Author Topic: Need Advice on Intimacy Issues  (Read 2054 times)


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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« on: March 17, 2005, 09:22:50 PM »
I am so glad I found this site.  It's encouraging reading others' stories. Here's some of my story. I experienced emotional and verbal abuse from the age of 12 to 18. I was 22 the first time I ever told anyone about the abuse and even then I didnt tell them the whole story. Almost every day my father would scream at me and make me feel like nothing. He would call me stupid (even though I made nearly all A's in grade school each semester) and ugly. In fact, he only called me by my real name a handful of times. I was always addressed as __itch, mother f___, whore or some other obsenity. At home, I was neglected, sometimes even denied basic necessities like food. Although this was happening at home, I felt compelled to show the world a happy, carefree face. People at school never suspected what was going on.I went through years of depression, suicidal thoughts, and self-injury.Going away to college and getting away from home helped build up my self-esteem tremendously. I thought I had gotton over my depression and other issues, but now I'm not so sure. Its been 2 years since I graduated from college and I've been noticing some patterns. No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to build any stability anywhere. I'm 24 and I've never dated or had a boyfriend, and I jump from job to job. I've managed to stay at this job I have now for almost a year , but I'm thinking about leaving. Sometimes when someone criticizes me at work, I get defensive because I feel not good enough and it reminds me of my father telling me I was a failure. Also, at this job, everyone else seems to have bonded with one another, but I can't allow myself to get close to them. I never thought I had a problem with intimacy until the same disappointing patterns kept happening over and over again.Although I am now able to talk somewhat about the abuse (although several of my closest friends still do not know), I hate feeling so different from everyone else. Sometimes when I'm at work, all I can think about is how different I am from everyone else because I had to experience these things when I was growing up. Everyone else is living it up, laughing, talking about their boyfriend or girlfriends and the good relations they have with their parents. Sometimes I feel so jealous of them. I have made tremendous steps forward, but I still feel as noone knows my  true self. I put on a mask with mostly everyone I come into contact with.  Sometimes I feel as if the abuse never allowed me to develop a true sense of self. I was seeing a counselor for a while, but stopped seeing her because I didn't think she was helping- I don't know if that's another excuse I made up to avoid closeness or not. But these same things keep happening over and over again. I just wanted to know if any of you have had similiar experiences and how did you get help for it.

bunny as guest

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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2005, 11:44:15 PM »
What a nightmare. Your father is very sick and your mother didn't protect you. I'm so sorry.  :cry:

You know, my coworker at some point revealed to me her nightmare childhood which sounds very similar to yours. You never know who has had a very frightening early experience. You can't tell by looking at them.
The coworker started therapy and I think it really helped her. She couldn't tell the therapist about her father for at least a year. If you stick with therapy (with a good therapist), eventually you will get better. I really believe it. I think it will be a positive experience to have someone not abuse you, and respect you, and listen to you. It will be scary, too. But therapists are trained to deal with people's fears (good ones are).

And keep posting here, we will listen.



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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2005, 11:50:37 PM »
Guest, you are welcome here.  I second bunny's advice.  Find a GOOD therapist who YOU get along with.  They are educated and trained to help you get what you want out of life.  The fact that you believe you can't get what you want in life says a lot.  Anyone put through what you went through would have the same difficulties.  Keep posting and start getting some of the support you need and deserve.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2005, 01:05:20 AM »
Welcome Guest,

I'm so sorry for what you were put through as a child.  I, too had a father who was verbally abusive and criticized my every move.  I am much older than you and it has taken me a long time to realize the impact that has had on my life.  Good for you that you are aware of what it has done to you and that you know you need help recovering from it.

As the others have said, finding a good therapist that you are comfortable with and you can relate to will make all the difference.  Don't give up on therapy just because one therapist didn't help you.  He/she was not the right person for you.  

You will be welcome here and find wonderful people with many helpful perspectives.



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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2005, 09:25:56 AM »
Hello Guest and welcome:

I'm so sorry that you had to endure such rotten behaviour from your father and how his words and behaviour have hurt you so deeply.  No child should have to live through such a thing! :x  :(

I am wondering what your father was like before you turned 12?  Just curious, I guess, because it sounds like the abuse started when you hit puberty?

You have certainly done all you can to prove your father's words wrong.  You are none of the things he called you.  Maybe that is partly why you are having difficulty feeling close to others...a sort of way to prove him wrong?  If you don't form relationships with males you can't possibly become those things he called you, right?

Also the fact that your father, who you should have been able to trust, abused you and so maybe that violation of your trust is causing you to have a hard time trusting others/people in general?  It's hard to feel close to people if you don't trust them.

And the example of what a man is.....that your father set for you.....maybe you're afraid (even subconsciously) that all men turn out like him......after awhile?  So it is easier to avoid such relationships?

I'm glad you found this site and that reading other's stories is helping.  Keep reading and posting.



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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2005, 09:34:22 AM »
Dear guest, Welcome!
Your story "gets my Irish up" as the folks say!  I'm not one for restricting personal choice, but your childhood trauma makes me wish folks had to pass a test to be parents :evil:  Your dad would have failed miserably!
But then, we would have no YOU and from what I can tell, you are pretty amazing.
That you have blossomed into a smart adult who is able to express herself beautifully after such poison soil is truly something great.
I would echo other's sentiments to get into counseling if you haven't already.  Examining your life so that you heal is not easy, but truly the most worthwhile of paths.  Bless you.  You already have come far...


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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2005, 10:07:49 AM »
Dear Guest:

Welcome to this site.  I am very sorry :cry: for all the abuse you went through.  Please keep posting here and as some have pointed out, a good therapist will be very helpful to you.  

Sometimes when we feel we are getting to close, or comfortable with people or situations, the anxiety of others "knowing" who we are is scary because of past betrayals.  It is much safer to "move on" than be intimate.  I have found this to be the case with me.  It it good you recognize those "patterns" and want to do something about them.

Working  through all this will give you the chance to establish the things you want in life.  Patz


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More to My Story
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2005, 02:37:56 PM »
Thanks everyone for all of your sugestions. I have actually registered with this site, but when I go to post, it lists me as guest. I'll have to figure that out. Anyway, I am in the process of looking for a counselor that can help me. One of the saddest parts is that the abuse didn't start until 12, but before then, my father was a very kind person. The story gets very complicated and sounds like something out of a movie of the week or something. My father died when I was 18, in 1999, during the first semester of college. It turns out that he had been living with the AIDS virus and had refused to tell anyone. (That is another story all together)  We only found out after the autopsy. So, imagine the issues I had and still have dealing with the death of someone who abused me. At least it explans I guess, why it started happening, but it doesn't make it any better.


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Need Advice on Intimacy Issues
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2005, 03:03:13 PM »
Hi guest,

I have actually registered with this site, but when I go to post, it lists me as guest.

If I just log in I am listed as a guest also. Try logging in to check your PMs or check your profile. that usually logs you in. I just post as a guest and put my handle in the post, as do a lot of others. One less thing to do. :)
