Mia: When do they stop??? Never. Just got a call from my attorney....heads up, exN is going for a reduction in child support. I has begun, he will unravel his house of cards and I'm looking forward to it.
(Now if I could just get on Oprah or something and raise the funds to fight him again.....) I think a forensic accountant will be needed (that trip to Switzerland is not just coincidental).
My daughter begged for a cell phone for the longest time....primarily to call friends, etc...but she admitted to me once, that her secret agenda was to call me when she needed to, without him controlling it.
My custody agreement has phone access as a point, yours probably does too, but as we know the slimeballs justify everything (um, "didn't hear it", um,"why are you calling your mother again??") Both my kids have found the cell phones a great advantage in calling me when they want, however, getting away from raging dad is something the phone call cannot do for them. YOUR ex sounds much more dangerous, however, and since your children are young, moving to get them away from him is your best bet.
As far as gifts go: my ex, in a grand display of "generosity" in front of the mediator last year, announced he would be giving my son, for his birthday LAST year, the funds to go to an extensive $5000. music program the Following summer. Oooooh, Aahhh. (that is for this summer coming up).
NOW he made my son sign a contract that if my son's grades don't improve, he will be severely restricted at his home AND he won't get that program paid for by dad (NOT GO, in other words).
NICE birthday present, huh?
When we were married, exN would buy himself ONLY the best of everything....labels were big for him....but he would pitch a fit if I bought my son a new backpack for $15 for instance ("he has a perfectly good bugs bunny back pack, why can't he use that for 4th grade??) I could safely bet (and I saw reciepts as well) that his numerous adulterous affairs siphoned some much needed family money as well.