Two factors that are very "N relevant" could be contributing to her behavior.
Firstly, N's have major control issues, and it seems that for allllll of those many people to be conspiring against her in her mind, she must be (or be trying to be) quite involved with your home buying process (i.e. "control").
Second, N's do not handle criticism well at all. It is actually major trigger for irrational N behavior. Simply someone having another view or making a different suggestion than hers about an aspect regarding the home buying could easily be viewed by her as personal criticism,
and threatening what she feels is her domain of control over the situation.
Both protecting her control and reacting to imagined personal criticisms could be contributing to her behavior.
i cant quite figure this out. if an n. is so convinced of their own correctness and power and perfection (is that it? are they convinced, or still striving?) then how is it that anyone elses actions effect them? it seems inconsistant, but true.
N's, particularly in heated situations, are emotionally immature and gut reactive rather than introspective and having emotional impulse control, and that is one reason why other people's reactions can affect them so much.
They might genuinely believe they are right or only be acting on a kind of "N auto-pilot" without much inner thought, but either way they are still very reactive to any outside input that they feel threatens their built up N facade or self view.
Why the inconsistency? It's a bit comparable to non N people who seem well put together on the outside emotionally, but are lost and chaotic within.
The non N can see the emotional difference between inner & outer, and work on things, but the N often can't. N's whole inner indentity and sense of self worth becomes wrapped up in the made-up outer self image they've created (maybe that is how they get so good at fooling others with it) and whatever threatens that self-view is met with irrationality and N wrath, because it can feel like an attack on their entire
identity.I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your mother, but
if this is becoming a source of stress for you, maybe the less you share with her about the home buying process the better.
Good luck & congratulations on your first home, too.