There are three children with one father who is a narcissist. Why is it that one is profoundly affected while the other two seem to be well adjusted. Does it make a difference that the affected one is the middle child and only son? Any thoughts would be appreciated,
I can't comment on your situation, Kevin, but I can tell you about mine, which parallels it in some ways.
I am the middle of three children, and the only one who appears from the outside to be affected by my Nmum. My two brothers both have good jobs, and a life.
However, if you scratch beneath the surface you find a different story. Older brother is heavily in denial of the abuse he suffered, and as a consequence is passing it on to his three boys, all of whom are emotionally damaged, imo. He married a woman as emotionally distant as our mum, and it shows. Nice enough (?) person, but not maternal. When the boys need a hug, they go to their dad.
Younger brother lives abroad. He appears to be the successful international businessman, but in fact is the spoiled younger child, doing what he likes with little forward planning, or thought for others. He seems the most N in his behaviours, of the three of us. He is not without concern, but it has to be on his terms, and in his own way.
I am the one in the middle. I saw the abuse which the oldest suffered, and remembered it when he couldn't. I also see the abuse of the children now, which everyone else pretends is not there. I married an alcoholic, and took many years to extricate myself from that, damaging my health in the process. Since then I have learned a lot about N behaviour, and what it does to people.
N behaviour affects everyone around. Not just the ones who recognise it and stop playing happy families.
In terms of role models, I don't feel that I had one in my mother. My dad was my role model, and although I was not a boy, I always felt as if I should have been. Not that I want to change, you understand. Just that I had a clear idea of what it was to be a man, and no idea whatever of how to be a woman, or that I would one day become one. Great shock when that happened.

(Women were insane in my family story. Translated into English that means they show their emotions; that equates to being insane.)