and his name is not really a**hole (I think that may be Mia's ex's name, though!!!!)
That must have been a very popular name the year they were all born (or hatched) as the case may be.
Or crawled out of the swamp?
...I think we possibly get the odd troll, sometimes the VERY odd troll... having seen the thread that brought Sleepy out of the woods. And it's not impossible that anyone's N associate could stumble across this place and try to guess who some member might be.
But I don't think an N can sustain the pose of health long enough to fool people here significantly. The facade will crack. Something will leak out. They can keep us confused and enthralled in real-space because they can use all the voice and body language tricks and so on. In cyberspace, none of that's available to them.
Not to mention that the healthier & more N-educated we get, the faster we see through them, and they are well aware of being seen through, and can't stand it.
So I'd betcha that any Ns cruising this neighborhood are gonna have a pretty rough time of it.