Hi again Blue:
I feel that the main reason i am hanging on is because of the time,money and energy i have put into this relationsip...
So what is the pay off? (playing Dr. Phil now, with long hair---heehee).
You've invested time, money and energy into this relationship and he has not.
What good things are you getting from this relationship, after putting all of you time, money and energy into it? (for you to think about--not to answer unless you really want to).
I cannot tell anyone what is going on ebcxause they do nto beleive it..they see him as someone kind,outgoing and i am the one that has the "problems"
I feel sad for you Blue.

It's so hard to feel so alone in all of this. These people are such magicians at giving the illusion of wonderfulness and painting you as the villan.
I believe you, Blue. I believe that he is the one who has hurt you and I believe you when you say you have tried so hard and have only been made out to be the "problem".
Its scary how well they can carry all this off.
Personally, I think they get off on the fear that produces. They enjoy watching us squirm and they like the power their words can have.
The real way to escape is to take that power away and forget completely about what other people think....... and do what you know is right and what is best for you. Who cares what anybody else thinks?
Easy for me to say eh?
I do have a question. Do N's have issues wiht spending tons of money??
I'm no expert but thanks for asking and getting me to think about it. In my family......yes.......big problems. Problems with spending money they don't have. With stealing money. And a real biggie......greeeeeeed!
Terrible, what seems unsatisfyable greeeeeeeed! Big time!
He always wants me to buy him gifts and will spend hours looking on EBay for things (any thing..but it is usally stuff that is always costly) He will ask me to stay in the room (he calls this "intimacy) while he hunts for stuff.
This is also a control issue. He wants to control you. Every "gift" you buy him, that he convinces you to buy, or guilts you into it, or however gets you to get it......is a win for him. He controlled you. He likes that. A lot.
He gets you to spend your money on him and he gets you to do it when and on what he wants. Yep. He's controlling.
Im so tired of it. But when i try to leave he keeps telling me to stay.
I'm not sure if you're with him now or not but if you are......get a headache next time. If you're not with him now.......post here when you feel the urge to contact him. Even if it means posting 47 times per hour, every hour on the hour, for days on end. For every moment you spend thinking about him....you could be posting here...and purging some of the feelings that are tormenting you......putting down your thoughts.....and making sence of your situation. And others will support you all the way!!!
We never never hold each other,touch each others hands etc and if i want to kiss him i have to ask him He recoils as if it is torture for him.
I'm going to keep playing the same record because that's what helps me sometimes and if I get on your nerves......just tell me and I'll stop but for now:
So what's the payoff?
You're with a man who recoils from you and refuses to show affection, even the tiniest bit. What are you getting out of staying with him? How is it paying off?
Sex has always been regulated by him..and he says things like ""Im trying to "drain" him??"
He regulates it??
Drain him???
Dear, dear Blue. This man is already drained of any bit of human kindness, of any bit of intimacy, of any real feeling. How is this paying off for you?
It's hurting you.

He's hurting you.
I wonder if i will ever get free
The question is.....why are you staying? (not for me---for you to think about).
You deserve so much more than this!
You deserve to be loved and treated with respect and kindness.
You deserve to be in a relationship with a person who considers your feelings and your needs and your wishes too.
Someone who wants to hold your hand and kiss you and make love with you.
Not some dorph who wants to suck your financially dry and spit you out and then tell everyone that
YOU have problems.
Ok...I hope I didn't offend you here. I really do mean well. I don't like this guy you're with. I don't like the way he treats you. I don't think you deserve to be treated the way he treats you. I don't think anyone deserves that.
If your daughter was with a guy who treated her like this....what would you want for her????
What example are you teaching her about how relationships between a man and a woman should be???