Author Topic: fragments of my story  (Read 19594 times)


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fragments of my story
« on: March 10, 2005, 05:30:47 AM »
Here goes, a few scenes from my childhood:

I am four? five?, and we have guests over for dinner, fun! These are people that I know, friends of the family, maybe even some family? Don't really remember. Anyway I want to help clear the table, so i take a plate out to the kitchen. Unfortunately I drop it, and it breaks...My mother starts shouting and raging at me, absolutely furious. I am crying and screaming back at her: "I didn't mean to, You can't yell at me, it's not fair, it's not fair, I didn't do it on purpose!" she just keeps raging. The guests who are in the next room must have heard this, but no-one came to my defence. I can still feel my complete despair and hurt and shame and guilt and all the rest of the horrible feelings.

I think that I am seven. My mother is taking classes I think, and my sister is a lot older than me, so comes home much later. I don't know why I'm not in daycare after school, maybe because we just moved? More likely that my mother think I am too old. Anyway, she leaves the key under a rock on the patio every day so I can get in, and don't have to wait outside for a couple of hours. But on this particular day she has managed to put the key too far onder the rock, so that the actual weight of the rock is on it, actually, it is so far under the rock that I can't even see it, and think that maybe she forgot to put it there? The rock is about the size of a man's head, so is much to heavy for me to budge. I can't get in the house, so I have to wait outside. This is not to bad, because it is spring and warm, and I like being outside. But after an hour or so I feel the need to go to the toilet. And not a number one either. I don't think I have time to make it to one of my classmates homes. I contemplate crawling into the bushes and do it, but there will be no paper, so i will still soil my pants, and what if the neighbours see me? (It never occurs to me to go to one of the neighbours and ask to use the toilet, because I am very shy. I end up doing it in my pants. When my mother comes home, of course, she rages at me for not getting the key, I tell her that I couldn't get the key, but she jsut becomes even more angry, maybe she doesn't believe me.She shows no sympaty for me, no empathy for the humiliation, shame and guilt I already feel, but just keeps loading more of the same on to me.

After that I'm allowed to wear the key on a string around my neck.

I am seven or eight. In school they have told us to bring something in to iron, 'cause we are learning to do this. I tell my mother and she gives me one of my shirts and a plastic bag to carry it in, no hanger. We do the ironing in a different building from school, right after that we have to go back to school, so i put my shirt in my plastic bag and go to school. This is in the morning. The shirt lies in the plastic bag all day and gets more and more wrinkled. When I get home mymother asks to see it. I show it to her and she laughs, scorns me, tells me what a horrible job I've done: "It is more wrinkled than it was this morning!"

Many years later my mother tells me that around this time my teachers contacted her. They were worried about me, thought I might be semi-autistic. My mother is laughing when she tells me this, "as if something could be wrong with her daughter"!? Apparently she just told them there was nothing wrong with me and that was that. It never entered her mind to wonder why they would believe such a thing, or to worry about me or even ask me how I was doing.

These are just a few fragments, but it still feels very hard to post them. I feel ashamed that these things happened to me (that I let them happen?), and I feel ashamed for "whining" about them now. It's not so bad, many people had it much worse. But I remember being depressed as early as at five, only I didn't have that word for it, I called it "homesickness", only I felt homesick at home too. I was never afraid of death, in fact I used to think it was strange to be afraid of death (and there was no religion in my family, so I didn't think I would go to heaven), and used to climb in high places above concrete or asphalt. I never fell though, for which I am grateful today.

Pressing submit is going to be difficult, but there are some things that have to be done no matter how scary and painful. Please don't hate me!
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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fragments of my story
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2005, 07:14:50 AM »

Sorry to hear those things and no one is going to hate you.  And what is it with people, no 7 year old ought to be at home alone anyways.



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« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2005, 07:23:58 AM »

There is no reason in the world for me to think ill of you.  These things happened to you as a child, and the point is you were a child.....nothing more or less.  If I were there with you in person right now I would tell you that I care about you and what can I do to help you.  

Your validation of the experiences you have are true.  Your mother's lack of "mothering" in these circumstances are true.  The feelings you had as a child are true.  What happened is true.

There is no humiliation here at this board, only truth of your experiences.
Let the child in you speak, and give voice to those things that were not allowed.  We are all here for you to hear that.  Much love, Patz


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« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2005, 07:25:31 AM »

I'm glad to see you are processing things from your childhood.  Keep getting it out through your posts.

It's very sad to me that a Mother would chose to treat her own child so cruely. I'm sorry that you never knew what a warm and nurturing Mom is like.

But hey, you have us now and we will be here for you.



