This seems to be an ongoing fear among those of us who have been touched (or trampled on) by N personalities.
It is healthy to have some N traits to maintain a good sense of self-esteem, confidence, ability to deal with different personality traits within the work place, home or whatever. Some folks have an N personality type which is not necessarily a bad thing. But it all depends on how it affects other people and the way you treat them. You don't have to have full-blown NPD to be destructive, but some traits need to be present to have it be harmful. However, if you have NPD, I don't believe you question it. You would live in a world where everyone else is at fault and responsible for keeping you happy.
I have not read Alice Miller and from the description, I don't think I want to. Flowergirl, look into your heart and sense what you feel there. As GFN once stated, and I'm paraphrasing as I don't have the quote at hand-- if there is any one of us who is not guilty of N behavior every now and then, then stand up and show yourself because you are PERFECT.
As I have read back over this, I'm not sure it makes sense, even to me (now its happening to me, Mum), but I'll be brave and hit the submit button in hopes that someone might get something out of it.