feels funny advising someone who's been here longer than I have but what the heck, i mean well
Well, I've been here about five minutes longer than you

. But from the post on the thread you started, I would guess that you have been on this planet longer than me, so that would give you trumps in the experience department! I don't think anyone here would object to advice given by someone who joined later than them, we all have different experiences, and different ways of looking at things, and someone elses views can always be helpful. On the other hand... I know exactly what you mean... I feel really shy and useless when responding to one of the "experienced boarders" posts

, but I brace myself and do it anyway, holding my breath for the reproach that doesn't seem to come (knock on wood

). Because I believe that this is what I need to do, what we all need to do...
Anyway, thank you for your advice. I know I seek approval, especially from N's, yuck, but on the other hand I've managed to leave the N's that I had "chosen" (not family), so I guess I must be doing more things right than I give myself credit for? (Knock on wood.) And thank you so much for saying that I sound balanced and aware

, aaaw, shucks. The only response I can give to that is: Rght back at ya! Anyway, your first post shamed me into finally starting to post some of my own story, so I'd better do that now! (Writing here that I will sort of forces me to, I know how to trick myself into doing things I don't reaaly dare!) Take care of yourself and hopefully I will speak to you again soon!
That goes for all the rest of you as well, of course! Sorry that I don't respond to all your posts in person, I'm a bit shy and embarrassed, plus, I have to reply reaaly fast so as not to loose my courage, so I blurt something out and then realize that I forgot to thank some of all the wonderful people who've responded to my post! Plus I feel a little shy towards those, who have been here longer, and whose posts I've been reading for the past few weeks; the cool kids

! Oh, well, hopefully that will pass!
Well, now I'm relly just stalling, got to go and write some of my story, hope to see you on my new thread!