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fragments of my story
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2005, 07:34:33 AM »
((LM)) ((Patz)) ((mia))

Thank you so much for your replies, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading the kind and caring things you write. I don't even know what to say except thank you for caring and for being kind! :oops:
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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fragments of my story
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2005, 08:16:16 AM »
Quote from: sleepyhead
((LM)) ((Patz)) ((mia))

Thank you so much for your replies, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes reading the kind and caring things you write. I don't even know what to say except thank you for caring and for being kind! :oops:

I do this too.  When people are nice to me I thank them for being kind.  Which makes them kind and leaves open whether a 'normal' person would say the same nice things or not.  It is a way of deflecting the 'good' attention away from me and back onto them.  It also contains doubt that you are actually worth what they say.  Perhaps also, because they are 'kind' they are unduly biased in some way.   :?    

So, what if I say that LM, Patz and Mia are not (just) being kind here.  They are speaking the truth; you did not deserve what happened to you, and your mother was abusive towards you.  You needed love and acceptance, and found only rejection and humiliation.  That is not right, and has left you hurt, even now.  You were and are a very valuable person, deserving of love.


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« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2005, 09:16:50 AM »
When people are nice to me I thank them for being kind. Which makes them kind and leaves open whether a 'normal' person would say the same nice things or not. It is a way of deflecting the 'good' attention away from me and back onto them. It also contains doubt that you are actually worth what they say. Perhaps also, because they are 'kind' they are unduly biased in some way.

Amen!!  I can soooo relate to this.  


My heart breaks for the childhood you were forced to lead.  Do not feel guilty or that you are whining.  These are memories that have left you scarred and to face them can only be healing.

I had some friends tell me recently that I sometimes mumble when I respond to things.  I was told that a lot by my father growing up and constantly chastised for it.  I think I finally understand that it is because I'm afraid my response will be criticized so I'm afraid to speak up.  

These are all baby steps toward healing those childhood injuries.  Keep talking and sharing.  No one here will criticize or think less of you.



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« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2005, 09:33:55 AM »
Hi Sleepyhead,

Thanks for sharing this stuff.  It not only helps you, but it helps other people (like me :( ) who have been through the same kinds of things to know they are not alone.  

Unfortunately one of the effects of this stuff (that I've been told by a couple therapists) is that a child who is treated badly looks for a reason, and since adults are supposed to be role models, the only reason they come up with is that they themselves are bad and therefore deserve to be treated badly.  Maybe that's why you feel ashamed to write it - but rest assured you have nothing to be ashamed of.  (I know this is easier said than done.)

This is not to try and "one up" you, but like you did for me, I want you to know you weren't alone:  It was just me and my Nmom growing up:  I wore a key around my neck from the time I started school in kindergarten - she wasn't home when I left for school or when I got home, often because she was taking classes because she wasn't going to let my existence stop her from going to college.  My mother wrote a list (in crayon) of things for me to do in the morning to get ready; e.g., brush teeth, wash face, etc.  When I had behavior problems in school it was, so she tells me, because I was "bored because I was too smart."  Of course, like you said, HER daughter couldn't REALLY have problems.  Obviously I could go on (and on).  I have actually told a big part of my story on this board many months ago.  Go ahead and LET IT OUT!!!


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« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2005, 09:42:30 AM »
Hiya Sleepyhead:

Good for you for pressing "submit"!!! :D   Great Job!! :D

I feel ashamed that these things happened to me (that I let them happen?),

Children don't let abuse happen.  They have no way to stop it, or to protect themselves.  You were a child and had no way to leave, or to know-how to escape her wrath!!  You have nothing to be ashamed of in regard to these incidents.  Notta!!

I feel ashamed for "whining" about them now.

Speaking about stuff that hurt us and how we felt and might still feel about it not's healthy.  There is no shame in having been abused, especially as a child.  Even adults.....can feel totally confused, powerless, torn, unsure how to deal, lost, frozen, numb, terrified...all kinds of things that cause them to continue to withstand abuse.  The abuse....PRODUCED...those feelings and those feelings are part of the again.....I see no valid reason to feel shame.  See what I mean?

Ofcourse....I'm not telling you how you should or should not feel.  I understand your shame and even feel it myself....sometimes and I have to tell myself these things too.  I'm glad you are speaking about what is bothering you because it will help a lot. :D

Please don't hate me!

By now, I bet you have read some of the posts from other people and some of their stories and their expressions of stuff and all of that, right?
Do you hate any of them?  What do you feel for them and their stories and their feelings and their situations??

I feel empathy and their pain and maybe a bit of brotherly/sisterly love for them?
Or maybe....just understanding and wishing you could say something to help?
Or lot's of other good, kind things and stuff?

