Author Topic: What do you do just for yourself?  (Read 20749 times)


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What do you do just for yourself?
« on: March 11, 2005, 12:52:07 PM »
I was reading longtire's post about being kind of self-protective and losing some joie de vivre in the process. So this thread is to ask ourselves what we like to do.

For example I like to (not in any order):


Go to the library & library sales

Cook like Rachael Ray on 30-Minute Meals

Rent movies from Netflix

Smell strong coffee brewing

Walk with my H to get an ice-blended mocha at The Coffee Bean

Lie on lounge in backyard, reading good book & observing butterflies and birds in backyard

Read customer reviews on

Listen to Live365 - usually the station

Go out for lunch with coworkers during week or H on weekends

Play with niece/nephew

Post on this ng

Buy pens (I'm a pen-aholic but won't spend more than $6)

Watch Greta van Susteren - I have a crush on Geoff Feiger

Play solitaire on computer

Sleep late on weekends and putter around most of the day

Hear the washing machine in the background (cozy domestic sound)

...what do you like to do...?



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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2005, 02:02:36 PM »
I enjoy:


Watching my children learn new things and grow.

Eating at our favorite Mexican restuarant with H.

Spending quality time with loved ones.

Having the sun warm my body.

Laying on the beach.

Swimming in the ocean.

Making home improvements with H.

Watching Desperate Housewives.  :oops:

watching with H: Boston Legal and
I have a crush on Geoff Feiger
....I can't believe do I.  He is such a trip!  

Baking goodies for my kids.

Lighting a warm and cozy fire and snuggling with H.

Taking long drives with H on a Sunday afternoon.

Making crafts with the kids.

Laughing and being silly.

Playing with our pet parrot.

And of course....Shopping!!!!


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2005, 02:22:23 PM »
Great thread.

I like:

Playing games with my kids.

Playing golf on a beautiful sunny day.

Playing cards, shopping, dining out and having lots of laughs with my girlfriends.

Cooking a special meal and sharing great conversation with friends.

Hiking in the woods in the fall.

Visiting the mountains any time of year.

Spending time next to the ocean and listening to the waves roll in.

Curling up in a soft chair with a good book.

Cuddling with my cats and dogs.  (I look forward to having a human to cuddle with eventually)

I love Christmas.


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2005, 02:24:23 PM »
Oh Yeah,

I also love Desperate Housewives and Boston Legal (I love Alan Shore).

My new guilty pleasure is "Sex and the City" on DVD.


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2005, 02:32:09 PM »
bunny, great thread!  I enjoy...

Going out to dinner with my daughter and talking with her

Listening to the "right" music for my mood

Sitting outside with my eyes closed and thinking about nothing at all

Sitting outside with my eyes open looking and listening to nature

Playing Bach organ music on my keyboards

Petting my cat and satisfying his needs for affection

Watching long, multi-part movies

Even better watching Kung Fu movies   Heieyaoouuwww!

Reading fantasy books with maps and dictionaries

Watching Iron Chef or Good Eats


Joking around with friends

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2005, 02:48:36 PM »
Cool thread, helps to get to know people (that's nice):

Hanging out with my kids and watching them interact with each other

Sitting on the patio with a cup of tea watching one dog attack shadows (he's the tv watching one) and petting the other's warm fur.

Re-arranging furniture, painting walls

Using a power drill

Painting, drawing, building with clay (not just on the job, but for me)

Imagining things to make while I walk around demolition yards (and then making cool stuff)

Talking to my many siblings on the phone

Flying to see my fiance and family, or visa versa

Watching my kids perform (music, theater), listening to them practice

Meditating outdoors with the sun on my face and the birds singing (one dog under each hand, usually)

Buying new music and turning all my friends and students on to "new" artists I've "found"

Reading philosophy

Meeting new, nice people

Practicing Yoga

Watching the "Daily Show with Jon Stewart"  with my kids and laughing my head off!


