than tearing everything down, for Christ's sake. Nobody can help you except you, so don't be guilt tripping or relying on your loved ones to "save" you from your own stupid selves.