Sorry I haven't checked in for a while.. needed a break to surround myself with other things. It is easy to become preoccupied with N stuff.
I believe I shared with you a couple of months ago that I had finally decided to stop using birth control but had always had a negative association with having children.
I struggled with the decision for a year and several months before going off the pill. For seven years of the nine I have been with my H I told him I did not think I would want children. He used to say it was okay because he has a little girl from a previous marriage, but I think that changed as time went on. I did not want to have a baby just because I was getting older or because my husband wanted one, or because I didn't have anything else to do. A large part of it is the Ntraits inherited from Nmother, not wanting the responsibility and finding children a nuisance.
With lots of therapy and (not getting any younger, 36) I decided that positive things could arise from having a child, and that there was a possibility that joy would come forth that had never emerged before - and that life didn't end with a child!
Well folks, its official... have not been to the doctor yet but took the test three days ago and I am probably about 20 days pregnant. 
I am so anxious, and trying not to be. I want to create a relaxed environment for this mystical thing that is stirring inside of me. You are the first "outside" people to know this.. because I trust that your responses will positive and validating!!
My husband is so excited, he has been very patient while I have made this excruciatingly long-forth decision. He is trying to hide it from me (not succeeding) but just to see his excitement brings joy in itself.
So wait until you hear what Nmother said a few weeks ago (before I knew). She knows that I have been thinking about it. I told her about a conversation I had with my 10-year-old stepdaughter a few months ago when I asked her what she would think about her dad and I having a baby. She (my stepdaughter) was very honest, and said that she would feel some jealousy because when she is at dad's house she is the center of attention (her mother is remarried with two younger children). After a lengthy, healthy conversation she and I discussed ways in which she could participate, that she was still special, and no baby would replace her dad's feelings for her, etc.. I was very proud of the way this ten year old was able to articulate her feelings. We are very close and were able to very comfortably discuss solutions.
So a week later... my Nmother says to me, "you know, when you told me you were going to think about starting family I think I had to go through what (stepdaughter) had to go through. I was feeling jealous because I realized that you would not be able to spend time with me because you will be busy with a baby. but I'm getting over it."

No mention of possible happiness for me (or even her) was made.
When she said this, I was numb. I was not surprised at all. Interesting how the reaction of a 76 year old narcissist is the same as that of a ten year old child. In fact, the bitter reality is, this is just a peek into the world of N grandmother that I am going to have to be prepared for. For this reason, I have decided that she will be the last one to know that I am expecting. This will give her less time to plan and disturb my joyful pregnancy.
I want this to be a happy, joyful experience. I am going to surround myself with positive things and positive people. God give me strength not to need her or her approval. I am trying not to worry about our Fridays together and how she will be toward the baby when we are all together. I know she will be financially generous, and I need to be prepared for manipulations. I must detach emotionally.
I am hopeful that perhaps just the mere presence of being responsible for my child will add to my strength of detaching from Nmother emotionally. It will become a requirement, and not an option

And I think I will have less patience for her than I do now. That is probably a good thing.
As for my own feelings about actually having a baby now... there are many. There is the finality of it (no turning back now!) but much of it is joy and wonder (imagining what it will be like and how I will feel). Some fear, not much though.. I have been preparing mentally for a long time. I am more fearful of giving up my independence than I am of being a good mother. And, I am happy now to have a focus. Many of you know I have been feeling like a fish out of water for a while... no purpose, no focus. Even if this is temporary (18 years temporary, hah!) I think it's already pulling me out of this unmotivated slump I've been in since this Nmother discovery.
All of a sudden, I only have 8 months to get the house painted, drapes made, etc etc. and I will be exposed to new social situations that will force me to excercise my new status (a new true self)! I am looking forward to the comraderie of motherhood and making new, real friends.
Thank you for allowing me a safe place to express my new stuff. I will probably wait two more months before telling everyone else. Its kind of nice to be harboring this special secret with my hubby and you.
Good health to all. Love, CC