Longtire: Whether you still need the stories or not I don't know, but I did do a brief trial seperation from my first husband. We had kids together, so I really thought I ought to wait a bit to make a decision, but I was so hurt and angry over his betrayals that I couldn't stand him in the house. He was going to "dump" his newest affair, and demonstrate his devotion, supposedly. After three weeks, I uncovered that he did not end it with this girl (the eveready battery of liars)........so that was that, I filed for divorce.
My second husband and I had both been married before, and although there was no betrayal or anything, we could see clearly that it just wasn't going to work, and that neither wanted to try any more, so we just parted rather unceremoniously.
You just have to decide what you want. I said this to someone else on this board: it's okay to not want to be married to someone anymore. You don't have to wait until they have killed someone or cut your legs off or any other "horrible" thing that makes it somehow less guilt producing for you. We all get to be happy. It's our purpose in life. I'm not advocating frivolity in ending relationships, but my God, you certainly are not taking this lightly, and you know that. Go ahead and make happiness your goal. If it means no marriage, then so be it. Married people need to have the same goal for it to work.