Welll......I feel all of that for you too and my best guess do a lot of other people here.

Your enemies might hate you but no one here is your enemy.
No worries!! :D


Ok.......I'm gonna press "submit" now and hope it helps and if not, I trust you will understand that I mean well.  Ok?  Keep posting!!!!



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« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2005, 09:54:22 AM »
October: I guess you are right, I do feel unworthy, even after reading this board for weeks (and I don't have a job at the moment, so have plenty of time to read), and seeing how wonderful everyone is, I still believe somewhere that when it comes to me they will be hostile and hurtful. And since I know that no-one on this board is like that, it must have something to do with what I feel about myself :oops: . Thank you for understanding and validating me, and forcing me to look at the way I look at myself. But I still think that you are a kind, warm and caring person :wink: , and that goes for everyone here!

I had some friends tell me recently that I sometimes mumble when I respond to things. I was told that a lot by my father growing up and constantly chastised for it. I think I finally understand that it is because I'm afraid my response will be criticized so I'm afraid to speak up.

I was very quiet when I was a kid, it wasn't until I was sixteen that I started actually talking to people (this was at the same time as I got my first real, caring and good friends, strange coincidence huh?) :) Thanks for being here and caring, and the good thing is that in writing you can't mumble! (Although I remember a girl in my class who wrote with such small letters that the teacher couldn't even read it! I wonder if her story was similar to ours?) :(

Gwyn: Glad to hear I can actually help someone! That put a smile on my face (and I've beeen doing a lot of crying today :cry: ). I know we don't have the same mother, but mine has a lot of sisters, maybe you're one of my cousins! I'm gonna have to try to dig up your old posts to compare notes :wink: .

God, I really love evryone on this board so much! You are all wonderful people!
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2005, 10:01:43 AM »

Thanks! I know what you mean and I even know those things (about it not being my fault) somewhere, but hearing someone else say it really helps to spread it to other parts of my mind (sorry for the weird way I sid that, but I think you'll understand).
Ok.......I'm gonna press "submit" now and hope it helps and if not, I trust you will understand that I mean well. Ok? Keep posting!!!!

It does help, enormously, and I understand that you mean well, thanks for trusting me on that! :)
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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fragments of my story
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2005, 10:11:14 AM »

I just wanted to add that children are a precious gift from God and your Mom decided to reject that gift.  She didn't deserve you.  You were nothing more than an innocent who was born into a situation in which you had no control.  

Every child on the face of the planet is worthy of unconditional love from a parent.  Your mom denied you of that b/c she was so damaged herself that she had nothing to give.  
I want to reassure you that there's a lot of love out in this world.Hard to find sometimes? Yes.....but it's out there and no one is more deserving than you to receive it.  

As a Mom I am going to step in and say something your Mom should have said to you long ago: Baby, you're the greatest!  :D



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fragments of my story
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2005, 10:11:33 AM »
Hey again Sleepyhead:

Thanks for the hug!!!

...hearing someone else say it really helps to spread it to other parts of my mind (sorry for the weird way I sid that, but I think you'll understand).

I love the way you worded that.....I don't think it's weird at all and you are so right....I do understand what you mean.

For's like puppy training.  :shock:
Repetition.  Positive reinforcement.  Challenging distractions.  Lot's of gentleness and pats (hugs) along the way.  All of that.....helps.

...thanks for trusting me on that!

Thankyou for saying that.

I'm off to work!!  Busy day ahead!  Hope you and all have a good one!!



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fragments of my story
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2005, 10:25:33 AM »
Oh, Sleepyhead... I wish I could rewind the clock and I would be your mom!
Those experiences could have been moments of great motherly love...oh, how your mom missed the boat!
This is part of you, though, and from what I sense, you are now a compassionate and loving person.  This lack of compassion you felt from your "mother" (in physicality only?) brought you to understand what compassion and love really should be.  A backwards way to get that understanding, for sure, but you have it now. Perhaps you can feel it???
In this way, you have helped me see, how becoming a compassionate person starts with ourselves.  You were brave enough to post this (thank you), to show compassion for your childhood pain, and through it have touched all of us.  Thank you so much.


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« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2005, 10:35:25 AM »
Mum: there you go and make me cry again!
I wish I could rewind the clock and I would be your mom!
So do I!

your "mother" (in physicality only?)
Yes, I've been calling myself an orphan for years, because my parents were never my parents, just people who happened to spawn me... :cry: But I'm so unbelievably happy and even (dare I say it?) proud that I haven't ended up like them!

I have actually made a point of referring to my mother as "mother" here, because I don't want to sully your board-name, and because she wasn't a mum, but you are.
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage