Hello everyone,
For a few weeks now I've been lurking here and finding great comfort in many of your posts. You seem such an insightful and kind group of people. So I hope it's OK to make my first post about me (I'm not supposed to 'show off', I'm sure you'll understand).
I don't think there's a thread here about depression - if there is I apologise, it's 3.23 GMT and my brain may not be functioning at its best. I had about 4 hours sleep and yes, that's part of the depression.
Essentially I have come to realise that I have been depressed for most of my life, presumably as a defense against my N parents. The damage came very early for me I think, in that I was unwanted, the wrong sex (would have been tolerable if I'd been a boy), cold and hungry during my infancy because of her incompetence and indifference - my mother tells me these things with no awareness of the impact they may have on me. Subsequently the control was about her fragility. Adult standards of behaviour were expected of me from the start. Something I realised recently was that, while she proudly reports that I never had a tantrum, she had them all the time. Go figure, as the Americans say.
I've been reading some of the books - again, thanks to people here for posting titles that have been useful to them. Currently I am finding Victoria Secunda's book, 'When you and your mother don't get on', helpful in understanding what happened. I do at the moment feel absolute rage against both of them, but her in particular. This summer she came to stay and I actually criticised something she did, for the first time ever I think. (She has been criticising me, subtly but relentlessly, my whole life. My role is to smile and say nothing).
Well, she hasn't spoken to me since, and despite my guilt I am in no hurry to break the silence. But I do feel completely stuck. I think the worst legacy of all this is my sense that there is no help for me - that the entire universe is indifferent. Despite a loving husband and a few good friends I feel alone with this. So now I am reaching out to strangers for help. Another paradox I suppose, except that I know you guys understand this stuff, since you have all been through something similar.
Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.