Author Topic: geting an agressive N out of your life  (Read 4698 times)


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2005, 12:30:51 PM »

I think the suggestion on how to attend the funeral is and excellent one by Visitor.  Just pay your respects and then get out of there.  I did not have the luxury of the is board when I attended my father's funeral and walked right into a "n trap".  Was not a nice experience at all.  Just figure out the time line and decide how long your going to stay etc.  then exit quitely if possible.  Patz


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2005, 12:46:19 PM »
The whole family is N and there will be a war when it's known that we won't be attending at my deceased grandma's residence for the usual gathering for extreme drinking and fighting.  My absence would give that drinking session a common theme - "the disrespectful assholes who didn't show up for their Grandmother".  You can't win with people like this.


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2005, 01:20:28 PM »
Quote from: jondo
The whole family is N and there will be a war when it's known that we won't be attending at my deceased grandma's residence for the usual gathering for extreme drinking and fighting.  My absence would give that drinking session a common theme - "the disrespectful assholes who didn't show up for their Grandmother".  You can't win with people like this.

Jondo - you and your wife might want to rent the movie "War Games"; some high schoolers hack into the NORAD computer and it asks them:

>>Would you like to play Global Thermonuclear War?<<

And they say Yes.

Once they realize they've started the DoomsDay Machine, they're desperate to stop it... and when they finally manage to, the machine responds with something I'll remember all my life:

>>Interesting game. The only way to win is not to play.<<

Once you have broken through to see the dysfunction, you will probably be used as a scapegoat. It gives the narcissists something to feel righteous about, someone to project on, and sadly it gives those who are still enmeshed with them something to distract themselves with. But it also provides examples, and pointers to the exit, for any others who might fight free. Leaving may be the only thing you can do for them, as well as yourself.

Good luck.



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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2005, 01:49:44 PM »
Quote from: jondo
The whole family is N and there will be a war when it's known that we won't be attending at my deceased grandma's residence for the usual gathering for extreme drinking and fighting.  My absence would give that drinking session a common theme - "the disrespectful assholes who didn't show up for their Grandmother".  You can't win with people like this.

You mean there will be some drunken louts rambling about your family and disparaging you? I'd give that a miss, too. What they think is trivial, since it's the opinions of some very f***ed up people. Just take care of yourselves and don't worry about their moronic views of you.

And I agree with Visiter.



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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2005, 01:54:28 PM »
Jondo, is there any way that you can arrange to arrive slightly later at the funeral, avoid the viewing if there is one, just step into the back for the service to pay your respects and then leave when the service ends? Only if this feels appropriate to you. It isn't running, it's a way of paying your respects to your dead without allowing the living jerk to interfere in that process.

Beautiful advice. I wish I had followed it/thought of it in the past!  And it 's great metaphorical advice on how to deal with them in general.

It's sort of like Bunny always says-- keep it bland, do the least you have to do, don't engage.  Brilliant.


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2005, 02:04:26 PM »
Quote from: jondo
My absence would give that drinking session a common theme - "the disrespectful assholes who didn't show up for their Grandmother".  You can't win with people like this.

You could try outNing them on this one.  Break down in tears at the end and have to be helped away by your spouse.  Have her return and whisper (loudly) to several people that you are so distraught at the whole event that you need to go home.  You don't want to upset anyone with your grief.  This way you escape, and they can't call you names.   :lol:

That is what my mum does.  Every single funeral she goes to.  She loves them.   Every single funeral she goes to is for her mother and father. She steals them.  She steals any event she goes to, and puts it into her pocket as a trophy.

Then she lets herself get talked into going to the wake, and sobbing her way through that too, while everyone else is beginning to talk about the good times, and remember the deceased person with some dignity.

My mum once went to a wedding (of a cousin of mine) and spent the whole time collapsing into people's arms - our family and the other side!!! -and telling them that my (then) husband had taken an overdose the day before.  It was true, but not the whole truth.  There was never any danger.  I looked on in embarassment, very angry that she even mentioned it.  She stole that event too.  She steals anything and everything she can get supply from.


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2005, 02:37:57 PM »
I didn't reread the whole thread so maybe you answered this before, but why do you have ANYTHING to do with these complete and utter a-holes? Let them bury their dead and wed their whackos. Why do you have to be part of it?
What do you get from your family relationships that is worth putting up with psychopaths?
It sounds like you have a wonderful wife. Is it not possible or preferable to go make a nice life with her and some decent friends and write these weed whackers off completely? :?



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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2005, 05:07:11 PM »
October, that was hilarious!  It would probably be a disaster to actually try to do it (it's tough to pretend to be truly N when you aren't) but it sure would be very fun to fantasize about.

I can just picture Jondo saying, as his cousin approaches, "no!  I am so sorry!  I just can't talk to you right now because seeing you reminds me so much of how much my family means to me!  Boo hoo hoo hoo (and then run loudly out of the room.)"


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2005, 06:17:37 PM »
Yes Vunil you're correct - I could not play that game out with them nor would I want to.  I've been acting for them forever already - now's time for truth and reality to prevail.  
Mudpup, yes you are right - I should just have nothing to do with them, period.  It's hard when there is 20 of them and one of me.  Actually there's about 5 fence-sitters that just don't have the courage to expose themselves as in opposition to the N streak.  However, I'm the only one out-there.  Come to think of it there's hundred's of people that know them that just keep a safe distance (aka: wherever they are, be somewhere else)- I just have to join that crowd.  It's just expected that a family member maintains the status quo and that's to support the family.  Thanks for all the help with this everybody. We're simply going to attend the church and then depart and close all contact.  Not play the game at all - so to speak.  I've come to realize that we people on this board, like I yesterday soliciting help with my dilema, know the solution already - I just needed to have it validated by you good and understanding people.  I suppose that is a confidence or self-esteem issue that I suffer as an N victim.  Thanks for your help folks.


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2005, 06:48:00 PM »
Vaya con Dios, Jondo. Please stay in touch. People here do care what happens to you and your wife.



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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2005, 08:01:42 PM »

It is always wise to bounce the obvious off the folks here.  You knew the answer already.  Just go to the church service and exit.  Whether they scapegoat you is really immaterial.  You paid your respects, you protected yourself from the Ns, and more importantly you protected your family from these Ns.  Enough.  Protect yourself as if you were and are protecting your children. Patz


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2005, 09:06:49 PM »
Thank you very much Patz.


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geting an agressive N out of your life
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2005, 03:47:03 PM »
Quote from: vunil
October, that was hilarious!  It would probably be a disaster to actually try to do it (it's tough to pretend to be truly N when you aren't) but it sure would be very fun to fantasize about.

I think the fantasy side is what appeals to me.  I take what they say, and think, what if that were true of me?  And you get a very weird result.