The death penalty has always been a thorny issue for me.
I can't get over the fact that the people who have been murdered, often after horrendous suffering, often in horrible terror and pain, were never given any chance to escape, any chance to plea bargain or obtain a reduced sentence. No mercy. No appeal. Little babies. Children and young women seized by horrendous predators. Mothers out jogging. Pregnant women and their unborn children. Judges, deputies, court stenographers, Customs agents. Women out hiking. Dads on their way to soccer practice with their kids.
Their crime? being in the wrong place at the wrong time when a monster passed by. Or, even worse, loving and marrying a monster in disguise... or being the innocent child of same. [We've all experienced one of these, to some extent, eh?]
I have known people who were murdered. To remember meeting them, and then learn that these same laughing, loving human beings have been slaughtered - snuffed out - is almost too much to grasp and live.
That being said, I also oppose the sloppy, trumped up state sponsored killing of innocent people whose crime was... being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and having lousy lawyers. So I guess I'm a 'for', but only with ironclad proof... DNA evidence, absolute certainty that the evidence hasn't been rigged so that someone at DOJ gets another conviction for their resume.
I definitely don't think the death penalty is a deterrent. And I know it doesn't do anything at all to bring the victim back, or erase one instant of the pain and fear they & their family have suffered. But when you truly have captured a monster, and you know for certain that is what they are, then I think it's the only way to be absolutely sure that they will never, ever, ever, ever do it again. And that - IMO - is the only reason to do it.
Complicated and emotional enough? Sorry....