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Things I should appreciate more
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2005, 11:12:20 PM »

Having a good cup of Mint Green tea.

Coming home and hearing my siamese inside the door meowing/She can hear my key in the lock and even if she was sleeping, she'll jump up to greet me.

Going out for drinks w/friends and talking. Winning at darts without trying.

Having dinner at my sister's house and just sitting around and talking about life.

Laying on my huge couch with a fuzzy blanket and my cat snuggled in and watching TV.

Laying outside on a summer day getting a tan in the warm sun.

Grilling outside and having friends over.

Taking a nice hot bubble bath.

Exercising at the gym and getting in my zone and thinking of nothing at all.

When my friend and I go on "adventures"..We'll go out for the night with no plan in mind. ..We end up meeting crazy people and going to fun places and it's always a good laugh.


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2005, 06:57:42 AM »


artifact hunting

listening to music

vegging to the TV

Hot baths

palying with the nieces


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2005, 07:14:22 PM »
wonderful thread bunny!

--also in no particular order--

hold Sandy cat when she's purring

watch Sandy or Sophie sleeping


work out

take a nap in the middle of the day in the middle of the week

build a fire and sit with a book and coffee

visit used bookstores (Terry Pratchett, Ellis Peters)

listen to live music (all sorts)

play guitar and sing

Chinese food, Indian food, shrimp cocktail (mmmm)

dark chocolate

smell pine trees


close my eyes and picture the beautiful places ive lived in or traveled to

remember people I have loved

bagpipe music (sorry)

sit outside with sun and wind on my face

good conversations with a lot of laughing and no meanness

read what you guys write

write to you guys

pray, especially on a hike

watch thunderstorms with all the lights turned out

watch snowstorms (snow under street lights at night)


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2005, 07:38:51 PM »
Stormchild....thanks for helping me remember some childhood memories..the snow under street lights......mmmm
I am stuck against my will in the "stinkin' desert", though....but I make the best of it: lying outside with my dogs today smelling orange blossoms and needing sunscreen.....


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2005, 07:51:51 PM »
Here's to mum getting out of her "stinkin' desert." Don't give up hope, mum.



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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2005, 09:29:31 PM »
Great Thread!

Lets see...

--pop marshmallows into my mouth whole

--"borrow" my best friend's dog and hug her

--talk to my plants

--sing out loud in the car on my commute

--paint flowers on my fingernails on vacation weeks

--coo over my friends' baby pictures. So Cute!

--watch a pixar flick

--paint stuff. like flower pots. or picture frames. or an ugly chair.



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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2005, 09:34:56 PM »
mud: thanks....when my family and fiance call and they are having another blizzard, it's hard for them to feel sorry for me!! :lol:
But I still can't wait to hear snow crunching under car tires early in the morning!!!  I have an extraordinary amount of faith. thanks

add to my list, then,
spending time on this board.


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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2005, 11:04:18 PM »
.but I make the best of it: lying outside with my dogs today smelling orange blossoms and needing sunscreen.....

Boy Mum am I feeling sorry for you.   :cry:  :cry:

It got to maybe 20 degrees here today and I had to shovel for the 45th time this winter.  Although I do also love to watch the snow fall in the street lights.
Thank you Stormchild for reminding me why I continue to live in a place where winter never seems to want to give up.

Mum, send some of those orange blossoms my way.  I am definitely ready for spring.  (Who am I kidding.  It won't be hear for another 2 months)



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What do you do just for yourself?
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2005, 05:23:36 AM »
Let me see, ok:

going to the bookstore

cuddling on the sofa watching tv

planning and getting outside projects in the garden done

going to the antique shows

doing things with my son, like crafts, recreation

going to the beach

going to the mountains

reading about money and investments (embarrassed)

reading at the bookstore

brewing coffee in the early am and posting

visiting the nursery (garden variety that is!)

sitting out in the sun and watching the trees, redtailed hawks

this is a very nice thread
