I am so afraid of my own shadow now because I feel like women will freak on me about insecurities that I am unaware of. I just dont understand why telling somebody they look nice when you walk into a room can be upsetting. I dont understand how watching television and talking about the scene without any sexual conotation can upset a woman so bad.
I have had relationships before
Related to your first quote above, I was going to say that even if you’ve experienced other problems with other women, you might be able to see that they were not the same problems as with your ex. In other words, telling 90 something percent of women they look nice, or making benign conversation about a tv. scene will not cause problems (quite the contrary for the 2nd). Point is, you don’t have to fear most of the specific same kinds of things happening again across the board with women.
But as far as just generally attracting more healthy relationships, nobody will get to be “perfect” but it comes down to getting fairly healthy emotionally inside
yourself first. I am working on that one now, too. Then you will see a huge change in how the women you meet communicate with you and act with you.
Nothing will have happened with "women", it will just be that you will be attracting different kinds of people because you will have become a little different, too. We
all could use to heal & grow in these ways. I think it's just a natural part of being human.
Know that healthy minded women will show compassion regarding any insecurities you might have, and want to be your partner in your self growth. They will be very happy your shared your fears with them. And more healthy minded women will not act out their own insecurities in devastating and pathological ways.
why does this doctor get what claimed to love me. Will she freak out again or was it me that caused this?
Bingo. If she genuinely has a personality disorder such as NPD or BPD, there is no doubt that she will “freak out” again with the new guy. Personality disorders are created within the host person and acted out on their partners. They aren’t caused by their partners.
If she has one of these disorders, her state of being came into place long before she met you, and will remain long after now. Pretty sad for her, actually.
It must be painful to actually have to see her. I didn't know you were where you could easily run into her. You know, I also felt that I wanted to marry my xN, so I can understand how strongly you feel. I've never been married and I'd never felt that way about anyone prior. But I'm
so glad it didn't work out that way
Can you imagine that level of confusion, unbearable pain, instability, deception, & emotional loneliness for the rest of your life? It would probably get worse with time, actually.
Also, actions that come out of these disorders don't always make sense (because it is
disordered thinking after all) so it becomes pointless to do brain racking to understand a lot of the "whys". Sometimes some aspects just need to get labelled under a broad "too toxic for me", and you move on from there.
Take care,