Author Topic: I like the uplifting feeling behind this. Wanted to share.  (Read 1232 times)


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I like the uplifting feeling behind this. Wanted to share.
« on: March 14, 2005, 10:32:08 PM »
Come take my hand

You should know me

I've always been in your mind

You know I will be kind

I'll be guiding you

Building your dream

Has to start now

There's no other road to take

You won't make a mistake

I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic

Nothin' can stand in our way

You have to believe we are magic

Don't let your aim ever stray

And if all your hopes survive

Destiny will arrive

I'll bring all your dreams alive

For you

I'll bring all your dreams alive

For you

From where I stand

You are home free

The planets align so rare

There's promise in the air

And I'm guiding you

Through every turn

I'll be near you

I'll come anytime you call

I'll catch you when you fall

I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic

Nothin' can stand in our way

You have to believe we are magic

Don't let your aim ever stray

And if all your hopes survive

Destiny will arrive

I'll bring all your dreams alive

For you

I'll bring all your dreams alive

For you

                                               HASAN PAL


  • Guest
I like the uplifting feeling behind this. Wanted to share.
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2005, 09:02:25 AM »
Very nice.  Sounds like a song.
I especially like this line:

I've always been in your mind...

The idea that there is an uplifting voice in our heads, and that it has always been there, but maybe we don't always realize it, or listen for it a good reminder.

Thanks for sharing Phillip.



  • Guest
I like the uplifting feeling behind this. Wanted to share.
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2005, 11:40:02 AM »
It is a song.  "Magic" from Xanadu.  This song has haunted me since I first actually listened to the lyrics.  Olivia Newton John is the performer.  

I have never seen the movie.  It is a musical and it was considered a flop.  Yet Xanadu does in fact exist.  The town is in China and was a secondary center of the Mongols after Ghengis Khan conquered China.  In some spiritual philosophies Xanadu is said to be the home of The Great White Brotherhood, which is said to watch over humanity and direct our path.  

I have always believed the lyrics to this song to be concerned with our guardian angels, the higher self etc.  Whatever application the song had to the movie, the import of the message transcends it.