Hi there,
You ask a very good question. How, and what did i do, and what did I want as a child..A VOICE! That's what I wanted Kim, and I had none. You must read Dr. Grossman's essays and see how you can give your kids voice.
I suppose that, like me, your children's lives have been hi-jacked. Sin number one for your sick ex husband. Although he is not conscious of his Narcissism ( not many Ns are!) he did consciously take them and he manipulated himself into their hearts and minds.
You have forced me to look back over a childhood I would rather forget. What did I do? Exactly what you said: I survived ! How did I survive? By doing exactly what my N mother and father expected of me..I acquiesced. To acquiesce to an N is an accepted defense mechanism against their abuse. But a defense mechanism only an adult can understand without shame or guilt. Neither I or your kids had the neurons and life experience necessary to properly and effectively fend off N parents. I have had to forgive myself for that..I wish your kids didn't have to go through that, I wish I could have been spared the N jungle and all the surviving I had to do but..that's how it happened. I was a victim but I am no longer one.
If I had had a mother like you, who genuinely and sincerely gave a damn about me, I would have gotten to where I am today, at least fifty percent faster.
I had to play the game to survive in my own family. Being adopted was a challenge from the start. I belonged to them, but was made to feel that security and stability were commodities..they could be manipulated and exchanged for chaos at any moment.
I became hyper vigilant..controlling also, but not to get my way, rather to maintain what little peace and clarity I could come by within the N system and to give myself a semblance of self-esteem. I did the same things my parents did, believed what they believed, tolerated what they tolerated..had a rage once in a while to make them feel good..Ns love to be coaxed, so I did a lot of coaxing..Whatever it took to maintain what little peace and sanity existed I did. I mimicked my parents in their actions whilst clandestinely expecting different outcomes from those actions. What brought them a sense of control bought me another month or so of peace without the rages and stupid punishments. I was in fact very hypocritical, in order to survive.
I find it both tragic and amusing that today, since I have abandoned my parents, they feel as though they have found
me out instead of the other way around.
I had to be calculating, much like a chess game..living with Ns necessitates a long term plan and much strategy. They ( Nparents) literally suck the life out of you. When you're down, it's their opportunity to step in and save you from your misery..Gosh they love it when you're down! When you're UP they must step in and tone it down..because if you're that happy you mustn't let it go to your head. They must constantly micro-manage your existence..and you must never as a child, let them know you're smarter.
They strip the child clean of his voice and they clear-cut every living dream that the child entertains. They make it clear to the child that they are in control all the time, that you can't possibly be or become anybody or anything without them except that when you want to be something they would like they find tons of reasons to pursuade you that you shouldn't . N parents bait their children, time and time again..dangling all kinds of carrots ..it's not so much that as a child you can't run fast enough to catch the carrot..it's that the carrot keeps on disappearing...*teary*
And yet, children are "resilient"..Ns love to say that to others..they might have put you through the wringer but they boast to others that they fully expect you to come out of it..'cos you're THEIR child..*gagging*
It's one deception after another Kim..the lying, the cheating, the unkept promises, the manipulation, the hypocrisy..all of it.
NO CHILD, should have to live like that and Yet I and so many others did.
I absolutely don't want to sugar coat what it was like for me as a child. There were " nice" moments but even then I knew they weren't going to last.
Children weren't put here to survive, they were put here to live, and to be loved.
I was sitting on the couch the other day and I was talking to God. I told him ('cos I was reflecting on my life) God, I don't have any hate left in me! It's all spent..that's when feelings of hope returned and peace and joy. So i've had to completely cut my parents off from my life..that's the way it is for me..and there is no going back. I'm going to turn this horrible experience into an opportunity. I'm going to give back what I didn't get..i'm not staying in the gutter of remorse and unhappiness anymore. I'm moving on,'cos i've walked through.
You wanted to know some of my survival tactics during that period and I have shared some of them with you.
Many things will help you/me/everyone but only the truth will set you/me/everyone free.
That's the way I see it. After 40 years of BS, it's time for some truth.
Do I Hate my parents? NO..buth they have become way too toxic to keep around. How can I continue living with two Nuclear reactors in perpetual meltdown? I can't AND I won't.
Save your kids if you can, I thought I was worth saving as a child, there was just no one willing to " get involved", like the previous poster said: Trust your instincts..ask your kids what it is they need..give them a voice and then draw a line in the sand clearly demarcating what is acceptable and what is not. In my opinion, they will thank you for it one day..
Blessings, Nic
