Here's a new one:
My daughter informed me that her father has been granted citizenship in Ireland ("Dad says tomorrow's his first St. Patricks day as an Irish citizen!").

I asked how that happened and she said, he felt like it and filled out all the paperwork. (Oh...says I, not wanting to pry, lest she stop telling me things!)
Is this a narc thing? I am of Irish lineage and so is his new wife (although her folks were right off the boat, so to speak). He has no Irish ancestors. Is it like the fancy car he bought...some kind of label identification? My sister has dual citizenship, but has been living in central america for 25 years, so I understand how that works.....
Is Ireland a great place to hide money or something? Is it easy to do?
As far as I know, he owns no property there (or does he?)
His wife has relatives there....but (anybody is Ireland on this board?)
what on earth is this all about? Did his wife catch him cheating and this is a deal of some kind with her?
Is it just one more weird thing a narc will do to feel special?