Author Topic: Some beautiful examples of Nparenting at it's best...  (Read 1172 times)


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Some beautiful examples of Nparenting at it's best...
« on: February 07, 2005, 10:14:43 PM »
5 days after we buried my father, my Nmother's best friend sent an invite to dear mom's 70th birthday party scheduled for just 3 weeks later.  My sibs and I felt we needed to decline as we were still grieving (after only 5 days - I guess we're slow).  Instead of sending the reply to her girlfriend, I sent my mother an email to explain why I wouldn't be at the celebration:

Regrettably, I'm just not in a place right now where I feel like "partying".  I also think it would be painful to return to the family home so soon after losing Dad.  I felt an immense sadness during his final week that we couldn't bring him home there to die.  He spoke frequently of how much he loved his home and missed it during his final months.  Leaving him in the nursing home to die alone simply broke my heart.

I hope you can understand that it's going to take me time to grieve his loss.  I can see you feel differently and don't completely understand that; nonetheless I don't begrudge you your feelings.  I won't pretend I ever understood your marriage.

I hope you enjoy the party.

So she replied:

Dear Cindi,
I don't know what you mean by "I can see you feel differently". I would call you but feel you will probably not answer the phone. I can understand that you are going through a great deal of sadness. It is very difficult to loose a parent and grief is normal. You are in my prayers and I know the Lord will minister his comfort and bring healing to you.
Please let me know when you are ready to let me back into your life.
Love, Mom


Ain't she a peach?


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Some beautiful examples of Nparenting at it's best...
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2005, 03:44:04 PM »
cindinj:  A peach...or some type of fruit.  I think her parting shot says a lot... about calling when you are ready to let her into your life.
Uggh.  Take her at her word, though, don't read into it, or bother with it.
How very sad for you....but , as my soon to be step daughter would say: "OH WELL" (and then skip away happily).